| Alpha Ring Construction | | | Anarchy | Independent | - | 4,787 Ls |
| Arnold Horticultural Base | d Scorpii Blue Mafia | Agriculture | Anarchy | Independent | S | 512,766 Ls |
| Auclair's Link | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Tourism | Corporate | Federation | L | 514,091 Ls |
| Belshaw Nutrition Holdings | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 514,716 Ls |
| Berger Nutrition Habitat | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Agriculture | Corporate | Federation | L | 514,089 Ls |
| Broutsos Nutrition Site | United Coalition of Boonta | Agriculture | Communism | Independent | S | 512,759 Ls |
| Brown Manufacturing Facility | United Coalition of Boonta | Industrial | Communism | Independent | L | 514,716 Ls |
| Burrows Manufacturing Installation | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 512,766 Ls |
| Busch Mineralogic Site | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | M | 514,143 Ls |
| Bustos's Quarry | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | L | 514,716 Ls |
| Carrizo Hydroponics Enterprise | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Agriculture | Corporate | Federation | S | 512,766 Ls |
| Cavalcante Horticultural Biosphere | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 514,091 Ls |
| Cavendish Relay | HIP 80242 Blue Universal Serv | Colony | Corporate | Independent | L | 513,994 Ls |
| Chakladar Construction | d Scorpii Union | Industrial | Communism | Independent | L | 514,212 Ls |
| Charbonnier Drilling Territory | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,759 Ls |
| Choi Manufacturing Facility | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | M | 512,774 Ls |
| Cisse Extraction Hub | | | | Independent | S | - |
| Clifford Industrial Complex | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Industrial | Corporate | Federation | S | 512,753 Ls |
| D SCORPII Henry-class Hauler | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Davidenko Metallurgic Reserve | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | S | 512,766 Ls |
| Desai's Constructions | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 514,713 Ls |
| Dhar's Harmony | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,753 Ls |
| Einstein Heights | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | | | Independent | - | 4,781 Ls |
| Ele Synthetics Depot | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 510,913 Ls |
| Esme Botanical Plantation | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 514,088 Ls |
| Ferreira's Obligation | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Military | Corporate | Independent | M | 514,143 Ls |
| Flores Industrial Complex | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,774 Ls |
| Flores's Conservatory | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,766 Ls |
| Fra Hydroponics Biosphere | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,774 Ls |
| Fra Hydroponics Collection | United Coalition of Boonta | Agriculture | Communism | Independent | L | 512,767 Ls |
| Franko Synthetics Assembly | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 514,143 Ls |
| Giudice Tourism Hostel | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | L | 513,703 Ls |
| Gluschenko Excavation Enterprise | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | M | 512,767 Ls |
| Gonchar's Foundry | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,738 Ls |
| Graf Plantations | HIP 80242 Blue Universal Serv | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,738 Ls |
| Gutierrez Chemical Installation | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 514,088 Ls |
| Gwon's Passage | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | L | 514,713 Ls |
| Haldar Mineralogic Station | United Coalition of Boonta | Extraction | Communism | Independent | M | 514,089 Ls |
| Hawkins Horticultural Habitat | HIP 80242 Blue Universal Serv | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 512,759 Ls |
| Hawkins's Garden | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 514,713 Ls |
| Herraez Cultivation Market | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 514,097 Ls |
| Hicks Horticultural Enterprise | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 512,759 Ls |
| Hlatshwayo Agricultural Exchange | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 510,913 Ls |
| Hou Hydroponics Biome | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,774 Ls |
| Iglesias Botanical Base | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Agriculture | Corporate | Federation | L | 510,913 Ls |
| Iyengar Synthetics Assembly | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 514,713 Ls |
| Izdryk Hydroponics Facility | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 514,142 Ls |
| Johnson's Castings | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,766 Ls |
| Joint Chemical Scientific | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | | | Independent | - | 512,786 Ls |
| Joshi Agricultural | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 512,738 Ls |
| Keller's Harmony | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Tourism | Corporate | Federation | L | 514,143 Ls |
| Kisekka's Engineering | HIP 80242 Blue Universal Serv | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 514,088 Ls |
| Kobayashi Chemical Productions | United Coalition of Boonta | Industrial | Communism | Independent | S | 512,753 Ls |
| Korolenko Hydroponics Nursery | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 514,713 Ls |
| Kosiy Metallurgic Exploration | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Extraction | Corporate | Federation | S | 514,143 Ls |
| Kryyst Mineralogic Exchange | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | S | 514,091 Ls |
| Kube-McDowell Prospect | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Colony | Corporate | Federation | - | 513,809 Ls |
