| Alonso Manufacturing Plant | Co-operative of HIP 107370 | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 3,233 Ls |
| Ando Cultivation Centre | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 731 Ls |
| Aniefuna Manufacturing Base | Makau General Services | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 1,332 Ls |
| Apte Hydroponics Holdings | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 975 Ls |
| Arias Hydroponics Market | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 728 Ls |
| Bassett Horticultural Site | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 735 Ls |
| Bauer Chemical Complex | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 731 Ls |
| Benedetti Mineralogic Exchange | The Winged Hussars | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | M | 2,375 Ls |
| Berhe Botanical Centre | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | L | 732 Ls |
| Bernier Manufacturing Facility | Makau General Services | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 732 Ls |
| Bianchi Industrial Productions | Silver Bridge Company | Industrial | Corporate | Empire | L | 3,231 Ls |
| Biddiscombe Mining Station | The Winged Hussars | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | S | 2,370 Ls |
| Biswas Industrial Installation | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 1,334 Ls |
| Blakytny's Works | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 980 Ls |
| Bueckardt Synthetics Foundry | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 1,332 Ls |
| Castillo Manufacturing | Revolutionary Party of Makau | Industrial | Democracy | Independent | L | 2,375 Ls |
| Castro Cultivation Holding | Co-operative of HIP 107370 | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 973 Ls |
| Christensson Engineering Facility | Makau Citizens of Tradition | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,382 Ls |
| Cobb Stop | Makau Citizens of Tradition | | | Independent | - | - |
| Corner Cultivation Hub | Silver Bridge Company | Agriculture | Corporate | Empire | S | 973 Ls |
| Correa Cultivation Exchange | Co-operative of HIP 107370 | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 2,411 Ls |
| Cortes Botanical Facility | Makau Citizens of Tradition | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 973 Ls |
| Cortes's Encampment | Makau General Services | Military | Corporate | Independent | S | 3,269 Ls |
| Croft Drilling Hub | Silver Bridge Company | Extraction | Corporate | Empire | M | 2,378 Ls |
| Crowther Excavation Territory | The Winged Hussars | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | S | 1,330 Ls |
| Dayal Botanical Garden | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 727 Ls |
| Desai's Manufacturings | Makau General Services | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 732 Ls |
| Desikan Dredging Facility | The Winged Hussars | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,383 Ls |
| Desikan Hospitality Resort | Silver Bridge Company | Tourism | Corporate | Empire | L | 732 Ls |
| Devarajah Synthetics Hub | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 2,370 Ls |
| Fabbri Cultivation Complex | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | L | 975 Ls |
| Farmer Settlement | Makau Citizens of Tradition | | | Independent | - | - |
| Ferreyra Botanical Collection | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 975 Ls |
| First Mobile Security Subdivision | Silver Bridge Company | | | Independent | - | - |
| Fuentes Engineering | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,383 Ls |
| Fuentes's Hostel | The Winged Hussars | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,373 Ls |
| Galitzki Horticultural Exchange | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 2,370 Ls |
| General Employment Bureau | Silver Bridge Company | | | Independent | - | - |
| Ghatak Industrial Works | Makau General Services | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | L | 2,377 Ls |
| Giles Bastion | The Winged Hussars | Military | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,367 Ls |
| Golub Encampment | The Winged Hussars | Military | Cooperative | Independent | M | 3,233 Ls |
| Gomez Horticultural Market | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | L | 732 Ls |
| Gowers Engineering | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 2,411 Ls |
| Grebby Engineering Exchange | Silver Bridge Company | Industrial | Corporate | Empire | S | 2,411 Ls |
| Green Landing | Makau General Services | | | Independent | - | - |
| Hah Industrial Assembly | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,370 Ls |
| Hidalgo Chemical Assembly | Co-operative of HIP 107370 | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 1,334 Ls |
| Hitchen Hostel | Co-operative of HIP 107370 | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | L | 3,226 Ls |
| Hitchen Nutrition Biosphere | Makau Citizens of Tradition | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 980 Ls |
| Hong's Works | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 3,269 Ls |
| Horsman Manufacturing Exchange | Silver Bridge Company | Industrial | Corporate | Empire | L | 3,261 Ls |
| Howlett Cultivation Holdings | Co-operative of HIP 107370 | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,373 Ls |
| Hully Industrial Hub | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 1,334 Ls |
| Hyeon's Vice | Makau Citizens of Tradition | Tourism | Patronage | Empire | M | 726 Ls |
| Jawara Hydroponics Habitat | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | L | 3,243 Ls |
| Jimenez Horticultural Habitat | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,379 Ls |
| Kapoor Synthetics Exchange | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 3,269 Ls |
| Kawle Liberty | The Winged Hussars | Military | Cooperative | Independent | M | 2,375 Ls |
| Khatri Industrial Moulding | Makau General Services | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 1,330 Ls |
| Konig Horticultural Farm | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 1,330 Ls |
| Kopyl's Terminus | The Winged Hussars | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,379 Ls |
| Kramer Engineering Forge | Makau Purple Council | Industrial | Anarchy | Independent | S | 988 Ls |
| Krause Botanical Biosphere | Silver Bridge Company | Agriculture | Corporate | Empire | S | 991 Ls |
| Kuhn Industrial Facility | Makau Citizens of Tradition | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 735 Ls |
| Lange's Find | Makau General Services | Extraction | Corporate | Independent | L | 2,381 Ls |
| Ling Industrial Base | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 731 Ls |
| Lorenzo Chemical Installation | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 1,330 Ls |
| Madan Horticultural Estate | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | L | 973 Ls |
| MAK-118 Lowell-class Researcher | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Mellier Military Facility | The Winged Hussars | Military | Cooperative | Independent | L | 3,233 Ls |
| Menariya's Lodges | The Winged Hussars | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | L | 731 Ls |
| Mendez Hydroponics | Revolutionary Party of Makau | Agriculture | Democracy | Independent | L | 975 Ls |
| Mensah's Productions | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,373 Ls |
| Misty Lagoon Medical Centre | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Nakayama Hydroponics Hub | Makau Citizens of Tradition | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | S | 731 Ls |
| Newton Horticultural Estate | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | L | 732 Ls |
| Nnamani Botanical Farm | Co-operative of HIP 107370 | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 2,382 Ls |
| Nzeribe Horticultural Estate | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 980 Ls |
| Obi Manufacturing Exchange | Makau Citizens of Tradition | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,375 Ls |
| Oksamit Chemical Base | Makau Citizens of Tradition | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,370 Ls |
| Olatunji Synthetics Moulding | Makau Citizens of Tradition | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 2,379 Ls |
| Omenma Nutrition Collection | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | L | 975 Ls |
| Onishi Synthetics Base | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 973 Ls |
| Pajdusakova Lab +++ | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Penfold Agricultural Hub | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 732 Ls |
| Pereira Cultivation Facility | Makau Citizens of Tradition | Agriculture | Patronage | Empire | L | 1,332 Ls |
| Pereira Metallurgic Reserve | The Winged Hussars | Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | M | 1,334 Ls |
| Piazza Engineering Installation | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 1,333 Ls |
| Pollard Industrial Base | Makau Citizens of Tradition | Industrial | Patronage | Empire | L | 977 Ls |
| Purandare Agricultural Biosphere | Co-operative of HIP 107370 | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,383 Ls |
| Qiao Munitions Enterprise | The Winged Hussars | Military | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,370 Ls |
| Rabinowitz Settlement | | | | Independent | - | - |
| Remy Horticultural Hub | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | L | 1,334 Ls |
| Richelieu Munitions Facility | Silver Bridge Company | Military | Corporate | Empire | M | 3,226 Ls |
| Romano Cultivation Biome | Makau General Services | Agriculture | Corporate | Independent | L | 2,379 Ls |
| Ruiz Entertainment District | The Winged Hussars | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | M | 973 Ls |
| Rutten Synthetics Enterprise | Co-operative of HIP 107370 | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 3,262 Ls |
| Sagan Hub | Co-operative of HIP 107370 | Military | Corporate | Empire | L | 3,259 Ls |
| Saito Industrial Depot | Revolutionary Party of Makau | Industrial | Democracy | Independent | L | 735 Ls |
| Sanchez Hydroponics Biome | Co-operative of HIP 107370 | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 2,382 Ls |
| Sangweni Engineering | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 735 Ls |
| Saunders Defence Outpost | The Winged Hussars | Military | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,375 Ls |
| Semwal Botanical | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | L | 975 Ls |
| Shaula Manufacturing Facility | Co-operative of HIP 107370 | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,383 Ls |
| Skov Nutrition Biome | Co-operative of HIP 107370 | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 726 Ls |
| Stammers Hostel | The Winged Hussars | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | L | 975 Ls |
| Stelmah Chemical Works | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,370 Ls |
| Sugano Enterprise + | Silver Bridge Company | | | Independent | - | - |
| Taniguchi's Forge | Makau General Services | Industrial | Corporate | Independent | S | 2,370 Ls |
| Tapia Hospitality Complex | The Winged Hussars | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | M | 3,252 Ls |
| Tirjak's Manufacturings | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 1,334 Ls |
| Tolmie Munitions Stockade | Makau General Services | Military | Corporate | Independent | M | 3,269 Ls |
| Tsybulya's Chemicals | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 973 Ls |
| Turner Dock | The Winged Hussars | Industrial/Extraction | Cooperative | Independent | L | 732 Ls |
| Tutunnyk's Prominence | The Winged Hussars | Tourism | Cooperative | Independent | M | 2,370 Ls |
| Valenzuela Nutrition Exchange | Revolutionary Party of Makau | Agriculture | Democracy | Independent | S | 2,375 Ls |
| Vasquez Manufacturing Installation | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,379 Ls |
| Verquerre Industrial Depot | Silver Bridge Company | Industrial | Corporate | Empire | L | 726 Ls |
| Watanabe Agricultural Base | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | S | 1,334 Ls |
| Wei Nutrition Facility | The Winged Hussars | Agriculture | Cooperative | Independent | L | 2,383 Ls |
| Wei's Syntheticals | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | L | 980 Ls |
| Xiang Manufacturing Exchange | The Winged Hussars | Industrial | Cooperative | Independent | S | 973 Ls |