Elite: Odyssey

23 May 2021, 7:27pm
That's hilarious!
23 May 2021, 8:39pm
EpisparhSynthia, it is safe only if you use existing ships without making modifications and play only on-foot as doing normal EDH stuff is pure gamble (eg. 95 MEF in storage, you complete mission and get 3 MEF. Now you have 3 MEF in storage. Note: this is supposed to be patched now)

But then you need to deal with frustration from on-foot bugs and the "improved" UI and graphics.

Loss of customized avatar design when switching between EDH & EDO would be quite annoying.

Loss of custom key-binds when switching between EDH & EDO is an order of magnitude worse.
23 May 2021, 9:05pm
Synthya Wylder
Loss of customized avatar design when switching between EDH & EDO would be quite annoying.

Loss of custom key-binds when switching between EDH & EDO is an order of magnitude worse.

Nothing of those happened to me + it is always good to backup your key bindings.
23 May 2021, 9:25pm
Synthya Wylder
Loss of customized avatar design when switching between EDH & EDO would be quite annoying.

Loss of custom key-binds when switching between EDH & EDO is an order of magnitude worse.

For me, when going from Odyssey to Horizons, the game defaults to mouse+keyboard. I just select "custom" and it's back to normal. When going from Horizons to Odyssey, I have to rebind on foot controls every time but the others are unaffected.
23 May 2021, 9:37pm
23 May 2021, 9:43pm
23 May 2021, 9:50pm
I don't know if I'm lucky, or just haven't noticed the bugs, but other than the logging in issue and getting booted out when jumping from time to time, I'm really enjoying ED: O
The fps is low and that gets on my nerves now and then, but in general, I've had a good experience with it. Especially running about in a team and playing silly buggers.
23 May 2021, 9:56pm
I just hope Frontier won't resign from releasing Odyssey on consoles given how bad stuff is on PC or at least I've heard/read so far. We, Xbox players, do not really have any alternative to Elite: Dangerous - neither a lot of us have funds to construct a "reasonable" gaming PC, that is. Series S - even Series X - is priced way lower than a lot of graphic cards nowadays... especially when you take into consideration EU has even higher prices due to tax rates..

..myself I'm not investing into gaming PC given I almost had a heart attack when my low-tier "gaming" [a.k.a. very low/medium for 2016+ games] custom PC almost didn't get refunded (it turned out to have a factory flaw which fried motherboard 4 months after purchase). That ended my adventures with PC gaming pretty quickly.
23 May 2021, 9:57pm
EpisparhThat's hilarious!

I went to one of the concourse terminals to switch suits. When I was done, I turned around maybe too fast, because then the fade-to-black happened and I was facing the terminal again. So I turned around a second time, and that's when things went haywire.
23 May 2021, 10:04pm
There is no way in hell that FDev will cut half their customerbase and not release on console due to this. On the opposite, the console launch will probably go over a lot better than the clusterfuck they have going on rn.
23 May 2021, 10:05pm
Broken ambient lighting:

23 May 2021, 10:11pm
Clearly you ate too much and are beginning to develop your own event horizon.
23 May 2021, 10:15pm
Epi stuck in quicksand. We were getting different terrain offsets and found no way to fix it.

23 May 2021, 10:18pm
My helmet HUD goes beyond the edges of the screen on the sides. Do I just increase the FOV (I would rather not if I can help it) or is there something else I can do?

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.