
21 Feb 2024, 6:12pm
This is peak YouTube, though. Mangling others' IP for a trickle of income.

You could probably copyright strike it, although who knows if that would end up doing anything.
21 Feb 2024, 6:28pm
Not worth the effort, since I’m making no money off this, and I’ve already gotten someone to point out the shitty practice in at least one Russian community server.

Someone else I asked about it - who also knows Russian - says they just inspired themselves from my logs, and that the name should have been changed while not citing me as the ‘source’ in the description(have to trust their word or, if I look myself with a translator), but I’m still a bit eh on that. And I’m not seeing any link to my inara page there, only a ‘YouTube’ that does not actually appear to exist.
21 Feb 2024, 6:31pm
I doubt they're (or he, if that's a project of only that one guy on the video) even getting any income from that kind of shit. At least in the monetary sense of that word, since audience attention is a kind of an 'income' too, figuratively speaking. On the other hand, I doubt YouTube moderators would dive into depths of videogame forums and fictional characters to figure out what's happening. So... With Kira being active on the official forum too, my take on that situation is, like... If that guy keeps pushing his shit forward, appropriating fictional characters made by other people and writing bullshit, he would probably end up being ignored by everyone except his friends. Letting idiots be idiots is a viable strategy sometimes.
21 Feb 2024, 9:25pm
I’ve been assured that there’s been some support following the callout of this nonsense, and that there will be other consequences [from said support, not related to YouTube] if that person puts out another video like that.

Somehow… I suspect they will.
21 Feb 2024, 10:01pm
That video is in Russian and there is no Kasumi Goto in real-life so the impact should be somewhat very limited except the avatar's ego...
21 Feb 2024, 10:03pm
Says who? The person that doesn't actually dedicate their free time to writing logs for their character's personal story to then see this kind of nonsense popping up?

If you want to make a point about it, maybe you should have some knowledge to contribute to the subject matter meaningfully.
22 Feb 2024, 8:23am
I don't know what's being said in that video, but I do like the broadcast graphics it's using.

Regarding copyright, isn't Kasumi Goto a character from Mass Effect?
22 Feb 2024, 11:14am
SakashiroI don't know what's being said in that video, but I do like the broadcast graphics it's using.

Regarding copyright, isn't Kasumi Goto a character from Mass Effect?

You can find a rough (machine) translation in one of my subsequent posts after the video. Possibly imperfect but good enough to illustrate the point.

And none of this is about Mass Effect - it’s not like anyone just copied the character(instead it’s my own unique one using the name as an alias/second name, and I’m not sure personal names can be copyrighted… well, maybe in case of something like ‘Thanos’ or similarly unique). The subject is that guy/person in the video seeing my logs and “inspiring” themselves off of it to make a “news report”… except then they chose not to give their character a different name so it just looks like twisting my own words into something completely different. I sure never accused anyone of genocide with the anti-Titan torpedoes, nor did I make a “theological statement”(bleurgh) telling people to “repent for their sins”. Urgh. Even ignoring the religious aspect which I am absolutely not into, that is just horribly generic wording.
26 Feb 2024, 1:10am
Ah, I swear, I'm not going to render damn anything this week. Not a single little batch of pixels. I don't know what's more at risk of melting, my GPU or my brain. :p
26 Feb 2024, 2:12am
For a change of pace you could always go to the glue factory and render horses.
26 Feb 2024, 2:19am
Or to a school to tell kids about what their glue is made of. Education!
26 Feb 2024, 2:21am
I feel like half the kids would run in terror from a Meowers of that size. The other half would probably be quite curious.

Luckily (for them), there is no such Meowers in reality. Yet.
26 Feb 2024, 3:15am
I just realised. Kira is photographer's best friend now. Picking the white balance aiming at her skin, lol.
(it was really #FFFFFF on the texture that I used) :p
26 Feb 2024, 3:24am
Too bad she isn’t exactly a photogenic indiviual. (Did I spell that right?)
28 Feb 2024, 11:51am
I’m just going to go ahead and share a little gem I found today, that I believe to be quite hilarious.

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