| Anosike Mining Hub | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | L | 303,135 Ls |
| Aoki Metallurgic Hub | Nebula Goat Appreciation Society | Extraction | Democracy | Independent | S | 303,771 Ls |
| Arai Synthetics Installation | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | M | 306,177 Ls |
| Awolowo Dredging Hub | Ryder Revolutionary Party | Extraction | Communism | Independent | S | 300,223 Ls |
| Baldock Drilling Exploration | Operation Ida | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | S | 300,110 Ls |
| Bassett Arms Stockade | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Military | Cooperative | Independent | M | 303,091 Ls |
| Bawa Biochemical Lab | Hagglebeard's Heroes | High Tech | Cooperative | Independent | S | 306,191 Ls |
| Beauchamp Resolve | Anti Xeno Initiative | Military | Patronage | Independent | M | 303,110 Ls |
| Bedi's Pearl | Nebula Goat Appreciation Society | Tourism | Democracy | Independent | M | 302,972 Ls |
| Bengrina Chemical Base | Anti Xeno Initiative | Industrial | Patronage | Independent | L | 306,181 Ls |
| Blaes Genetics Laboratory | Anti Xeno Initiative | High Tech | Patronage | Independent | S | 298,583 Ls |
| Bogacki Mining Enterprise | Nebula Goat Appreciation Society | Extraction | Democracy | Independent | S | 303,951 Ls |
| Borde Extraction Facility | The Pioneer's Cooperative | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | M | 298,418 Ls |
| Bruno Visitor Zone | Anti Xeno Initiative | Tourism | Patronage | Independent | M | 299,311 Ls |
| Clifford Deposits | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | L | 303,049 Ls |
| Close Prospecting Facility | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | M | 303,771 Ls |
| Craig Genetics Installation | Hagglebeard's Heroes | High Tech | Cooperative | Independent | S | 300,231 Ls |
| Craig Mineralogic Reserve | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | S | 298,451 Ls |
| Daramy Tourist Lodge | Anti Xeno Initiative | Tourism | Patronage | Independent | L | 298,241 Ls |
| Darnielle's Progress | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction/Refinery | Patronage | Independent | L | 634 Ls |
| Desjardins Chemical Depot | Anti Xeno Initiative | Industrial | Patronage | Independent | S | 298,190 Ls |
| Dias's Biochemicals | Hagglebeard's Heroes | High Tech | Cooperative | Independent | S | 306,125 Ls |
| Dickinson Prospecting Site | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Extraction | Democracy | Independent | S | 300,223 Ls |
| Dubey Extraction Exchange | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | S | 306,482 Ls |
| Dyachenko Deposits | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | S | 300,095 Ls |
| Dynamo Command Base | Anti Xeno Initiative | Military | Patronage | Independent | M | 306,116 Ls |
| Edwards Research Facility | Nebula Goat Appreciation Society | High Tech | Democracy | Independent | L | 306,157 Ls |
| Fellows Industrial Base | Anti Xeno Initiative | Industrial | Patronage | Independent | S | 299,311 Ls |
| Fernandes Tourist District | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | M | 304,027 Ls |
| Fra Drilling Platform | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | S | 300,185 Ls |
| Fujimoto Mining Station | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | M | 298,211 Ls |
| Gavrylyuk Drilling Exchange | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | M | 306,164 Ls |
| Giuliani Mineralogic Facility | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | M | 306,156 Ls |
| Gokhale Biochemical Enterprise | Nebula Goat Appreciation Society | High Tech | Democracy | Independent | S | 306,143 Ls |
| Grebinka Industrial Exchange | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 300,230 Ls |
| Gunther Research Lab | Hagglebeard's Heroes | High Tech | Cooperative | Independent | S | 303,640 Ls |
| Gupta Manufacturing Depot | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 299,311 Ls |
| Hayashi Astrophysics Installation | Hagglebeard's Heroes | High Tech | Cooperative | Independent | S | 303,173 Ls |
| Heinrich's Manufacturings | Anti Xeno Initiative | Industrial | Patronage | Independent | L | 298,324 Ls |
| Horsman Synthetics Plant | Nebula Goat Appreciation Society | Industrial | Democracy | Independent | L | 302,968 Ls |
| Howarth's Humility | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | M | 300,055 Ls |
| Ikeda Biochemical Centre | Anti Xeno Initiative | High Tech | Patronage | Independent | S | 306,302 Ls |
| Ilsley Metallurgic Exploration | Nebula Goat Appreciation Society | Extraction | Democracy | Independent | M | 298,352 Ls |
| Ivanychuk Chemical Plant | Nebula Goat Appreciation Society | Industrial | Democracy | Independent | S | 298,332 Ls |
| Jawara's Quarry | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | M | 298,226 Ls |
| Jayashankar Defence Facility | Anti Xeno Initiative | Military | Patronage | Independent | L | 298,256 Ls |
| Joo Engineering | Nebula Goat Appreciation Society | Industrial | Democracy | Independent | S | 303,433 Ls |
| Joshi Astrophysics Lab | The Pioneer's Cooperative | High Tech | Cooperative | Independent | S | 303,097 Ls |
| Kenyatta Metallurgic Reserve | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | S | 298,838 Ls |
| Koroma Mining Site | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | M | 299,137 Ls |
| Leighton Drilling Exploration | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | S | 300,231 Ls |
| Lima Expedition | Nebula Goat Appreciation Society | Military | Democracy | Independent | L | 306,117 Ls |
| Linnett Metallurgic Complex | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | M | 298,208 Ls |
| Ma Drilling Platform | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | M | 303,140 Ls |
| Maia Point | Anti Xeno Initiative | Refinery/Extraction | Patronage | Independent | L | 634 Ls |
| Martinez Mining Station | The Ant Hill Mob | Extraction | Anarchy | Independent | L | 306,118 Ls |
| Matsumoto Dredging Complex | Nebula Goat Appreciation Society | Extraction | Democracy | Independent | S | 303,357 Ls |
| Mazumder Biological Assembly | Hagglebeard's Heroes | High Tech | Cooperative | Independent | S | 303,775 Ls |
| Mellier's Camp | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Military | Cooperative | Independent | M | 299,978 Ls |
| Miura's Horizon | Anti Xeno Initiative | Tourism | Patronage | Independent | L | 303,063 Ls |
| Moni's Hub | Nebula Goat Appreciation Society | Industrial | Democracy | Independent | M | 1,139 Ls |
| Navarrete Boarding Complex | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | M | 304,102 Ls |
| Obsidian Orbital | Anti Xeno Initiative | High Tech | Patronage | Independent | L | 635 Ls |
| Orakpo Entertainment District | Anti Xeno Initiative | Tourism | Patronage | Independent | M | 303,101 Ls |
| Owor Mineralogic Platform | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | L | 298,928 Ls |
| Owusu Biochemical Lab | Anti Xeno Initiative | High Tech | Patronage | Independent | S | 303,011 Ls |
| Palin Research Centre | Professor Palin | Colony | Engineer | Independent | L | 1,140 Ls |
| Panchenko Mineralogic Reserve | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | S | 298,568 Ls |
| Paterson's Constructions | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 300,223 Ls |
| Pavlou Keep | The Ant Hill Mob | Military | Anarchy | Independent | - | 301,255 Ls |
| Petlura's Hostel | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | M | 306,254 Ls |
| Pianzola Industrial Complex | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 306,235 Ls |
| Powell Deposits | Ryder Revolutionary Party | Extraction | Communism | Independent | S | 300,231 Ls |
| Powell's Club | Anti Xeno Initiative | Tourism | Patronage | Independent | L | 306,302 Ls |
| Rhee Excavation Site | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | S | 299,001 Ls |
| Rocha Prospecting Base | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | M | 298,780 Ls |
| Roh Prospecting Station | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | S | 300,179 Ls |
| Saccone Dredging Site | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | S | 306,225 Ls |
| Saccone Military Complex | Nebula Goat Appreciation Society | Military | Democracy | Independent | M | 298,367 Ls |
| Saez Excavation Base | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | L | 298,285 Ls |
| Saez Military Hub | Anti Xeno Initiative | Military | Patronage | Independent | M | 298,335 Ls |
| Sanchez Class Science Vessel SAM-197 | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Schubert Lodges | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | M | 299,951 Ls |
| Scott's Find | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | S | 298,793 Ls |
| Shimizu Biological Centre | Hagglebeard's Heroes | High Tech | Cooperative | Independent | S | 303,307 Ls |
| Soria Biological Installation | Anti Xeno Initiative | High Tech | Patronage | Independent | L | 2,612 Ls |
| Suk Military Fort | Anti Xeno Initiative | Military | Patronage | Independent | M | 300,075 Ls |
| Sung Biological Laboratory | Hagglebeard's Heroes | High Tech | Cooperative | Independent | S | 304,097 Ls |
| Takeuchi Chemical Enterprise | Anti Xeno Initiative | Industrial | Patronage | Independent | S | 298,282 Ls |
| Tarasenko's Voyage | Hagglebeard's Heroes | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | M | 306,151 Ls |
| Ultimate Mobile Guard Bureau | Hagglebeard's Heroes | | | Independent | - | 2,726 Ls |
| Villalba Extraction Hub | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | M | 303,137 Ls |
| Watson Research | Hagglebeard's Heroes | High Tech | Cooperative | Independent | S | 306,330 Ls |
| Woods's Biochemicals | Anti Xeno Initiative | High Tech | Patronage | Independent | S | 300,182 Ls |
| Xie Analytics Site | Hagglebeard's Heroes | High Tech | Cooperative | Independent | S | 302,961 Ls |
| Yim Fort | Anti Xeno Initiative | Military | Patronage | Independent | M | 299,006 Ls |
| Zabuzhko's Voyage | Anti Xeno Initiative | Tourism | Patronage | Independent | M | 306,518 Ls |
| Ziegler Mineralogic Exchange | Anti Xeno Initiative | Extraction | Patronage | Independent | M | 298,345 Ls |
| G3F-6QQ | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| GHK-93T | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| "Graf Zeppelin" (KBQ-T2G) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| <:::NEGICALIBUR:::]==O (JLJ-9VJ) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| abyssus edax II (T9N-T1N) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 131 Ls |
| Aelita (KNT-T9K) | | | | Independent | L | - |
| Alara (T8Q-4TM) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 632 Ls |
| Ankh-morpork (QBL-T3L) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Arrakis (KLY-84V) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| bili*bili (QZT-WKY) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 637 Ls |
| Brave Berta (KHY-60K) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| CRV Graviton (V0Z-42G) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Deep Explorer (K9X-G6Y) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 1,279 Ls |
| Deep Space Carrier 9 (T5Q-B3V) | | | | Independent | L | - |
| Diamond Soul (Q1N-T3N) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Galaxian (H7Z-T8F) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Hadel (KBB-03Q) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 1,149 Ls |
| Hangar 18 (K4T-80F) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Hestia's Hearth (H6G-T7N) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| I buy 800K metaalloys (V4M-75L) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Ied One Winged Angel (PZX-08X) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Interstellar (QBH-87V) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 131 Ls |
| Jaydoc One (VNH-B2Z) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Lightbringer (K3M-WTH) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 131 Ls |
| LLV Borealis (HFJ-G1X) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 301,006 Ls |
| Logistica (H1G-52N) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Lvlxdd (HLW-36X) | | | | Independent | L | - |
| MCs HINTERTHÜR (K8K-93N) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 636 Ls |
| Mimir (T5Z-5QB) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 1,137 Ls |
| Moha (GFF-L2Z) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 36 Ls |
| Nagatoro (V7W-2XB) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Nighthawk (X3Y-W1J) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Outlaw Interchange (V6W-37Y) | | | | Independent | L | - |
| P******************s (T9T-G4X) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Parris Island (V5B-6XW) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 636 Ls |
| Pasture (K6Y-99M) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| pequod (V2G-G4L) | | | | Independent | L | - |
| Pooh's Corner (KNK-TXT) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 636 Ls |
| qeqoqeq (TBH-65N) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| quaternion (K8F-76Y) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| S.S. Archimedes (H3T-40M) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 298,354 Ls |
| Sack Of Goodies Mk69 (QBX-15T) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Silly Polar Bear (KFZ-T9G) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Sivis Pacem Parabellum (Q3Y-8QT) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| SNp-x Shouko nishimiya (KLZ-9KW) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Tetravaal (JLF-83L) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Tgs Hawkwind 1973 (JNX-WKH) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| The Afterlife (HFL-T1H) | | | | Independent | L | - |
| The Furry Hamster (T1F-7QW) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| The Spirit Tree (H3Y-LXN) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 131 Ls |
| Tmk-Zed 01 (K8K-01Q) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Tsfh - Impossible (K5W-WHJ) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Villeneuve's Revenge (X6G-4KX) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Whar Never Changes (JNX-3QX) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| Yamato-Gata Senkan (W0W-7HZ) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |
| [ANGL] Hiryu (Y4K-48Z) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 637 Ls |
| [Axi Fob] The Astras (KLM-0SZ) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 131 Ls |
| [AXI] Silent Phantom (XFK-02X) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 1,143 Ls |
| \/---- Alpha ----\/ (H0Y-L1T) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 635 Ls |