
20 Feb 2024, 1:14am
20 Feb 2024, 1:22am
Mew? :p
20 Feb 2024, 3:04am
*tries to imitate clicking sounds but fails miserably due to a lack of mandibles and other internal appendages(?) necessary to create such*

Yeah, maybe I’ll just stick to being a human. And an idiot who likes oversized proportions a little too much.
20 Feb 2024, 4:23am
Being an idiot is actually: a) more funny, b) gives you less problems than being a human.
20 Feb 2024, 7:42am
I suppose so. Appearing to be insane has allowed me to keep some semblance of sanity, as weird as that might sound.

And who can argue with the result? I mean, just look at that Kira. Wouldn’t you want such an adorable silly bundle of fun around you?

(I guess a few people would take issue with it but just roll with the joke.)
20 Feb 2024, 7:46pm
Look, ma! I’m the subject of someone’s AI-generated, low-effort rubbish video!

… yeah, it’s in Russian, and it was pointed out to me by someone who speaks Russian in one of those discord servers that I frequent. By all the looks, it doesn’t even get anything right and has my character accusing Ram Tah and Palin of “genocide” with that Titan killer torpedo(when it absolutely isn’t that kind of weapon). Among other nonsense. They didn’t even bother to get the picture from inara but used some generic bot-generated garbage (that also looks way too old and nothing like the character).

I’ve given permission to the person that pointed this out to me, to point a figurative middle finger at this [redacted]. With the messages of mine as proof.
20 Feb 2024, 8:55pm
Kasumi GotoLook, ma! I’m the subject of someone’s AI-generated, low-effort rubbish video!

Well, you could always look at it from the angle that you have inspired others. As the great philosopher Eric Idle has said, Always Look on the bright Side of Life.
20 Feb 2024, 9:41pm
Part of me would feel humbled slightly, but I’m a bit miffed when these words get put into the mouth of my character and that awful AI-generated picture is used for it.

Some of it is maybe true, but calling the nanite torpedoes a genocidal weapon? A theological statement? Oh my god, please.

And you can’t tell me that choice of name just so happens to be a total coincidence.

Bonus :

(If anyone wants the names blurred let me know and I can do that.)

Edit - apparently one of my recent logs served as the basis for this, with “artistic changes” applied. I don’t think this falls under “artistic liberty”, though…

Last edit: 20 Feb 2024, 9:58pm
20 Feb 2024, 11:39pm
What a loser. I ran that crap through the translator, and, well... It's as close to Kira's logs as Thargoid poop to a biscuit.
20 Feb 2024, 11:52pm
He apparently had no proper defense for why it was this way either, when exposed by the person that pointed this out to me. I wouldn’t mind that kind of thing as a genuine RP, but it doesn’t exactly feel like that’s the case here.
21 Feb 2024, 1:20am
Bright side, you are like a celebrity now...though he had to use your current avatar in that video it would go through the roof...
21 Feb 2024, 1:56am
But if something had happened to the video because of the use of that avatar, it would just have made it hilarious, instead of only annoying.

And there were alternatives to that horrid AI generated nonsense used to represent the character anyway. If there had actually been any effort put into that mess, of course.
21 Feb 2024, 2:02am
Shg56though he had to use your current avatar in that video it would go through the roof...

I'd totally annihilate him on the copyright grounds then lol.
(joke. seriously, nobody thinks about it making a low-effort crap)
21 Feb 2024, 4:32am
I'm so lost.
21 Feb 2024, 11:39am

(I was lost when I saw that video too and was like “Who is this? I never told anyone anything.”.)

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