| Anand Manufacturing Installation | Sikkai Empire Pact | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 59,761 Ls |
| Anastase Perrotin Hub | Gang of Pardii | Industrial/Extraction | Anarchy | Independent | M | 61,988 Ls |
| Armstrong Horticultural | HIP 113948 Guardians | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 1,800 Ls |
| Badeaux Chemical Hub | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 4,418 Ls |
| Badeaux Control | HIP 113948 Systems | Military | Corporate | Independent | M | 59,693 Ls |
| Baliunas Port | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 979 Ls |
| Banerjee Synthetics Hub | HIP 113948 Guardians | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 59,757 Ls |
| Batra Excavation Hub | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 4,418 Ls |
| Bauer Synthetics Holdings | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 996 Ls |
| Beauchamp Chemical Facility | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 59,755 Ls |
| Beauchamp Synthetics Exchange | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 58,256 Ls |
| Bell Industrial Facility | HIP 113948 United Industries | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 6,078 Ls |
| Blaes Metallurgic Platform | HIP 113948 United Industries | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | L | 4,386 Ls |
| Boulaid Hydroponics Market | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 61,857 Ls |
| Brinkmann Cultivation Collection | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 996 Ls |
| Bruni Industrial Installation | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,459 Ls |
| Bustamante Industrial Workshop | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 6,088 Ls |
| Carrasco's Leisure | HIP 113948 United Industries | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | M | 59,754 Ls |
| Carvalho Munitions Stockade | HIP 113948 Systems | Military | Corporate | Independent | M | 2,450 Ls |
| Chadha Mineralogic Hub | Mafia of HIP 113948 | Extraction | Anarchy | Independent | M | 999 Ls |
| Charitou's Edge | Sikkai Empire Pact | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | M | 2,459 Ls |
| Chernenko Metallurgic Platform | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,454 Ls |
| Choo Mineralogic Territory | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | S | 996 Ls |
| Christian Terminal | HIP 113948 United Industries | Colony | Corporate | Independent | - | - |
| Clarke Synthetics Installation | Sikkai Empire Pact | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 58,256 Ls |
| Clothier Horticultural Base | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 4,398 Ls |
| Dalgarno's Folly | HIP 113948 United Industries | Colony | Corporate | Independent | - | - |
| Desjardins Prospecting Territory | HIP 113948 Guardians | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 4,386 Ls |
| Dhawan Vision | Gang of Pardii | Industrial/Extraction | Anarchy | Independent | L | 1,865 Ls |
| Diaw Nutrition Collection | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 996 Ls |
| Du Lodges | HIP 113948 United Industries | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | L | 2,438 Ls |
| Dzsejt Industrial Depot | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 4,386 Ls |
| Fahlbusch Horticultural Collection | Mafia of HIP 113948 | Agriculture | Anarchy | Independent | L | 1,803 Ls |
| Ferreira Industrial Base | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 996 Ls |
| Fidalgo Penal colony | Gang of Pardii | Military | Anarchy | Independent | L | 60,195 Ls |
| Fiorentino's Chemicals | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 4,397 Ls |
| Flying Whale | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Galactic Vision Satellite | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Garnier Industrial Creations | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,469 Ls |
| Gcobani's Folly | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 58,256 Ls |
| General Tourism Authority | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Ghatak Chemical | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 4,385 Ls |
| Griffin's Dock | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | M | 6,087 Ls |
| Griffiths Drilling Site | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,459 Ls |
| Hair's Reception | The Winged Hussars | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | L | 998 Ls |
| Hakimi's Dock | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | L | 6,087 Ls |
| Hartmann's Folly | Traditional Miwobo Kuki Party | | | Independent | - | - |
| Hasegawa Chemical | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 4,396 Ls |
| Hawkes Installation | Gang of Pardii | Refinery | Anarchy | Independent | L | 61,988 Ls |
| Heath Chemical Enterprise | HIP 113948 Guardians | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 4,397 Ls |
| Henriquez Synthetics Complex | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,450 Ls |
| HER-942 Gordon-class Hauler | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Herrmann Industrial Hub | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 999 Ls |
| HIP 115505 Demeter-class Cropper | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Hogan Arms Stockade | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | M | 2,450 Ls |
| Holland Drilling Station | HIP 113948 United Industries | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | L | 4,417 Ls |
| Imai Chemical Facility | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 4,435 Ls |
| Interstellar Welfare Board | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Ji Prospecting Complex | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 999 Ls |
| Kamara Metallurgic Enterprise | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | S | 4,399 Ls |
| Keller's Creations | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 59,760 Ls |
| Khmelnytsky's Prospect | HIP 113948 Systems | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | M | 4,418 Ls |
| Killough Barracks | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | L | 60,011 Ls |
| Klink Base | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Kobyliansky Industrial Moulding | HIP 113948 United Industries | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 59,754 Ls |
| Kotyschenko Drilling Platform | HIP 113948 United Industries | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | M | 4,394 Ls |
| Kovalenko Horticultural Biome | Traditional Miwobo Kuki Party | Agriculture | Dictatorship | Empire | S | 999 Ls |
| Kvitka Manufacturing Complex | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 4,435 Ls |
| Lafitte Hydroponics Base | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 4,397 Ls |
| Laister Metallurgic Installation | The Winged Hussars | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | L | 4,399 Ls |
| Lal Industrial Enterprise | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 4,369 Ls |
| Lastra Manufacturing Base | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 2,456 Ls |
| Lavigne's Point | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | - | 4,369 Ls |
| Lobbo's Passage | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 4,385 Ls |
| Lockett Arms Hub | Sikkai Empire Pact | Military | Patronage | Empire | M | 6,088 Ls |
| Lunan Oasis | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Maddex Leisure Zone | HIP 113948 United Industries | Tourism | Corporate | Independent | L | 58,236 Ls |
| Malins's Serenity | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 4,399 Ls |
| Mallett Manufacturing Facility | HIP 113948 United Industries | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 6,088 Ls |
| Mangal's Landing | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,451 Ls |
| Manzo's Lot | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | M | 4,437 Ls |
| Marsh's Journey | HIP 113948 Guardians | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 4,418 Ls |
| Millidge Mineralogic Complex | HIP 113948 Systems | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | S | 997 Ls |
| Morgan's Installation | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 6,088 Ls |
| Mowatt Engineering Enterprise | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 6,089 Ls |
| Nakano Defence Barracks | HIP 113948 Systems | Military | Corporate | Independent | M | 4,369 Ls |
| Navarro Synthetics Silo | Mafia of HIP 113948 | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | L | 2,468 Ls |
| Newberry Depot | HIP 113948 United Industries | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 4,396 Ls |
| Nischan's Point | Mafia of HIP 113948 | Military | Anarchy | Independent | L | 6,096 Ls |
| Orji Drilling Territory | HIP 113948 Guardians | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | M | 59,757 Ls |
| Osnovianenko Chemical Complex | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,450 Ls |
| Otanez Manufacturing Hub | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,450 Ls |
| Otanez Prospecting | Sikkai Empire Pact | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | M | 1,799 Ls |
| Owor Chemical Site | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 4,418 Ls |
| Owusu's Stockade | Mafia of HIP 113948 | Military | Anarchy | Independent | M | 59,743 Ls |
| Palma Drilling Site | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | L | 4,437 Ls |
| Papacosta Chemical Assembly | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 6,087 Ls |
| Parekh's Venue | The Winged Hussars | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | L | 1,001 Ls |
| Pasternak Prospecting Territory | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | M | 2,459 Ls |
| Pollas Horizons | The Winged Hussars | | | Independent | - | - |
| Poroshenko Dredging Installation | HIP 113948 Guardians | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | S | 996 Ls |
| Quick Vision + | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Quiroga's Installation | HIP 113948 United Industries | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 6,086 Ls |
| Ratcliffe Nutrition Enterprise | HIP 113948 Systems | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 1,799 Ls |
| Reddy Industrial Moulding | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 1,806 Ls |
| Rudenko Industrial Facility | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,454 Ls |
| Rymar Forge | Sikkai Empire Pact | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 4,418 Ls |
| Saccone Synthetics Holdings | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,803 Ls |
| Sar Military Encampment | The Winged Hussars | Military | Cooperative | Independent | M | 59,760 Ls |
| Savchenko Synthetics Workshop | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 59,748 Ls |
| Schiltberger Observatory | The Winged Hussars | Colony | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,474 Ls |
| Schofield Obligation | Traditional Miwobo Kuki Party | Military | Dictatorship | Empire | L | 59,757 Ls |
| Sekowski Depot | Gang of Pardii | Refinery | Anarchy | Independent | - | - |
| Seong Point | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Military | Patronage | Empire | M | 6,088 Ls |
| Sepulveda Hydroponics Garden | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 997 Ls |
| Shipton's Inheritance | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Soto Liberty | HIP 113948 Systems | Military | Corporate | Independent | M | 6,090 Ls |
| Steinmuller Prospect | HIP 113948 United Industries | Colony | Corporate | Independent | - | - |
| Syrylak Chemical Facility | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 4,435 Ls |
| Thorn's Lot | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | L | 4,397 Ls |
| Tolmie Chemical Holdings | Traditional Miwobo Kuki Party | Industrial | Dictatorship | Empire | S | 59,754 Ls |
| Uduike Industrial Installation | Traditional Miwobo Kuki Party | Industrial | Dictatorship | Empire | S | 4,397 Ls |
| Ueno Industrial Exchange | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 2,454 Ls |
| Vincent Industrial Silo | HIP 113948 United Industries | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 4,399 Ls |
| Wallis Vision | The Winged Hussars | Extraction/Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | M | 62,001 Ls |
| Wamsteker Chemical Silo | HIP 113948 Systems | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 58,256 Ls |
| Werner Chemical Hub | HIP 113948 Systems | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 6,072 Ls |
| Weyn Enterprise | HIP 113948 Systems | Colony | Corporate | Independent | L | 59,862 Ls |
| Whittaker Engineering Installation | Traditional Miwobo Kuki Party | Industrial | Dictatorship | Empire | S | 995 Ls |
| Wilkinson Dredging Territory | Black Rebellion Empire Wing | Extraction | Patronage | Empire | S | 4,399 Ls |
| Williams Industrial Enterprise | Sikkai Empire Pact | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | S | 6,087 Ls |
| Wilson Port | The Winged Hussars | Extraction/Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | M | 61,933 Ls |
| Zadzisai's Prospect | HIP 113948 Systems | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | L | 1,799 Ls |
| Zajdel Beacon +++ | Gang of Pardii | | | Independent | - | - |
| [TWH] X7 Mk (G3J-89V) | FleetCarrier | Private Enterprise | Private Ownership | Independent | L | - |