Star system
BD-17 6172︎
Agriculture / Industrial
Star type
Class K star Scoopable
-29.06 / -41.91 / 47.09
Permit required
Station | Faction | Economy | Government | Allegiance | Pad | St dist | |
Alonso Synthetics Assembly | FS 34 Liberals | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | L | 168,914 Ls | |
Altieri's Leisure | FS 34 Liberals | Tourism | Democracy | Federation | L | 170,066 Ls | |
Alvares Settlement | Diamond Frogs | Refinery | Anarchy | Independent | L | 169,934 Ls | |
Baruwal Chemical Site | FS 34 Liberals | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | L | 170,297 Ls | |
BD-17 6172 II Amaethon-class Cropper | Independent | - | - | ||||
Bischoff Keep | FS 34 Liberals | Military | Democracy | Federation | L | 169,254 Ls | |
Blanchet Agricultural Holdings | FS 34 Liberals | Agriculture | Democracy | Federation | L | 169,952 Ls | |
Bruni Manufacturing Site | FS 34 Liberals | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | L | 169,200 Ls | |
Call of The Void (X7V-NHK) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - | |
Cavendish Vision + | FS 34 Liberals | Dictatorship | Empire | - | - | ||
Chabanenko Hydroponics Exchange | FS 34 Liberals | Agriculture | Democracy | Federation | S | 169,952 Ls | |
Charman's Hostel | FS 34 Liberals | Tourism | Democracy | Federation | L | 2,827 Ls | |
Chun Market | Diamond Frogs | Agriculture | Anarchy | Independent | L | 169,294 Ls | |
Churchill Square | FS 34 Liberals | Corporate | Federation | - | 2,823 Ls | ||
Cochrane Gateway | Diamond Frogs | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | M | 169,985 Ls | |
Common Bastion | FS 34 Liberals | Military | Democracy | Federation | - | - | |
Cook Port | Diamond Frogs | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | M | 169,994 Ls | |
Cooperative Chemical Technologies | FS 34 Liberals | Corporate | Federation | - | 356 Ls | ||
Curie Plaza | Diamond Frogs | Anarchy | Independent | - | - | ||
Dembele Synthetics Foundry | FS 34 Liberals | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | M | 170,027 Ls | |
Desikan Horticultural Holdings | BD-17 6172 Independents | Agriculture | Democracy | Independent | L | 169,171 Ls | |
Deslandres Survey | BD-17 6172 Travel Industries | Military | Corporate | Federation | L | 169,961 Ls | |
Deverell Manufacturing Site | FS 34 Liberals | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | L | 170,480 Ls | |
Diabate Chemical Base | BD-17 6172 Travel Industries | Industrial | Corporate | Federation | S | 169,164 Ls | |
Dominique Landing | FS 34 Liberals | Refinery | Democracy | Federation | - | - | |
Dykul Tourist Complex | BD-17 6172 Independents | Tourism | Democracy | Independent | L | 170,293 Ls | |
Dyson Installation | Diamond Frogs | Extraction | Anarchy | Independent | L | 169,226 Ls | |
Farrow Hospitality Site | BD-17 6172 Independents | Tourism | Democracy | Independent | L | 170,379 Ls | |
Fraser Agricultural Collection | BD-17 6172 Independents | Agriculture | Democracy | Independent | L | 170,121 Ls | |
Hawkes Point | Diamond Frogs | Extraction | Anarchy | Independent | - | 97,845 Ls | |
Heck Dock | Diamond Frogs | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | L | 201 Ls | |
Hutchinson Manufacturing Silo | BD-17 6172 Independents | Industrial | Democracy | Independent | S | 170,288 Ls | |
Janifer Prospect | Diamond Frogs | Colony | Anarchy | Independent | - | 97,775 Ls | |
Kary Agricultural Habitat | BD-17 6172 Independents | Agriculture | Democracy | Independent | L | 169,205 Ls | |
Ki Command Garrison | BD-17 6172 Independents | Military | Democracy | Independent | L | 168,586 Ls | |
