Elite: Odyssey

31 Mar 2021, 12:17pm
OtohaI'm just saying. From a scientific standpoint, the gravity technically IS covered and realistic. Maybe not perfectly and everywhere, but enough to not break immersion. Applying the rules that absolutely work for large orbitals to small ones for continuity works for me

If FDev just said there's artificial gravity in the year 3307, most folks would be OK with it, I guess. Suspension of disbelief is a common thing in sci-fi.

But magnetic boots? That just doesn't properly explain what's shown in the game.

Space Engineers has magnetic boots, too, but you can switch them off. And while they're on you can literally walk on walls and ceilings. There's no up or down.
31 Mar 2021, 12:22pm
OtohaI'm just saying. From a scientific standpoint, the gravity technically IS covered and realistic. Maybe not perfectly and everywhere, but enough to not break immersion. Applying the rules that absolutely work for large orbitals to small ones for continuity works for me

If FDev just said there's artificial gravity in the year 3307, most folks would be OK with it, I guess. Suspension of disbelief is a common thing in sci-fi.

But magnetic boots? That just doesn't properly explain what's shown in the game.

Space Engineers has magnetic boots, too, but you can switch them off. And while they're on you can literally walk on walls and ceilings. There's no up or down.

I just want the outposts to sorta resemble White Base from Gundam in terms of design of the interior, particularly with those handles you can grab on to that take you down corridors in zero g, which I think would make more sense than instantaneous elevators.
31 Mar 2021, 12:27pm
The absence of handles and railings in cockpits is something I frequently complained about. None of the cockpits in ED is designed with zero-G in mind.
31 Mar 2021, 12:29pm
Draxxa KirethDon't forget that the sheer mass of the sation, and nearby planet has as well some influence. Furthermore i am not sure if the space stations are geo-stationary.. and else they could contribute some....

The outposts, not the starports.

They are in an orbit, which means free-fall, which means zero g. The outposts would produce very little gravity, so little that I’m pretty sure it’s hill sphere is within its structure, meaning the tidal forces from the body it’s orbiting would tear it apart if gravity was the only thing holding it together.

OtohaI'm just saying. From a scientific standpoint, the gravity technically IS covered and realistic. Maybe not perfectly and everywhere, but enough to not break immersion. Applying the rules that absolutely work for large orbitals to small ones for continuity works for me

Take a 100 level physics course and you’ll get annoyed by the mechanics inside the outpost. Overall the rest of the game is fine, except for the non newtonian flight model, but I can ignore that because otherwise combat would be really shit. When it comes to the interior of the outposts, I just want some more realistic behavior of the people inside it and more realistic props.
31 Mar 2021, 12:30pm
SakashiroThe absence of handles and railings in cockpits is something I frequently complained about. None of the cockpits in ED is designed with zero-G in mind.

magnetic boots solves everything like a magic bandaid
31 Mar 2021, 12:51pm
I get that its not perfect, and that's where the video game part comes in. I'm just saying there's enough effort there to make it make sense that I'm not going to nitpick.

I've flown combat without flight assist for 4 years, i cannot relate at all to the sentiment that it's shit without the almost atmospheric flight of flight assist on
31 Mar 2021, 12:59pm
OtohaHaven't played that game, no idea what you actually mean sorry.

In ED every star and every planet is a static polygon model that never changes its shape. Space Engineers is a bit like Minecraft: You can drill holes into planets or asteroids and find ores and minerals below the surface. Vehicles and buildings also consist of voxels, so you can build your own ships, stations and ground bases, sort of like Lego, and they're also destructible, which is a lot of fun in space battles. For example, if your hull gets breached by projectiles or other objects on impact, parts of your ship will get depressurized, requiring you to close your helmet's visor and deplete your suit's oxygen supply while you're trying to repair your ship, seal off non-damaged parts etc.

If you like games in space, this one is a must-have, just like ED.
31 Mar 2021, 1:06pm
OtohaHaven't played that game, no idea what you actually mean sorry.

In ED every star and every planet is a static polygon model that never changes its shape. Space Engineers is a bit like Minecraft: You can drill holes into planets or asteroids and find ores and minerals below the surface. Vehicles and buildings also consist of voxels, so you can build your own ships, stations and ground bases, sort of like Lego, and they're also destructible, which is a lot of fun in space battles. For example, if your hull gets breached by projectiles or other objects on impact, parts of your ship will get depressurized, requiring you to close your helmet's visor and deplete your suit's oxygen supply while you're trying to repair your ship, seal off non-damaged parts etc.

If you like games in space, this one is a must-have, just like ED.

Sounds similar to Astroneer and some other games I've tried and not liked much tbh

I've been a strictly console gamer since i quit the original Guild Wars about a decade ago. If it's a PC exclusive title I'm probably not familiar with it
31 Mar 2021, 1:15pm
OtohaSounds similar to Astroneer and some other games I've tried and not liked much tbh

I've been a strictly console gamer since i quit the original Guild Wars about a decade ago. If it's a PC exclusive title I'm probably not familiar with it

Astroneer has voxel planets, too, but that's where the similarities end.

Space Engineers is available for PC and Xbox (not sure about PlayStation) and even allows cross-platform play, something that FDev has yet to figure out.
31 Mar 2021, 1:31pm
Can someone send me a direct message when phase 2 date is clear?

31 Mar 2021, 1:55pm
OtohaSounds similar to Astroneer and some other games I've tried and not liked much tbh

I've been a strictly console gamer since i quit the original Guild Wars about a decade ago. If it's a PC exclusive title I'm probably not familiar with it

Astroneer has voxel planets, too, but that's where the similarities end.

Space Engineers is available for PC and Xbox (not sure about PlayStation) and even allows cross-platform play, something that FDev has yet to figure out.

Oh i think they could figure it out if they wanted to. I'm happy that they don't. Personally I'm not a fan of crossplay, i play console for very good reasons. I enjoy that ED is not and appears to have no plans to change

*I should add I'm totally ok with crossplay between consoles, I'd just rather PC be left out

Last edit: 31 Mar 2021, 2:02pm
31 Mar 2021, 2:10pm
It actually brings up a fair point about what sort of issues Odyssey might run into in terms of cheating. This is first person shooter gameplay we're talking about here
31 Mar 2021, 5:01pm
OtohaIt actually brings up a fair point about what sort of issues Odyssey might run into in terms of cheating. This is first person shooter gameplay we're talking about here

Cheating? In Elite? Never!

In all seriousness, it's a peer-to-peer multiplayer. It's really easy to cheat unless the devs are really clever with some magic way to detect it.
31 Mar 2021, 5:32pm
OtohaIt actually brings up a fair point about what sort of issues Odyssey might run into in terms of cheating. This is first person shooter gameplay we're talking about here

Cheating? In Elite? Never!

In all seriousness, it's a peer-to-peer multiplayer. It's really easy to cheat unless the devs are really clever with some magic way to detect it.

Which will be a core point in the inevitable conversation. I'm talking less combat logging style cheating and more botting style. Mods and cheats in the way PC is known for. If any of the coming combat styles are pvp in nature, this conversation will get far more specific pretty immediately after launch i bet
31 Mar 2021, 5:37pm
MalgarviusApex is boring time sink, but flying yourself in SC for 10 minutes isn't? How so?

Apex isn't a problem. The problem is a daft idea of choosing a system with 150K ly distances for Alpha test.

If you fly your own ship, you can make mistakes. You can get interdicted. You can change your mind and fly to that signal source which just popped up. You're actually playing the game.

Apex literally locks you out of the game for the entire duration of the trip. It's basically an unskippable cut scene. They might as well show a loading screen instead, because nothing interesting or unexpected will happen anyway.

I’m pretty sure someone could gank an apex shuttle. We’ll have to wait and see though, because obviously no one can fly a ship yet. I’ll guarantee you I’ll be trying to gank one as soon as I can.

you can rest assured...i will be ganking Apexers...besides why pay 100cr for an apex when you can have a free sidewinder...it even comes with small pulse laser installed ;-)

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.