Star system

LTT 1739︎

Industrial / Extraction
Star type
Class F star Scoopable
71.34 / -84.09 / -7.56
Permit required

 StationFactionEconomyGovernmentAllegiancePadSt dist
Banks RelayLTT 1739 Empire ConsulateMilitaryPatronageEmpire--
Bartlett KeepRoyal Elite of the Grand DukeMilitaryFeudalEmpireL1,564 Ls
Beaumont Hydroponics HoldingsRoyal Elite of the Grand DukeAgricultureFeudalEmpireL1,565 Ls
Caillie HorizonsRoyal Elite of the Grand DukeColonyEmpire--
Celestial Project HubIndependent--
Choo Chemical WorkshopRoyal Elite of the Grand DukeIndustrialFeudalEmpireL2,141 Ls
Clarke PortRoyal Elite of the Grand DukeIndustrial/ExtractionFeudalEmpireL1,564 Ls
Diophantus DockRoyal Elite of the Grand DukeExtraction/IndustrialFeudalEmpireM2,761 Ls
First Control GroupIndependent--
Gamow BaseLegion Of The Black SeaMilitaryPatronageEmpireL2,146 Ls
Golden Hound FarmsIndependent--
Grebinka Chemical WorksRoyal Elite of the Grand DukeIndustrialFeudalEmpireL1,565 Ls
Malyarenko Industrial WorkshopRoyal Elite of the Grand DukeIndustrialFeudalEmpireL1,564 Ls
Nerodych Command GarrisonRoyal Elite of the Grand DukeMilitaryFeudalEmpireM1,563 Ls
Shosuke CampLTT 1739 Empire ConsulateColonyPatronageEmpireL2,146 Ls
Silva Hydroponics FarmRoyal Elite of the Grand DukeAgricultureFeudalEmpireL1,563 Ls
Tian Chemical EnterpriseLTT 1739 Empire ConsulateIndustrialPatronageEmpireM1,564 Ls
Tsybulya ArmamentRoyal Elite of the Grand DukeMilitaryFeudalEmpireL1,565 Ls
Vannier Manufacturing InstallationRoyal Elite of the Grand DukeIndustrialFeudalEmpireM2,137 Ls
WIN-310 Gordon-class HaulerIndependent--
Zillig GatewayRoyal Elite of the Grand DukeIndustrial/ExtractionFeudalEmpireM2,143 Ls