Elite: Odyssey

06 May 2021, 11:21am
EpisparhDo not forget to clean the Public Test client from your HDD ... it is a good amount of 50-60 GB

Dumb question incoming: how do I locate the files to delete? Knowing me I would probably screw up my regular game files
06 May 2021, 11:34am
Just delete everything and run Steam's file checker afterwards. Everything you need will be restored.

Nah, just kidding. Deleting the folder PUBLIC_TEST_SERVER_OD will do.
06 May 2021, 11:51am
SakashiroJust delete everything and run Steam's file checker afterwards. Everything you need will be restored.

Nah, just kidding. Deleting the folder PUBLIC_TEST_SERVER_OD will do.

Thanks 07

And don’t kid me - I’m quite likely to do sumthin’ stoopid like that
06 May 2021, 5:21pm
i am actually really looking fwd to the update. i have pre-ordered and now just waiting. i want to explore and i wont leave colonia until its available
08 May 2021, 9:40am
EpisparhLasers and MCs are not good weapons for Ship vs infantry. If that guy faced my FGS he will be down in one voley of dumbire missiles.

Did you notice the scatter on the dumb fires seems to be very very wide ?

Took me a lot of volleys with 4 Advanced Launchers to take down the anti ship turret.

Hopefully the pack hounds will do better on release.
09 May 2021, 11:18pm
Doomsday clock ticking: 9 days left!
10 May 2021, 1:09am
SakashiroDoomsday clock ticking: 9 days left!

Where are the days going.... in my head it was still 2 full weeks away
10 May 2021, 7:16am
Heh, doomsday.

I have other things for my free time if Frontier make a mess.
10 May 2021, 10:21am
Any other multiplayer games we can play together if FDev screws up?

I have Space Engineers, Empyrion Galactic Survival, and No Man's Sky. A few others, too, but no other space games unfortunately.
10 May 2021, 10:44am
I do play only one more game in which I have account for 5 plus years. It is F2P PvP style game with battles similar to CQC. No social or role playing activities. Team play is usually facilitated by divisions or clan activities.

My referral invitation to World of Warships. It gives some goodies if you reach specific target.
10 May 2021, 6:53pm
FDev is already starting to mess things up. My launcher no longer logs in automatically when I start it from Steam.

I hope my Frontier credentials still work...

Hmm, now it works again...
10 May 2021, 7:15pm
Can be steam issue. This is the reason I ditched steam a year ago.
10 May 2021, 8:10pm
I rarely had this problem before, and when I did, a simple re-launch of the launcher would fix it. Today it didn't work multiple times in a row. And then it was back to normal. Go figure...

I like Steam because of its fast updater. Installing updates through the launcher is a major PITA. GOG has the same problem btw. Writing multiple files at the same time on a HDD is a bad idea.

I see ED's launcher has an option to turn off multi-threaded updates. Is that new? Wish I had discovered this during the alpha...
11 May 2021, 8:56am
SakashiroFDev is already starting to mess things up. My launcher no longer logs in automatically when I start it from Steam.

I hope my Frontier credentials still work...

Hmm, now it works again...

i get that sometimes i just have to close elite open steam and reopen elite
-ok just read the rest of your post ignore me...
11 May 2021, 4:04pm
Doomsday clock ticking: 8 days left!

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.