Ki Industries | Diamond Frogs | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | M | 2,818 Ls | |
Lawhead Prospect | FS 34 Liberals | Refinery | Democracy | Federation | - | - | |
Loboda Cultivation Habitat | BD-17 6172 Independents | Agriculture | Democracy | Independent | S | 169,930 Ls | |
Loncke Terminal | BD-17 6172 Travel Industries | Industrial | Corporate | Federation | M | 170,058 Ls | |
Martin Depot | Diamond Frogs | Refinery | Anarchy | Independent | L | 170,018 Ls | |
Matsui Chemical Exchange | BD-17 6172 Independents | Industrial | Democracy | Independent | S | 169,974 Ls | |
Mazepa Agricultural Base | FS 34 Liberals | Agriculture | Dictatorship | Independent | L | 168,991 Ls | |
Millidge Engineering Site | FS 34 Liberals | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | L | 169,998 Ls | |
Molina Engineering Silo | BD-17 6172 Independents | Industrial | Democracy | Independent | M | 2,820 Ls | |
Motrienko's Works | BD-17 6172 Independents | Industrial | Democracy | Independent | S | 170,214 Ls | |
Mulford Hydroponics Farm | FS 34 Liberals | Agriculture | Democracy | Federation | L | 168,726 Ls | |
New Carbon Extraction | FS 34 Liberals | Democracy | Federation | - | - | ||
Onishi Horticultural Estate | Diamond Frogs | Agriculture | Anarchy | Independent | L | 169,275 Ls | |
Otto Horticultural Biosphere | BD-17 6172 Independents | Agriculture | Democracy | Independent | S | 169,952 Ls | |
Pedder's Falls | BD-17 6172 Independents | Tourism | Democracy | Independent | M | 2,822 Ls | |
Pedder's Works | BD-17 6172 Silver Brothers | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | S | 170,024 Ls | |
Pianzola Manufacturing | FS 34 Liberals | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | L | 169,993 Ls | |
Pollard's Link | Diamond Frogs | Tourism | Anarchy | Independent | M | 169,234 Ls | |
Quantock Synthetics Holdings | BD-17 6172 Independents | Industrial | Democracy | Independent | L | 170,422 Ls | |
Reed Orbital | BD-17 6172 Universal Industry | Industrial | Corporate | Empire | M | 170,034 Ls | |
Ribeiro Synthetics Enterprise | FS 34 Liberals | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | L | 170,353 Ls | |
Roddenberry City | Diamond Frogs | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | L | 465 Ls | |
Rojas's Engineering | FS 34 Liberals | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | L | 2,826 Ls | |
Saliba's Forge | FS 34 Liberals | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | L | 169,988 Ls | |
Schmidt Tourist District | FS 34 Liberals | Tourism | Democracy | Federation | M | 465 Ls | |
Schulz House | BD-17 6172 Independents | Tourism | Corporate | Federation | L | 168,640 Ls | |
Schulz's Forever | FS 34 Liberals | Tourism | Democracy | Federation | M | 168,587 Ls | |
Sengupta Manufacturing Plant | BD-17 6172 Silver Brothers | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | S | 169,297 Ls | |
Sibanda Engineering Exchange | BD-17 6172 Independents | Industrial | Democracy | Independent | M | 170,262 Ls | |
Sibanda Tourist Resort | BD-17 6172 Independents | Tourism | Democracy | Independent | L | 170,009 Ls | |
Smith Landing | FS 34 Liberals | Colony | Democracy | Federation | - | - | |
Tavernier Botanical Plantation | BD-17 6172 Independents | Agriculture | Democracy | Independent | L | 170,068 Ls | |
Vasylyshin Engineering | BD-17 6172 Independents | Industrial | Democracy | Independent | S | 2,820 Ls | |
Vidal Engineering Installation | FS 34 Liberals | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | M | 168,949 Ls | |
X0H-L8F | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - | |
Zhilenko Synthetics Foundry | FS 34 Liberals | Industrial | Democracy | Federation | L | 170,476 Ls |