Similar stations in HIP 115501
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - -
Colley Botanical Plantation
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - -
Costa Industrial Workshop
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - -
Diaw Extraction Enterprise
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - -
Grinchenko Agricultural Farm
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - -
Moller Manufacturing Base
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - -
Schunmann Chemical Works
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - -
Toro Manufacturing Forge
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - -
Leckey Manufacturing Complex
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 124 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Tarasenko Forge
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 124 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Davies's Constructions
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 731 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Matarov Drilling Station
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 733 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Taylor Mineralogic Exchange
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 885 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Myeni Chemical Site
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 886 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Kedige Prospecting Territory
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 890 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Park Tourist Lodge
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 890 Ls
Independents of HIP 115501
Saunders's Chemicals
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 891 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Dewan Agricultural Site
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 893 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Bhasin's Locus
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 894 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Doroshenko Dredging Site
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 894 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Gonchar Cultivation Estate
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 894 Ls
HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms
Navarro's Productions
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 894 Ls
HIP 115501 Empire Consulate
Rocha Botanical Complex
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 894 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Bueckardt's Lot
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 895 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Cha Mining Territory
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 895 Ls
Independents of HIP 115501
Mancini Synthetics Assembly
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 895 Ls
Kats BrotherhoodClarke Agricultural Estate
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 896 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Hickey Military Garrison
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 896 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Malik Chemical Plant
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 896 Ls
Kats BrotherhoodScholz Metallurgic Platform
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 896 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Ferreira Mineralogic Complex
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 897 Ls
Kats BrotherhoodMorales Deposits
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 897 Ls
Kats BrotherhoodMulford Horticultural Centre
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 897 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire WingPizarro's Jewel
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 897 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Garcia Cultivation Site
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 898 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Mnogogrishny Cultivation Range
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 898 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Savchenko Engineering Silo
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 898 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Ngidi Foods
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 899 Ls
HIP 115501 Empire Consulate
Arai Horticultural Nursery
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 900 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Choi's Joy
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 901 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Gallardo Manufacturing Installation
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 901 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Semwal Chemical Plant
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 901 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Walter Industrial Base
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 901 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Bohm Prospecting Station
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 903 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Tikwa Nutrition Enterprise
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 903 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Charitou Horticultural Estate
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,177 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Lamar Chemical Foundry
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,179 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Gorbanenko Extraction Territory
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,180 Ls
HIP 115501 Empire Consulate
Hennessy Nurseries
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,180 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Kolev Chemical Holdings
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,180 Ls
HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms
Okoro Industrial Base
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,180 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Osei Cultivation Base
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,182 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Schulz Tourist Complex
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,183 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Bell Mineralogic Platform
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,185 Ls
HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms
Cabrera Mining Territory
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,185 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Takeuchi Drilling Facility
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,185 Ls
HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms
Byeon Visitor Complex
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,187 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Aravena Cultivations
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,190 Ls
HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms
Charman Stop
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,191 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Kyrylo Hostel
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,193 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Leighton's Drilling
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,193 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Benton Manufacturing Base
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,197 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Shi Synthetics Enterprise
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 1,198 Ls
HIP 115501 Empire Consulate
Scholz Synthetics Plant
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,233 Ls
HIP 115501 Empire Consulate
Suzuki Military Barracks
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,233 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Neborak Engineering Foundry
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,245 Ls
HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms
Rivera's Camp
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,245 Ls
HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms
Bergmann Industrial Hub
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,246 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Griffin Synthetics Holdings
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,248 Ls
HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms
Kuharenko Munitions Site
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,248 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Hakimi's Syntheticals
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,250 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Costa Manufacturing Plant
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,766 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Laghari Drilling Platform
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,766 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Osman Industries
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,779 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Eadon Industrial Facility
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,784 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Leroy Manufacturing Hub
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,787 Ls
HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms
Garnier Engineering Silo
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,791 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Menariya Industrial
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,792 Ls
HIP 115501 Empire Consulate
Barthwal Nutrition Enterprise
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,798 Ls
HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms
Modi Defence Site
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,798 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Petrenko Synthetics
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,799 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Mofu Engineering Depot
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,800 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Olatunji Chemical Works
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,803 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Qiao Industrial Productions
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,806 Ls
HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms
Daisley Mining Base
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,813 Ls
HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms
Herrera Manufacturing Workshop
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,818 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Kava Drilling Installation
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 2,833 Ls
HIP 115501 Empire Consulate
Lopes Synthetics Foundry
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,805 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Ele Military Armoury
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,807 Ls
HIP 115501 Empire Consulate
Fuentes Outpost
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,809 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Gill's Fortress
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,809 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Calvo Command
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,810 Ls
Kats Brotherhood
Gwon Engineering Silo
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,810 Ls
HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms
Syrotuk Manufacturing Site
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,810 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Harada Defence Enterprise
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,812 Ls
HIP 115501 Blue Netcoms Comms
Khatri Arms Facility
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,812 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Oshpak Synthetics Facility
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,813 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Lagos Shelter
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,875 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Vinet's Garrison
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,877 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Cooper's Fortification
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,879 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Bauwens's Expedition
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,881 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Villalba Arms Base
Surface Settlement (Odyssey) - 3,881 Ls
Black Rebellion Empire Wing
Thomas William Webb
The Reverend Thomas William Webb (14 December 1807 – 19 May 1885) was a British astronomer. Some sources give his year of birth as 1806. The only son of a clergyman, the Rev. John Webb, he was raised and educated by his father, his mother having died while Thomas was a small child. He went to Oxford where he attended Magdalen College. In 1829 was ordained a minister in the Anglican Church. He was married to Henrietta Montague in 1843, daughter of Mr. Arthur Wyatt, Monmouth. Mrs. Webb died on 7 September 1884, and after a year of declining health Thomas died on 19 May 1885.
Through his career T. W. Webb served as a clergyman at various places including Gloucester, and finally in 1852 was assigned to the parish of Hardwicke near the border with Wales. In addition to serving faithfully the members of his parish, T. W. Webb pursued astronomical observation in his spare time. On the grounds of the vicarage or parsonage he built a small canvas and wood observatory that was home to a number of instruments, from a small 3.7" (75mm) refractor Webb acquired a number of progressively larger refractors and reflectors with which the observations in the guide were made. The largest telescope was a 9-1/3" (225mm) silver on glass reflector used from 1866 until his last observation in March 1885. It was at Hardwick that he wrote his classic astronomical observing guide Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes (2 vols) in 1859 for which he is best known today. This two volume work was written as a guide for the amateur astronomer, containing instructions on the use of a telescope as well as detailed descriptions of what could be observed with it. This work became the standard observing guide of amateur astronomers worldwide, and remained so until well into the 20th Century, gradually supplanted by more modern guides such as Burnham's Celestial Handbook.
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