Similar stations in Koyans
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Surface Port - 69 Ls
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Bailly Ring
Outpost (Civilian) - 116 Ls
Koyans Creative Incorporated
Bainbridge Dock
Starport (Orbis) - 214 Ls
The Guard of Outer Imperial Colonies
MacCready Vision
Starport (Orbis) - 362 Ls
The Guard of Outer Imperial Colonies
Wallis Survey
Surface Port - 974 Ls
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Yerka Penal colony
Surface Port - 974 Ls
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Schaumasse Vision
Outpost (Civilian) - 1,335 Ls
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Bachman Arsenal
Surface Port - 1,698 Ls
Koyans Empire League
Kelly Beacon
Surface Port - 1,698 Ls
Koyans Creative Incorporated
Marc Kuchner
Marc Kuchner (born August 7, 1972) is an American astrophysicist, a staff member at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) known for work on images and imaging of disks and exoplanets. Together with Wesley Traub, he invented the band-limited coronagraph, a design for the proposed Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF) telescope, also to be used on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). He is also known for his novel supercomputer models of planet-disk interactions and for developing the ideas of ocean planets, carbon planets, and Helium planets. Kuchner appears as an expert commentator in the National Geographic television show "Alien Earths" and frequently answers the "Ask Astro" questions in Astronomy Magazine. He currently serves as the principal investigator of the popular citizen science website
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