| Kwon Industrial Creations | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Industrial | Corporate | Federation | L | 514,713 Ls |
| Lacek Hydroponics Base | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,774 Ls |
| Laghari Leisure Complex | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | M | 514,716 Ls |
| Loeffler's Anchor | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,737 Ls |
| Mani Cultivation Biome | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 514,097 Ls |
| Maslo Cultivation Centre | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,753 Ls |
| McGuire's Reception | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Tourism | Corporate | Federation | L | 514,089 Ls |
| Mori Horticultural Holdings | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 510,884 Ls |
| Motrienko Cultivation Garden | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,738 Ls |
| Mukherjee Nutrition Holdings | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Agriculture | Corporate | Federation | L | 514,088 Ls |
| Navarrete Drilling Territory | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | S | 514,097 Ls |
| Navarrete Nutrition Habitat | United Coalition of Boonta | Agriculture | Communism | Independent | S | 514,716 Ls |
| Nishimura's Plantation | Nationals of d Scorpii | Agriculture | Dictatorship | Independent | - | 510,914 Ls |
| Orlay Horticultural Site | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Agriculture | Corporate | Federation | S | 514,713 Ls |
| Orlay's Farm | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,753 Ls |
| Ota Synthetics | HIP 80242 Blue Universal Serv | Industrial | Dictatorship | Independent | L | 514,142 Ls |
| Otanez Minerology | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,753 Ls |
| Otueome's Hostel | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | M | 512,774 Ls |
| Pak Cultivation Holdings | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,753 Ls |
| Palma's Falls | United Coalition of Boonta | Tourism | Communism | Independent | M | 514,088 Ls |
| Panchenko's Folly | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | M | 510,914 Ls |
| Pavluk Industrial Silo | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 514,143 Ls |
| Peirce Prospect +++ | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | | | Independent | - | 510,114 Ls |
| Pohl's Forge | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 510,914 Ls |
| Powell Botanical Hub | d Scorpii Union | Agriculture | Communism | Independent | L | 514,716 Ls |
| Priest Hydroponics Range | d Scorpii Union | Agriculture | Communism | Independent | L | 514,143 Ls |
| Rahman's Gate | United Coalition of Boonta | Tourism | Communism | Independent | M | 512,767 Ls |
| Ratcliffe Synthetics Holdings | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,759 Ls |
| Rodriguez Synthetics Moulding | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Industrial | Corporate | Federation | L | 514,089 Ls |
| Rowe Manufacturing Depot | HIP 80242 Blue Universal Serv | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,738 Ls |
| Schneider Manufacturing Complex | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Industrial | Corporate | Federation | L | 512,774 Ls |
| Scholtz's Eden | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | M | 512,759 Ls |
| Schulz Horticultural Hub | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 512,767 Ls |
| Schuster Botanical Biosphere | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 512,737 Ls |
| Stott Cultivation Enterprise | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 512,767 Ls |
| Tapinas Beacon | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Colony | Corporate | Federation | - | 510,117 Ls |
| Tapinas Enterprise | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Extraction/Industrial | Corporate | Independent | M | 443 Ls |
| Tarasenko Synthetics | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Industrial | Corporate | Federation | S | 512,767 Ls |
| Thomas Botanical Facility | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Agriculture | Corporate | Federation | S | 510,914 Ls |
| Townshend Bastion | HIP 80242 Blue Universal Serv | Military | Corporate | Independent | L | 513,980 Ls |
| Tremblay Engineering Facility | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | M | 514,143 Ls |
| Valentino Botanical Plantation | d Scorpii Union | Agriculture | Communism | Independent | L | 514,713 Ls |
| Valentino's Burrow | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | L | 514,142 Ls |
| Vasquez de Coronado Hub | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 2,708 Ls |
| Vergara Cultivation Nursery | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 514,089 Ls |
| Vytrebenko Hydroponics Garden | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 510,914 Ls |
| Wallace Landing | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Refinery | Corporate | Federation | - | 329 Ls |
| Ware Cultivation Site | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Agriculture | Corporate | Federation | S | 514,713 Ls |
| Webb Mining Site | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Extraction | Corporate | Federation | L | 514,088 Ls |
| Wen Hydroponics Biosphere | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | S | 514,088 Ls |
| Wiener Ring | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial/Extraction | Corporate | Independent | M | 331 Ls |
| Xiao Engineering Complex | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 514,091 Ls |
| Yakimchuk Hydroponics Garden | d Scorpii Comms Holdings | Agriculture | Corporate | Federation | S | 512,767 Ls |
| Zimmermann Mineralogic Territory | Beyond Infinity Corporation | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | M | 514,142 Ls |
| Buran-Samara (V0K-N8J) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | 513,034 Ls |