Similar stations in Gulngaba
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Terra-EX Astro Corp
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Surface Port - 55,167 Ls
Social Gulngaba Labour
Bova Survey
Surface Port - 55,210 Ls
Social Gulngaba Labour
Galindo Dock
Outpost (Civilian) - 55,585 Ls
Gulngaba Blue Vision Limited
Norton Enterprise
Starport (Coriolis) - 55,603 Ls
Bureau of Gulngaba Liberty Party
Bisson Hub
Outpost (Civilian) - 55,656 Ls
Gulngaba Purple Creative Comms
Rawat Port
Outpost (Civilian) - 55,748 Ls
Gulngaba Blue Vision Limited
Abasheli Prospect
Surface Port - 55,812 Ls
Gulngaba Purple Creative Comms
Watts' Inheritance
Surface Port - 55,812 Ls
Gulngaba Blue Vision Limited
Kevin A. Ford
Kevin Anthony Ford (born July 7, 1960 in Portland, Indiana) is a retired United States Air Force Colonel and a NASA astronaut. Ford has received a number of special honors and awards, some of which are the Air Force Meritorious Service Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal, Aerial Achievement Medal and the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal. Ford has also logged more than 4,000 flying hours and also holds FAA commercial certificates for airplanes, helicopters and gliders. Ford has served in many roles at NASA since his selection in July 2000. The roles include as a Capsule Communicator or CAPCOM. He was also the Director Of Operations at the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center in Star City, Russia from January 2004 to January 2005. He was pilot of STS-128 and Flight Engineer 2 of Soyuz TMA-06M from October 23, 2012 to March 16, 2013.
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