| Adams' Folly ++ | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | | | Independent | - | - |
| Al-Jazari Prospect | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | | Corporate | Federation | - | - |
| Alarie Point | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,964 Ls |
| Altadonna Chemical Installation | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | S | 2,846 Ls |
| Alvarado Boarding Complex | Values Party of Tama | Tourism | Democracy | Federation | L | 1,479 Ls |
| Amaechi Landing | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Corporate | Federation | - | 399,178 Ls |
| Aniefuna Military Installation | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Corporate | Federation | - | 403,531 Ls |
| Arnold Ring | Values Party of Tama | Industrial/Refinery | Democracy | Federation | M | 401,701 Ls |
| Azevedo Munitions Hold | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 1,519 Ls |
| Bahuguna Industries | Values Party of Tama | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | L | 1,526 Ls |
| Beaufoy Beacon | Values Party of Tama | Colony | Democracy | Federation | - | - |
| Bechard Manufacturing Site | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | M | 1,122 Ls |
| Beekman Depot | Values Party of Tama | Military | Democracy | Federation | - | - |
| Belshaw's Syntheticals | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,139 Ls |
| Bierce's Folly | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Refinery | Confederacy | Federation | L | 401,697 Ls |
| Biobaku Industrial | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | M | 1,534 Ls |
| Bitterlin Industrial Foundry | Values Party of Tama | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | S | 2,846 Ls |
| Blakytny Liberty | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | L | 404,510 Ls |
| Blanchard Manufacturing Depot | Values Party of Tama | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | L | 1,131 Ls |
| Borodavka's Nook | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Tourism | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,958 Ls |
| Borodavka's Passage | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Tourism | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,529 Ls |
| Boulaid's Stockade | Values Party of Tama | Military | Democracy | Federation | L | 404,415 Ls |
| Brandt's Armament | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 2,843 Ls |
| Braun Military Complex | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | L | 404,565 Ls |
| Bruni's Installation | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | L | 2,842 Ls |
| Cameron Prospect | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Refinery | Confederacy | Federation | - | - |
| Cha Engineering Silo | Values Party of Tama | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | S | 1,137 Ls |
| Chakladar Arms Encampment | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Corporate | Federation | - | 1,520 Ls |
| Chakladar's Camp | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 404,406 Ls |
| Chapman Bastion | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 399,178 Ls |
| Davidenko Point | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | L | 404,482 Ls |
| Fischer Military Stockade | Tama Travel PLC | Military | Corporate | Federation | M | 2,846 Ls |
| Fra's Fort | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,525 Ls |
| Friedrich Obligation | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 1,496 Ls |
| Gibbs Synthetics Plant | Values Party of Tama | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | M | 1,531 Ls |
| Grover Manufacturing Plant | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,529 Ls |
| Gutierrez Synthetics Foundry | Tama Travel PLC | Industrial | Corporate | Federation | L | 1,125 Ls |
| Hamilton Prospect | Values Party of Tama | | | Independent | - | - |
| Han's Productions | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | S | 1,124 Ls |
| Hobbs's Prize | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Tourism | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,969 Ls |
| Hope Port | United Tama Defence Force | Industrial/Refinery | Dictatorship | Independent | M | 401,714 Ls |
| Ilsley Defence Outpost | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 403,532 Ls |
| Jelani Defence Installation | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Corporate | Federation | - | 1,528 Ls |
| Jia Tourist Hostel | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Tourism | Confederacy | Federation | L | 2,842 Ls |
| Kafka Arsenal | Values Party of Tama | Military | Democracy | Federation | L | 1,141 Ls |
| Konovalets Defence Base | Values Party of Tama | Military | Democracy | Federation | L | 404,420 Ls |
| Lavigne Service | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | L | 400,004 Ls |
| Lee Engineering Forge | Values Party of Tama | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | L | 1,537 Ls |
| Linnett Manufacturing Workshop | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | S | 2,846 Ls |
| Lunan's Folly | Justice Party of Tama | | | Independent | - | - |
| Makuto's Arsenal | Values Party of Tama | Military | Democracy | Federation | M | 1,125 Ls |
| Margrave Command Garrison | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 400,064 Ls |
| Marsh Encampment | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 403,531 Ls |
| Marsh Horticultural Enterprise | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Agriculture | Confederacy | Federation | L | 401,696 Ls |
| Marsh's Obligation | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,142 Ls |
| Maslo's Stockade | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | S | - |
| Miyamoto's Landing | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 1,958 Ls |
| Murphy Synthetics Complex | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | S | 2,842 Ls |
| Naidu Command Point | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,493 Ls |
| Nakayama Depot | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,523 Ls |
| Navarro Engineering | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,528 Ls |
| Nweke's Fort | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | L | 398,954 Ls |
| Okwo Manufacturing Enterprise | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | S | 1,528 Ls |
| Old Pond Stores | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | | | Independent | - | - |
| Omenuko Military Site | Values Party of Tama | Military | Democracy | Federation | M | 1,503 Ls |
| Onai Chemical Silo | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | S | 1,128 Ls |
| Otanez Defence Site | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 1,958 Ls |
| Owusu Camp | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 1,962 Ls |
| Pavlenko Industrial | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,529 Ls |
| Priest Control | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 1,117 Ls |
| Primary Emigration Authority | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | | | Independent | - | - |
| Principal Energy Administration | Tama Travel PLC | | | Independent | - | - |
| Qi's Barracks | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 1,130 Ls |
| Rodrigues Command Point | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,529 Ls |
| Rodriguez's Armoury | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 403,533 Ls |
| Rozhdestvensky Base | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Rzeppa Station | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial/Refinery | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,191 Ls |
| Shore Honour | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 1,964 Ls |
| Stammers Munitions Hub | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Corporate | Federation | - | 1,964 Ls |
| Takada's Dock | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,533 Ls |
| TAM-571 Bellmarsh-class Reformatory | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Uniyal's Fortification | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 404,081 Ls |
| Vergara Command | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 399,833 Ls |
| Waudby Chemical Base | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | M | 2,846 Ls |
| Yuan Synthetics Moulding | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Industrial | Confederacy | Federation | L | 1,133 Ls |
| Zadzisai Defence Installation | Trident Strategic Intelligence Command | Military | Confederacy | Federation | M | 403,533 Ls |
| [TSIC] Soteria's Watch (K3W-22L) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |