| Akintola's Sanctuary | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 603 Ls |
| Allard Industrial Base | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,373 Ls |
| Altadonna Depot | Parorans Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,485 Ls |
| Arsenault Industrial Installation | Nationalists of HIP 14973 | Industrial | Dictatorship | Independent | M | 3,510 Ls |
| Bai Botanical Holdings | Parorans Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,725 Ls |
| Bai Excavation Hub | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 34,929 Ls |
| Baibuza Engineering Enterprise | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,727 Ls |
| Bak Botanics | Nationalists of HIP 14973 | Agriculture | Dictatorship | Independent | S | 606 Ls |
| Bak Manufacturing Depot | Parorans Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,493 Ls |
| Barbosa's Voyage | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 39,543 Ls |
| Barrera Chemical Assembly | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,643 Ls |
| Baruti Boarding Site | Parorans Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 606 Ls |
| Basu Hydroponics Facility | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 36,797 Ls |
| Bazin Entertainment District | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 39,539 Ls |
| Beauchamp Cultivation Centre | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 34,925 Ls |
| Biddiscombe Extraction Prospect | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 604 Ls |
| Biswas's Passage | Nationalists of HIP 14973 | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | L | 38,765 Ls |
| Bonetti's Muse | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | M | 2,371 Ls |
| Borde's Bay | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | L | 2,371 Ls |
| Bourne's Berth | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 603 Ls |
| Bullen's Locus | HIP 14973 United Network | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | L | 1,643 Ls |
| Byun Industrial Plant | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 2,371 Ls |
| Cha Manufacturing Plant | HIP 14973 United Network | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 1,724 Ls |
| Cha's Farm | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 3,492 Ls |
| Chakladar Industrial Hub | Parorans Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,485 Ls |
| Chang Industrial Installation | Parorans Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 3,491 Ls |
| Chatterjee Tourism Lodge | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,373 Ls |
| Chatterjee's Rise | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | M | 34,929 Ls |
| Chernenko Hydroponics Nursery | Parorans Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,643 Ls |
| Chevalier Agricultural Site | Nationalists of HIP 14973 | Agriculture | Dictatorship | Independent | S | 1,086 Ls |
| Chung Chemical Depot | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,748 Ls |
| Clarke Drilling Platform | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | S | 34,928 Ls |
| Close Venue | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,727 Ls |
| Constancia Manufacturing Base | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | M | 3,493 Ls |
| Datta Botanical Estate | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,643 Ls |
| Davidenko Manufacturing Workshop | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,371 Ls |
| Davis Spa | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 39,539 Ls |
| Deshmukh's Lodges | Parorans Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 38,763 Ls |
| Deverell Agricultural Range | Parorans Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,725 Ls |
| Dhawan's Biome | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 626 Ls |
| Dibrova's Farm | HIP 14973 United Network | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 603 Ls |
| Doshi Industrial Facility | Parorans Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,492 Ls |
| Dubois Mining Rigs | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | S | 34,928 Ls |
| Eadon Industrial Foundry | HIP 14973 United Network | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 3,490 Ls |
| Ecumenical Reflection Satellite | Coffin Dodgers Inc. | | | Independent | - | - |
| Elder Installation | Parorans Patrons of Law | Colony | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,377 Ls |
| Etienam Dredging Hub | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,370 Ls |
| Falade Hydroponics Garden | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 626 Ls |
| Farr's Haven | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,490 Ls |
| Fuentes's Anvil | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | M | 2,370 Ls |
| Garnier Excavation Facility | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 34,928 Ls |
| Geum Leisure District | Parorans Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,724 Ls |
| Goh Synthetics Installation | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 3,492 Ls |
| Golden Trees Health Club | Parorans Patrons of Law | | | Independent | - | - |
| Gowers Agricultural | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 34,928 Ls |
| Gowers Boarding Complex | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,360 Ls |
| Gowers Horticultural Garden | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 34,929 Ls |
| Hartmann Synthetics Facility | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 626 Ls |
| Heck's Claim | Coffin Dodgers Inc. | Colony | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,360 Ls |
| Herrmann Prospecting Station | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,643 Ls |
| HIP 14973 I Sanchez-class Researcher | | | | Independent | - | - |
| HIP 14973 II Sanchez-class Researcher | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Hirano Horticultural Site | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 1,725 Ls |
| Hogan Industrial Plant | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 34,925 Ls |
| Holloway Excavation Platform | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,360 Ls |
| Hughes Horticultural Holdings | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 34,928 Ls |
| Hyeon Mineralogic Exchange | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | S | 603 Ls |
| Igwe Horticultural Garden | Parorans Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 603 Ls |
| Ikeda Engineering Facility | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 1,643 Ls |
| Jae Excavation Site | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | L | 2,381 Ls |
| Juarez's Stockade | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Military | Patronage | Empire | M | 1,723 Ls |
| Kay Synthetics Complex | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 606 Ls |
| Ki Manufacturing Plant | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 3,491 Ls |
| Kimura's Club | Parorans Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | M | 2,373 Ls |
| Kohler Industrial Works | HIP 14973 United Network | Industrial | Dictatorship | Independent | L | 3,510 Ls |
| Konig Engineering Complex | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,493 Ls |
| Kotsuba Manufacturing Forge | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 602 Ls |
| Lavoie Prospecting Enterprise | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | S | 627 Ls |
| Lawler Agricultural Plantation | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,643 Ls |
| Leighton Synthetics | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | M | 1,643 Ls |
| Long's Abode | Parorans Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 39,540 Ls |
| Lugun Chemical Plant | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | M | 2,373 Ls |
| Macleod Hydroponics Nursery | Parorans Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,086 Ls |
| Madan Depot | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,370 Ls |
| Mahama Chemical Foundry | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,086 Ls |
| Maiboroda Hydroponics Biosphere | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,086 Ls |
| Maji's Crest | Parorans Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,644 Ls |
| Malakar Manufacturing Forge | Parorans Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,373 Ls |
| Mangal's Works | Parorans Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,360 Ls |
| Matisse Foundation | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | | | Independent | - | - |
| Matsuda Botanical Market | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,373 Ls |
| McCabe's Link | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | M | 2,373 Ls |
| McDarsh Industrial Foundry | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 34,929 Ls |
| Mellors Cultivation Enterprise | HIP 14973 Purple Ring | Agriculture | Anarchy | Independent | S | 2,381 Ls |
| Mendoza Mineralogic Installation | Parorans Patrons of Law | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,727 Ls |
| Min's Eden | HIP 14973 United Network | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | M | 3,510 Ls |
| Mohanty Drilling Exploration | Parorans Patrons of Law | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,643 Ls |
| Moller Excavation Platform | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 34,929 Ls |
| Moloi Botanical Hub | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,724 Ls |
| Moore Keep ++ | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | | | Independent | - | - |
| Mordovski's Bay | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,493 Ls |
| Moreau Industrial Enterprise | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,510 Ls |
| Morelli Synthetics Moulding | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 1,643 Ls |
| Muramatsu City | Coffin Dodgers Inc. | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 36,611 Ls |
| Nakagawa Dredging Site | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,360 Ls |
| Nakayama Engineering Facility | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Industrial | Dictatorship | Independent | L | 1,727 Ls |
| Nalyvaiko Botanical Exchange | HIP 14973 United Network | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 34,929 Ls |
| Naudiyal's House | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | L | 1,643 Ls |
| Ndiaye Tourist District | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | M | 3,485 Ls |
| Newton Industrial Installation | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,727 Ls |
| Nguesso Industrial Creations | Parorans Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 3,493 Ls |
| Nwadike Synthetics Installation | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,493 Ls |
| Okoro Horticultural Holding | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,373 Ls |
| Okoro Hydroponics Hub | Parorans Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,373 Ls |
| Olanrewaju Mining Territory | HIP 14973 United Network | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | L | 2,370 Ls |
| Osnovianenko Defence Enterprise | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Military | Patronage | Empire | M | 626 Ls |
| Oyawale Agricultural Complex | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,086 Ls |
| Oyinlola Agricultural Complex | HIP 14973 United Network | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 1,643 Ls |
| Paczynski's Progress | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Panchenko's Reception | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | M | 39,539 Ls |
