Elite: General talk

30 Nov 2022, 6:05am
Hm , can you hint me which limpet controller have collector + repair options (it would be nice to have decontamination and research, but this are secondary objectives). It would be nice if it size 3
30 Nov 2022, 6:58am
EpisparhHm , can you hint me which limpet controller have collector + repair options (it would be nice to have decontamination and research, but this are secondary objectives). It would be nice if it size 3

It's either one or the other - unless you waste a size 7 slot on the all in one controller option.

I've been wondering whether meta alloy HRPs will become more useful Vs Guardian ones, even though their stats seem quite a bit worse in comparison. Will probably have to unlock both.
30 Nov 2022, 7:36am
There are size 3 with more than one function. Xeno multi limpet controller misses only collector from my wish list. I guess I will go with it and swap a MRP with collector when I need materials.
30 Nov 2022, 7:57am
Yes you need at least two if not three size 3 slots if you want to cover the most used functions.

It's the typical FDev "can't have it all" gimped design for the sake of it (it was even worse in the beginning with ridiculous weight values), they could've balanced it differently making all functions available in one controller but did it in the most ham fisted way. Better than nothing but could've been a lot better still.
30 Nov 2022, 8:05am
30 Nov 2022, 8:09am
Do AX missiles have a lot of splash damage when it comes to hitting Interceptor hearts? Never used them and assumed they weren't accurate enough to do so. AX MCs I've used in the past but with mixed results and weren't that fun. Given they're easy to obtain will give them another try though.
30 Nov 2022, 8:19am
Broken MessDo AX missiles have a lot of splash damage when it comes to hitting Interceptor hearts? Never used them and assumed they weren't accurate enough to do so. AX MCs I've used in the past but with mixed results and weren't that fun. Given they're easy to obtain will give them another try though.

Not sure, but I will try to use them vs those Caustic generators in Maelstrom Taranis. The ship have enough power for any hardpoints setup. This is just the initial one. The alternative for out of Maelstroms' systems probably will be modified guardian shard cannons.
30 Nov 2022, 8:55am
I suppose the Guardian melting issue is only prevalent in the Maelstrom system(s) so far. So they shouldn't be completely useless (which would be a mistake from a gameplay perspective given how much effort it takes to unlock them in the first place).
30 Nov 2022, 10:56am
I never participated in anti-xeno battles, because I had enough other things to do (raise a minor faction out of shit alone (what am I doing with my life?)) and in general, it all reminded me more of the "external enemy" rhetoric that has been used for thousands of years as a measure of intimidation, but now I cannot stand aside and will try to join in at least as a lifeguard. After all, if the Thargoids exterminate and capture the Bubble, then it will be pointless to fight for the working people (because there will be no one to fight for, lol), right?

How about creating a rescue squadron then? Or merge into an already existing similar...

//dubbled from "game"
03 Dec 2022, 12:19am
How to get "The Photographer" achievement? I need more pics or more likes on them?...
03 Dec 2022, 12:37am
What if we fail to defend the bubble and lose Colonia, too? What will the endgame look like?

It seems the only places immune to Thargoid attacks are fleet carriers and rescue ships. FDev will move these to a safe place automatically.

Or maybe the plan is to switch off the servers when humanity's last star system falls to the enemy.
03 Dec 2022, 12:50am
Yuna SakashiroWhat if we fail to defend the bubble and lose Colonia, too? What will the endgame look like?

It seems the only places immune to Thargoid attacks are fleet carriers and rescue ships. FDev will move these to a safe place automatically.

Or maybe the plan is to switch off the servers when humanity's last star system falls to the enemy.

Well, this can be an epic end of the game and shutdown of servers, as was the case with Tabula Rasa, but something tells me that the developers will not do this, because the game is still very good and makes good money, IMHO)
03 Dec 2022, 1:05am
Even if that will happen, it may trigger new interesting opportunities - as mankind will have nowhere to go, it may start to create new generation ships, trying to colonize new planets, build new stations there and then try to retake the "old home" guerrilla-style. It may be easier than current battles, if Thargoids will be spread too thin and too wide (if there is/will be such mechanics). So even the end of the Bubble/Colonia may not mean the end of everything.
03 Dec 2022, 1:41am
Yuna SakashiroWhat if we fail to defend the bubble and lose Colonia, too? What will the endgame look like?

It seems the only places immune to Thargoid attacks are fleet carriers and rescue ships. FDev will move these to a safe place automatically.

Or maybe the plan is to switch off the servers when humanity's last star system falls to the enemy.

The Guardians will return and we will fight together to liberate the galaxy. chapter 3 year 3310
03 Dec 2022, 1:52am
Eternal_KommunarHow to get "The Photographer" achievement? I need more pics or more likes on them?...

From what I can tell, both. Number of pics matters but they need at least a certain amount of likes for each one.

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