Star system

Lei Bei︎

Refinery / Agriculture
Star type
Class M star Scoopable
110.78 / 19.34 / -58.84
Permit required

 StationFactionEconomyGovernmentAllegiancePadSt dist
Beck's StockadeRyders of the VoidMilitaryFeudalIndependentS486 Ls
Blue Spiral IndustriesAnarchyIndependent--
Bond Works +AnarchyIndependent-446 Ls
Burrows Botanical GardenRevolutionary Lei Bei ResistanceAgricultureDemocracyFederationL397 Ls
Carvalho Manufacturing DepotRyders of the VoidIndustrialFeudalIndependentL486 Ls
Collins MedicalLei Bei Silver Legal CorporationHigh TechCorporateIndependentS419 Ls
Croft Nutrition CentreRyders of the VoidAgricultureFeudalIndependentL424 Ls
Desai Cultivation BiomeRyders of the VoidAgricultureFeudalIndependentS426 Ls
Francisco de Almeida ProspectRyders of the VoidRefineryFeudalIndependent-474 Ls
Jia Astrophysics SiteRyders of the VoidHigh TechFeudalIndependentS1,940 Ls
Land PlantRyders of the VoidRefineryFeudalIndependent-447 Ls
Leckey Tourism ZoneRyders of the VoidTourismFeudalIndependentM486 Ls
Li Nutrition NurseryRyders of the VoidAgricultureFeudalIndependentS418 Ls
Lusmore NutritionalRyders of the VoidAgricultureFeudalIndependentL412 Ls
Makubuya Nutrition NurseryRyders of the VoidAgricultureFeudalIndependentL418 Ls
Moursi's EdgeLei Bei Silver Legal CorporationTourismCorporateIndependentL2,184 Ls
Mushket Cultivation HoldingRevolutionary Lei Bei ResistanceAgricultureDemocracyFederationS447 Ls
Nalyvaiko's GardenRyders of the VoidAgricultureFeudalIndependentS485 Ls
Noguchi Astrophysics FacilityRyders of the VoidHigh TechFeudalIndependentS418 Ls
Norgay DepotAnarchyIndependent-467 Ls
Olivares's ConservatoryRyders of the VoidAgricultureFeudalIndependentS469 Ls
Pan's BiologicalLei Bei Silver Legal CorporationHigh TechCorporateIndependentL462 Ls
Poulton's CastingsMarquis du Lei BeiIndustrialFeudalIndependentS418 Ls
Sahaidachny Botanical MarketRyders of the VoidAgricultureFeudalIndependentS469 Ls
Sankoh Biological AssemblyRyders of the VoidHigh TechFeudalIndependentS426 Ls
Shibata NutritionalLei Bei United CommoditiesIndependent--
Sinclair PortRyders of the VoidExtraction/RefineryFeudalIndependentM426 Ls
Turay Horticultural BaseRyders of the VoidAgricultureFeudalIndependentL462 Ls
Walz SurveyRyders of the VoidExtraction/RefineryFeudalIndependentM440 Ls
Wilder's InheritanceRyders of the VoidRefineryFeudalIndependentL470 Ls
Zoungrana GenomicsRyders of the VoidHigh TechFeudalIndependentS486 Ls