| Pidkova Hydroponics Biome | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 34,925 Ls |
| Piramal Horticultural Biosphere | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,370 Ls |
| Poroshenko Manufacturing Installation | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 1,756 Ls |
| Powell's Harmony | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | M | 39,540 Ls |
| Powter's Steal | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,491 Ls |
| Pozandr Cultivation Facility | Parorans Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,372 Ls |
| Ptaszynski Cultivation Estate | Nationalists of HIP 14973 | Agriculture | Dictatorship | Independent | S | 1,727 Ls |
| Quandt Industrial Enterprise | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,485 Ls |
| Quantock Agricultural Range | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,371 Ls |
| Rah Horticultural Biome | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,727 Ls |
| Ratcliffe Industrial Creations | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 34,928 Ls |
| Ren Botanical Centre | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,373 Ls |
| Riches Industrial Works | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,373 Ls |
| Rivera's Peace | HIP 14973 United Network | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | M | 1,643 Ls |
| Rodrigues Manufacturing Forge | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | M | 603 Ls |
| Ruiz Manufacturing Silo | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,723 Ls |
| Sangweni Hydroponics Holdings | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 34,929 Ls |
| Sangweni Manufacturing Enterprise | HIP 14973 United Network | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 2,371 Ls |
| Sano's Fortification | Nationalists of HIP 14973 | Military | Dictatorship | Independent | M | 626 Ls |
| Sarpong Link | Parorans Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,086 Ls |
| Sastry Industries | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 2,360 Ls |
| Schaeffer Synthetics Facility | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 34,929 Ls |
| Schneider Mineralogic Installation | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | L | 2,373 Ls |
| Scholtz Boarding Hostel | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,493 Ls |
| Schreiber Nutrition Site | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 604 Ls |
| Schwarzschild Terminal | HIP 14973 United Network | Extraction/Industrial | Corporate | Independent | M | 143 Ls |
| Shao's Sanctuary | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 34,925 Ls |
| Sherlock Chemical Assembly | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 1,643 Ls |
| Sherlock Excavation Platform | Parorans Patrons of Law | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,360 Ls |
| Shin Horticultural Biome | Parorans Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,371 Ls |
| Silver Wood Health Service | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | | | Independent | - | - |
| Staff Agricultural Holdings | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,373 Ls |
| Stammers Chemical Depot | Parorans Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 3,458 Ls |
| Sudworth Beacon +++ | Parorans Patrons of Law | | | Independent | - | - |
| Sugano City | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 1,105 Ls |
| Taylor Hydroponics Hub | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 627 Ls |
| Techno's Lot | Nationalists of HIP 14973 | Tourism | Dictatorship | Independent | L | 34,928 Ls |
| Thome Terminal | Coffin Dodgers Inc. | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 626 Ls |
| Thorn Chemical Depot | Nationalists of HIP 14973 | Industrial | Dictatorship | Independent | L | 3,492 Ls |
| Tolmie Chemical Foundry | Parorans Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 3,458 Ls |
| Torres Botanical Plantation | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 34,929 Ls |
| Turay Chemical Facility | Parorans Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 34,928 Ls |
| Umburter Horticultural Nursery | Parorans Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 36,797 Ls |
| Uutoni Cultivation Market | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 34,925 Ls |
| Uutoni Mineralogic Facility | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,643 Ls |
| Villalba Industrial Plant | HIP 14973 Advanced Group | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 1,723 Ls |
| Walotsky Gateway | Parorans Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | M | 36,421 Ls |
| Walter's Venue | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | M | 2,360 Ls |
| Wan Manufacturing Forge | HIP 14973 United Network | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 1,643 Ls |
| Watanabe Industrial Moulding | Parorans Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,723 Ls |
| Whittaker Industrial Moulding | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 34,928 Ls |
| Wilkinson Chemical Plant | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 34,925 Ls |
| Williams Installation | Parorans Patrons of Law | Military | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,381 Ls |
| Won's Conservatory | Parorans Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,725 Ls |
| Yook's House | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | M | 38,771 Ls |
| Zelenko Agricultural Enterprise | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,492 Ls |
| Zivai's Rest | HIP 14973 Patrons of Law | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 3,492 Ls |
| Liveware Problem (V5Y-NVX) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Llv - Chimaera (B7J-THZ) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| The Pathfinder (T3B-8XK) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |