Elite: General talk

16 Sep 2022, 9:03am
Broken MessI did extensively play the on-foot content (I have a major OCD problem, admittedly)
Took some time and effort to convince myself that this game is in 'done' state for me.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:27pm
16 Sep 2022, 9:15am
Broken MessI did extensively play the on-foot content (I have a major OCD problem, admittedly)

Took some time and effort to convince myself that this game is in 'done' state for me.

I had a breakthrough in January this year when I came across sites that spawned Opinion Polls and other unicorn mats I couldn't find during the 7 months prior, so decided now or never and spent about a month doing nothing but missions. I'm sure a psychologist would have a field day with me I'm even now still asking myself why I still keep upgrading gear (I have 3-4 weapons left that are not fully done) because in the greater scheme of things the vanilla G3 stuff you can buy is more than enough for 90% of scenarios.

I've sucked dry almost all the Horizons content (4.5k hours since launch) so EDO content is what needs to give me purpose to keep playing (as it's still relatively "new"), even though it's often a frustrating and sub-par experience, let alone the continued issues around its visuals (even sound bugs have increased drastically, this was usually a rock solid area in the game one couldn't fault).

I sometimes think I should just uninstall Odyssey and stick with 3.8, but now that that's on true maintenance mode i.e. not getting future content, it's EDO or bust essentially. Honestly wish I could just wane myself off this space crack entirely and stick with X4 instead.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:27pm
16 Sep 2022, 9:24am
Being angry at myself for not G5'ing all the suit stuff vs. Being angry at myself for wasting so much of my life on attempts.

Thankfully (lol) had some IRL stuff that put me off suit&weapon grind as it had far higher priority, so, when I got back, I saw the thing in whole and just was... "F*ck it". Looks like that opinion spread all over the rest of the game, lol.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:27pm
16 Sep 2022, 9:35am
Heh, lucky you - I kept going down the rabbit hole (sunk cost fallacy at play I imagine) and the deeper you get ... at least I stopped spending money on Arx as soon as I saw the price points for EDO gear (and how all my hard-earned skins got converted into the 4.0 client, with many still broken/fugly) i.e. I'd normally drop 10-40 Euros a month on skins and stuff but no more.

Anyways... It'll be interesting to see what new content will be on its way - my Odyssey client downloaded quite a bit yesterday for a no-patch-notes update of what exactly nobody knows, I assume/hope they slipped in some further story related assets, but I'm probably being naive here.

Another thing that has me somewhat concerned is the (lack of) quality of the FMV sequence... very low-fi especially if you compare it with the early promotional videos those were much more detailed and certainly more work went into those. I hope this is not a sign of things to come i.e. minimal effort content going forward. Update 14 will be a good indicator in that regard I suppose.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:26pm
16 Sep 2022, 9:53am
Yeah, I remember my first months of playing. Spent a heckload of time. But, hey, I liked the thing those months and I was enjoying it, I was playing it and living in this little world instead of chasing the numbers. And this game turned out to be more than just a game for me, in total. Not to mention that it literally saved my sorry arse when I just started playing it. So, a good, and a positive part of my life. But... I guess I'm past the point of no return already. And already accepted that I should leave it 'as is', as a good memory (not too many of these!), instead of keeping playing it until I start hating it. There's still too much 21st Century stuff to do.

And, seeing such a lack of quality... I think I was right. It's not a 'decision' to 'stop playing', just at some point my interest ceased to exist. Amount of material grind I had to do prior to going to relax and shoot some Thargoids (even before it became a trend, with all that azimuth-salvation-salivation-sh*t) just... Make no sense.

It will be interesting to see that new content, but I'll be just an observer.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:26pm
16 Sep 2022, 10:14am
Odyssey really left a sour taste for me (you can tell from my CMDR name no doubt reset my year-old triple Elite CMDR last year out of despair, silly move fwiw), even though performance wise it improved, but not having to fight on that front (for me at least) further highlights the issues with general gameplay, and visuals obviously still have plenty of issues that I doubt will ever get addressed. Looking back, the best times I had in the game was around the Borann days. Lots of players, game mostly worked great, plenty of fun to be had.

Though I had some second wind recently and logged in more often again, it doesn't take long for the aforementioned issues to come to the forefront again. Worst of all the flight model still remains bugged, while it can be addressed by disabling rotation correction it's a less than ideal workaround that is tiresome in the long run.

I also switched to 3.8 for a little (mostly due to the still awful outfitting UI) and it was just such a more pleasant experience all round, performance, visuals, sound, snappy UI that requires fewer clicks (I play with a pad and I'm still 100% convinced whoever they outsourced the UI design to has a mobile app background). Heck, in Odyssey they even added an annoying sound effect for when UI elements like images load. Sometimes I wonder if this stuff is done out of spite rather than genuinely thinking it's a good idea.

The game I fell in love with in a nutshell, but which will not get any further updates. I was initially pumped when I heard about a engine update years ago, but now... I wish Odyssey was still on the old client. The new planet tech has its moments but they're far and few between in my experience, so not as great a step as many claim, certainly not visually. It makes me genuinely a bit sad what the game has become, and Frontier's attitudes towards it. The spark just isn't there anymore and it shows.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:26pm
16 Sep 2022, 10:29am
Yeah, took some time to get used to that new UI, and the new renderer... It just sucks. Plain sucks, compared to 3.8 Horizons. It sucks visually, it sucks technically, it sucks in terms of 'vibes' you have from this game. Well, from my perspective. Aesthetic things are quite personal, but there's nothing so shiny and new in that Odyssey renderer thing that can justify the increased GPU load. At least from the outside look. But if the old renderer had no possibility to draw what's inside of those buildings, then oops, it's some sh*tty coding. Not my problem, again.

And that FPS part... I've played dozens of those FPS shooters. I know how they should look like, how they should feel, etc. Odyssey can't give that, it's like playing something from mid-to-late 2000's that was put on top of a spacesim game for hell knows what reason. Maybe to look more like Star Citizen that will never become a fully-developed release-ready product because it's too big and unfocused.

Uh. I guess I'm just tired and bored.

However, I will still recommend this game to people who want a good space flight game experience.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:26pm
16 Sep 2022, 10:40am
Yeah, it's been documented and repeated here and elsewhere what the issues are with Odyssey, probably best to leave it at that.

But yeah, the FPS part of the game feels more like a game of "reduce energy bar of enemy as fast as possible" as opposed to conveying being in a gunfight with in-game humans. It is what it is, and Frontier should've stuck to what they are (were?) good at, building an immersive galaxy sandbox with spaceships that have satisfying flight models.

Edit- just saw your edit, yes I would totally recommend 3.8 still, but unfortunately even that now needs a massive caveat given its days are numbered and new content is gated from it. For a new player that might not be a big issue unless they want to play with others a lot.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:30pm
16 Sep 2022, 12:04pm
Mac4Anyway tomorrow will be the 4.0 update, a lot will depend on that as to whether I'm interested in getting Odyssey or not. I'm not holding my hopes up. Wanting to graft an entire FPS onto this game was a pretty bold move, wasn't it. (Although it's best left to the Odyssey thread, I'm aware.)

Well, that took me all of a 10-minute or so test flight to sell me on Odyssey, haha. It looks just great, doesn't it. Now to get to grips with all of these new options, and no, I haven't done any FPS'ing yet. Where's the nearest concourse, heheh

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Sep 2022, 4:30pm
16 Sep 2022, 12:16pm
You have to see this to believe it. Here's what Frontier considers "trolling":

Now I can no longer post in that thread, which of course was their goal all along. This is how they treat paying customers who demand access to the product they were promised more than a year ago.

I've had enough of that junkyard of a company and its army of boot-licking white knights. They won't see a cent from me ever again. If I was a UK citizen, I would sue those scammers.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 16 Sep 2022, 1:15pm
16 Sep 2022, 12:24pm
Yuna SakashiroYou have to see this to believe it. Here's what Frontier considers "trolling":

Now I can no longer post in that thread, which of course was their goal all along. This is how they treat paying customers who demand access to the product they were promised more than a year ago.

I've had enough of that junkyard of a company and its army of boot-licking white knights. They won't see a cent from me ever again. If I was a UK citizen, I would sue those scammers.

That is... a great reminder why I nuked my forum account a while back and why it's just not worth bothering with that lot anymore. I've been following that thread closely since yesterday, and some of the defending of a corporate entity is on another level.

The fact that the only players who get penalised here are those who actually bought Odyssey gets completely brushed off, and whoever states that gets mocked for being a "freeloader" (like WTF?).

For the record, I've read all your replies and none of them were offensive in any way, but challenging the company's questionable behaviour on their own website is always carrying the risk of getting slapped I suppose. Soon the thread will only be frequented by the usual 10-20 die hard zealots and eventually get closed for being off topic or some such. The forum used to be great.

But it seems a sneaky patch has broken the ability to change gear, so Frontier keep doing what they're best at. Now without patch notes but hey - things change, right? Good grief.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 16 Sep 2022, 1:15pm
16 Sep 2022, 12:31pm
Yuna Sakashiro

I've had enough of that junkyard of a company and its army of boot-licking white knights. They won't see a cent from me ever again. If I was a UK citizen, I would sue those scammers.

I got a similar strike for trolling when I posted that I had reached number 1 pirate killer on Inara, which brough all the haters in to reply. After they all spread their hate, I said that I had expected it on that forum. The moderaators then deleted my thread and gave me the strike. I haven't even acknowledged the strike and have never been back to the forum since. It's their loss, not mine. I had made around 7000 posts ove 8 years. The other guys are just haters. They're still posting their hate. That's how the world is these days. at least I didn't get jailed for it, which will be the next step.

Likewise, they will never get another cent from me, but I'll play as long as I can just to be a drain on their resources.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 16 Sep 2022, 1:16pm
16 Sep 2022, 1:18pm
About the official forum strikes given by volunteer moderators (so, no Frontier employee) - if you feel that the strike was unwarranted, just elevate it higher. This step may give a desired result (revoking the strike), public complaining about it not much.
16 Sep 2022, 1:36pm
ArtieAbout the official forum strikes given by volunteer moderators (so, no Frontier employee) - if you feel that the strike was unwarranted, just elevate it higher. This step may give a desired result (revoking the strike), public complaining about it not much.

How to elevate it? By reporting the warning?
16 Sep 2022, 2:19pm
Btw, I don't care if they are volunteer moderators or paid employees. They hide behind the Frontier logo, so they are the public face of the company.

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