Elite: Odyssey

23 May 2021, 10:19pm
Anaconda-shaped Imperial Courier:

23 May 2021, 10:21pm
Oh, god , just tried ground CZ - the fps drop is insane - I do not remember them being such a mess in alpha.
23 May 2021, 10:24pm
SakashiroAnaconda-shaped Imperial Courier:


Must be a new ship kit. ;p
23 May 2021, 10:28pm
Rebecca HailThere is no way in hell that FDev will cut half their customerbase and not release on console due to this. On the opposite, the console launch will probably go over a lot better than the clusterfuck they have going on rn.

Odyssey would not have passed console certification in its current state unless it was released as early access.
23 May 2021, 10:31pm
Epi hyperjumping and landing at the same time. When this happens, brace yourself for an Orange Sidewinder.

23 May 2021, 10:32pm
LMAO. Keep it coming please.
23 May 2021, 10:43pm
Not one, not two, but three curly clones in one outpost!

24 May 2021, 2:21am
Synthya Wylder
Loss of customized avatar design when switching between EDH & EDO would be quite annoying.

Loss of custom key-binds when switching between EDH & EDO is an order of magnitude worse.

For me, when going from Odyssey to Horizons, the game defaults to mouse+keyboard. I just select "custom" and it's back to normal. When going from Horizons to Odyssey, I have to rebind on foot controls every time but the others are unaffected.

There's a workaround to 'lock' the key bindings when switching between EDH & EDO which I haven't yet tried, but it's a PITA & an unwarranted complication.

Hopefully, that'll get included with future fixes. "Soon"(tm).

Around the time the FDevs get Relative Mouse to engage when switching to FA-Off.
24 May 2021, 2:36am
It seems like they had the alpha version and the release version right next to each other and someone uploaded the wrong one.
24 May 2021, 3:54am
Episparh...and I found why the flashlight do not work it is the pioneer skin that bugs it. Apply pioneer skin to any suit and you can say goodbye to the light.

If you wear all the parts of the suit, the flashlight works. It seems the torso piece is required. Which is weird because if you look at yourself in camera mode, the flashlight is attached to the jetpack, not to the torso.
24 May 2021, 5:59am
24 May 2021, 6:41am
Episparh...level of competence.

I'm guessing around "Harmless". Maybe "Novice" if you want to be generous.
24 May 2021, 6:48am
BTW, so far the best way to get free ARX on-foot is ground CZs. I have doing missions and other stuff since release and earned less than 100 this week. Yesterday, I decided to to do some CZ and got my weekly ARX maxed after the 3rd.
24 May 2021, 10:19am
OK, what kind of bug is this?!? I took one of those "restore settlement power" support missions... I arrive there, but: The settlement is fully staffed AND operational, making it impossible to do the mission
24 May 2021, 10:22am
Amata LireinOK, what kind of bug is this?!? I took one of those "restore settlement power" support missions... I arrive there, but: The settlement is fully staffed AND operational, making it impossible to do the mission

If you have level 3 legal access be sure to loot everything you can and relog fest. Just stop for scans and you will be fine.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.