| Adams Market | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 76 Ls |
| Advanced Mathematic Solutions | Nova Paresa | | | Independent | - | - |
| Argelander Prospect | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Azevedo Synthetics Installation | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,851 Ls |
| Banno Reach | Santupik Electronics Commodities | | Corporate | Empire | - | - |
| Barnett Nutrition Enterprise | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,828 Ls |
| Beaumont Cultivations | Eotienses Silver Universal PLC | Agriculture | Corporate | Empire | S | 1,112 Ls |
| Berkey's Inheritance | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Refinery | Patronage | Empire | - | - |
| Bonfils Engineering Exchange | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,147 Ls |
| Bustamante Botanical Enterprise | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,140 Ls |
| Campbell Installation | Santupik Electronics Commodities | Refinery | Corporate | Empire | - | - |
| Chandola's Stockade | Nova Paresa | Military | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,783 Ls |
| Cortes Heights | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,152 Ls |
| Delporte Dock | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Refinery | Patronage | Empire | M | 188 Ls |
| Desmond's Foundry | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,831 Ls |
| Dovbush Entertainment Lodge | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,833 Ls |
| EOT-237 Riker-class Reformatory | G.O.M. Collective | | Corporate | Empire | - | - |
| EOT-995 Bowman-class Researcher | G.O.M. Collective | | Corporate | Empire | - | - |
| Faucher Horticultural Collection | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,133 Ls |
| Fearn Reach + | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Fujii's Serenity | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,837 Ls |
| Gray Settlement | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Colony | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,128 Ls |
| Harada Cultivation Biosphere | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,117 Ls |
| Hlatshwayo's Conservatory | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,122 Ls |
| Huxley Point | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | - | - |
| Interstellar Logistical Research | Nova Paresa | | | Independent | - | - |
| Ivanychuk's Rest | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,122 Ls |
| Karpenko's Transit | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,989 Ls |
| Kaufmanis Port | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Refinery | Patronage | Empire | L | 56 Ls |
| Kaur Synthetics Foundry | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,140 Ls |
| Kohler Resort | 51TH Massilia Corporation | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | L | 1,134 Ls |
| Leiva Agricultural Biosphere | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,104 Ls |
| Lopes's House | Nova Paresa | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,160 Ls |
| MacCurdy Enterprise | Nova Paresa | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,111 Ls |
| Moreau's View | Eotienses Silver Universal PLC | Tourism | Corporate | Empire | L | 1,845 Ls |
| Parkinson Dock | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Refinery/High Tech | Patronage | Empire | L | 41 Ls |
| Peltier Dock | Nova Paresa | Refinery | Patronage | Empire | M | 1,129 Ls |
| Petlyakov City | Nova Paresa | Refinery | Patronage | Empire | M | 1,133 Ls |
| Pittendreigh Prospect | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Pure Software Services | Eotienses Silver Universal PLC | | | Independent | - | - |
| Ritchey Port | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Refinery | Patronage | Empire | M | 1,133 Ls |
| Roe Dock | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Refinery | Patronage | Empire | M | 1,105 Ls |
| Ronis Horticultural Collection | Eotienses Silver Universal PLC | Agriculture | Corporate | Empire | L | 1,131 Ls |
| Rowe's Vice | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,259 Ls |
| Sasaki's Welcome | Eotienses Silver Universal PLC | Tourism | Corporate | Empire | L | 2,057 Ls |
| Schuster Manufacturing Site | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,120 Ls |
| Sharma Engineering Facility | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,790 Ls |
| Stein's Folly | Nova Paresa | Refinery | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,133 Ls |
| Takeda Horticultural Garden | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,833 Ls |
| Tersoo Botanical Site | Eotienses Silver Universal PLC | Agriculture | Corporate | Empire | L | 1,845 Ls |
| Uhm Industrial Productions | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,869 Ls |
| Valdes Chemical Works | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,135 Ls |
| van Royen Survey | Nova Paresa | Military | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,838 Ls |
| Vitale's Fortification | Eotienses Silver Universal PLC | Military | Corporate | Empire | M | 2,754 Ls |
| Westphal Port | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Refinery | Patronage | Empire | L | 12,128 Ls |
| Wilson Vision | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Xiao's Corner | Eotienses Citizens' Forum | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,141 Ls |
| Ancalagon The Black (V5T-79L) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Bain Capitol Flagship (X8N-W7W) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Bucephalus (HNV-0VZ) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Cesium's Carrier (V6B-6XB) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 41 Ls |
| Cika Pera Crib (THV-W8Z) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Cw - Ar7 - Blackbird (V2B-22H) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Et Home (HZG-W3Z) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| FC Leonard Nimoy (H8Q-56L) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 41 Ls |
| FC-74 Fringe Division (QBG-B2J) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Flying circus 0EC 01 (H3X-G9X) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Flying Fiesh (V0K-16K) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 76 Ls |
| Glorious Bastards (V4L-B9M) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| HMS Space Beagle (TFB-N3J) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Hnur (Q8G-1QL) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Hug-A-Pug Services (V6T-NQX) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| I.N.V. Albatross (T9Z-NTW) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 1,689 Ls |
| Lejackdemars (K6W-GKY) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Militum Christi (JFB-05B) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Monero is love (GZN-45N) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| New Dawn (G9M-7VW) | | | | Independent | L | - |
| Nugget Ranch (K7L-B3T) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Paradise (G5W-BQW) | | | | Independent | L | - |
| Rohan (T9Z-15M) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Rosd Baliskner (XLM-8TF) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Spear of sagittarius (XHT-82X) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Tcg Firtina (KHV-7XQ) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| The Butchers Bay Mkii (KFH-1VW) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| The Last Hearth (Q5B-2PZ) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 56 Ls |
| The Pickle Jar (T1Q-BXW) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| The TAUREAN EMPIRE (QBQ-4VG) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| USS Rockwell T Jones (HHK-T8X) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| USS Stingray SS-161 M1 (T3X-2XJ) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Webb's Place (KBV-B4H) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Yulibibomer (VNL-1TL) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| [DSFC] Pioneer (TFX-36T) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |