Star system


Extraction / High Tech
Star type
Class M star Scoopable
-12.72 / -92 / 131.28
Permit required

 StationFactionEconomyGovernmentAllegiancePadSt dist
Antonaci Excavation ExchangeHR 7169 Union PartyExtractionCommunismIndependentL7,910 Ls
Bullen Drilling EnterpriseHR 7169 Union PartyExtractionCommunismIndependentS7,910 Ls
Charitou Dredging ExchangeWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyExtractionCommunismIndependentS7,948 Ls
Dewan Biochemical ComplexHR 7169 Union PartyHigh TechCommunismIndependentL7,912 Ls
Hirano Mineralogic StationZemete InterstellarExtractionCorporateEmpireL7,973 Ls
Hoffmeister WorksWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyExtractionCommunismIndependentM7,796 Ls
Khatri Mining PlatformHR 7169 Union PartyExtractionCommunismIndependentM7,973 Ls
Kimura Mining StationHR 7169 Union PartyExtractionCommunismIndependentL7,948 Ls
Koh Genetics InstitutionWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyHigh TechCommunismIndependentS360,919 Ls
Marino Manufacturing EnterpriseWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyIndustrialCommunismIndependentL7,948 Ls
Newton Research ForumZemete InterstellarHigh TechCorporateEmpireS362,158 Ls
Nwachukwu Engineering FacilityWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyIndustrialCommunismIndependentS7,948 Ls
Orbik Settlement ++Workers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyIndependent--
Sklyarenko Extraction SiteWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyExtractionCommunismIndependentM7,910 Ls
Song Extraction StationHR 7169 Union PartyExtractionCommunismIndependentL7,948 Ls
Vega DepositsZemete InterstellarExtractionCorporateEmpireM7,972 Ls
Vinet Excavation PlatformJustice Party of Li NonesExtractionDictatorshipEmpireS7,910 Ls
Wada Genetics SiteWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyHigh TechCommunismIndependentL7,746 Ls