Star system

HIP 100449︎

Industrial / Extraction
Star type
Class G star Scoopable
-16 / -92.13 / 137.56
Permit required

 StationFactionEconomyGovernmentAllegiancePadSt dist
Ahern Penal colonyWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyMilitaryCommunismIndependent--
Almeida Research FacilityRaiders of HIP 100449High TechAnarchyIndependentS4,832 Ls
Altamura Metallurgic HubRaiders of HIP 100449ExtractionAnarchyIndependentM4,833 Ls
Anyadike Military HubJustice Party of Li NonesMilitaryDictatorshipEmpireM4,865 Ls
Ariss DepotRaiders of HIP 100449IndustrialAnarchyIndependentS4,863 Ls
Bagryany's OutpostHR 7169 Union PartyMilitaryCommunismIndependentM8,944 Ls
Bak Chemical HubJustice Party of Li NonesIndustrialDictatorshipEmpireL4,865 Ls
Baldwin CentreHR 7169 Union PartyIndependent--
Bauer Metallurgic HubOfficial HIP 100449 FrontExtractionDictatorshipIndependentS4,864 Ls
Beauchene Mineralogic HubWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyExtractionCommunismIndependentM4,833 Ls
Belyanin EscapeIndependent--
Bernard Synthetics ComplexJustice Party of Li NonesIndustrialDictatorshipEmpireM4,863 Ls
Burnham VisionHR 7169 Union PartyIndependent--
Chidubem Astrophysics EnterpriseWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyHigh TechCommunismIndependentS4,863 Ls
Chukwunyelu Command GarrisonWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyMilitaryCommunismIndependentM4,863 Ls
Cummings Enterprise +++HR 7169 Union PartyIndependent--
Dayal Manufacturing DepotWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyIndustrialCommunismIndependentL4,832 Ls
Dembele Genetics ForumWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyHigh TechCommunismIndependentS4,833 Ls
Deshmukh Prospecting InstallationWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyExtractionCommunismIndependentL4,874 Ls
Dovzhenko Synthetics WorkshopHR 7169 Union PartyIndustrialCommunismIndependentL4,833 Ls
Du's CastingsWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyIndustrialCommunismIndependentM4,864 Ls
First Gorge Mining GroupIndependent--
Fleming EnterpriseWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyIndustrial/ExtractionCommunismIndependentL4,841 Ls
Gowers Excavation PlatformHR 7169 Union PartyExtractionCommunismIndependentL4,863 Ls
Hannu BeaconImperial CorsairsColonyCommunismIndependentL4,832 Ls
HIP 100449 Bowman-class ResearcherIndependent--
Ishikawa Manufacturing PlantWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyIndustrialCommunismIndependentL4,833 Ls
King's SquareOfficial HIP 100449 FrontIndependent--
Kryyst Industrial FoundryWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyIndustrialCommunismIndependentL4,863 Ls
Lagrange Manufacturing WorkshopWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyIndustrialCommunismIndependentS4,863 Ls
Navarro Defence FacilityJustice Party of Li NonesMilitaryDictatorshipEmpireL4,832 Ls
Newberry Mineralogic TerritoryHR 7169 Union PartyExtractionCommunismIndependentS4,863 Ls
Oluwusi DockWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyMilitaryCommunismIndependentL4,863 Ls
Overmyer HubWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyMilitaryCommunismIndependentL4,897 Ls
Potrykus DockWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyIndustrial/ExtractionCommunismIndependentM4,864 Ls
Quinn Analytics ForumJustice Party of Li NonesHigh TechDictatorshipEmpireS4,863 Ls
Ramos EngineeringWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyIndustrialCommunismIndependentS8,944 Ls
Ribeiro Drilling EnterpriseRaiders of HIP 100449ExtractionAnarchyIndependentL4,863 Ls
Schreiber Command ComplexWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyMilitaryCommunismIndependentM4,833 Ls
Schreiber Manufacturing HubJustice Party of Li NonesIndustrialDictatorshipEmpireL4,863 Ls
Shin Chemical ComplexHR 7169 Union PartyIndustrialCommunismIndependentS4,833 Ls
Thompson Engineering FoundryWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyIndustrialCommunismIndependentL8,945 Ls
TS'AI SHAI Amaethon-class CropperIndependent--
Ukah Synthetics WorkshopWorkers of Ts'ai Shai Left PartyIndustrialCommunismIndependentM4,832 Ls
Vannier's HonourHR 7169 Union PartyMilitaryCommunismIndependentL8,944 Ls
255k Plat Morpheus (VHJ-NXX)FleetCarrierPrivate EnterprisePrivate OwnershipIndependentL-
Palkia (T7Y-L2T)IndependentL-