Elite: Odyssey

15 Aug 2022, 11:19am
Odyssey might be just the "space leg" stuff but apparently players in Horizons 4.0 won't be able to instance with players in Odyssey. Which seems kind of dumb to me seeing as how Horizons 4.0 is just Odyssey minus space legs.
15 Aug 2022, 11:27am
Light-HawkOdyssey might be just the "space leg" stuff but apparently players in Horizons 4.0 won't be able to instance with players in Odyssey. Which seems kind of dumb to me seeing as how Horizons 4.0 is just Odyssey minus space legs.

Are you sure? I thought not-instancing would be only on surface else you should be able to instance in space/ship stuff. Do you have some reference for that?
15 Aug 2022, 11:43am
15 Aug 2022, 11:45am
Light-HawkOdyssey might be just the "space leg" stuff but apparently players in Horizons 4.0 won't be able to instance with players in Odyssey. Which seems kind of dumb to me seeing as how Horizons 4.0 is just Odyssey minus space legs.

Are you sure? I thought not-instancing would be only on surface else you should be able to instance in space/ship stuff. Do you have some reference for that?


"When the option to launch in 4.0 is made available to all PC players, instancing will be separate between 3.8 and 4.0 (as it has always been) and separate between Horizons and Odyssey on 4.0."
15 Aug 2022, 12:26pm
Oh, Frontier keep altering the deal
15 Aug 2022, 12:34pm
EpisparhOh, Frontier keep altering the deal

15 Aug 2022, 9:17pm
SheehyThe ground is mixed rock colours. It's shows better in the foreground of the shot. A bit like the grating on Carriers. At 1080p there's only so much that can be done to stop it. If you watch on approach, the pixalation occurs for maybe half a second, so you have to be really attentive to catch it. Usually, I'm too busy spotting the best landing spot to reach my desired target to notice or care.

The ground is a mix of multiple detail textures, blended by a low resolution noise texture. Move your camera up a bit and you will see this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

And just so you understand how ubiquitous this is, the last five screenshots were taken on five planets in the same System: Deciat 1, Deciat 2, Deciat 3, Deciat 4, Deciat 5. Consider yourself lucky if you find a planet in Odyssey that doesn't have this garbage terrain, because those are rare. In Horizons (3.8) on the other hand there is not one planet that looks like that. The blending between detail textures in Horizons is super subtle, everywhere. And there is zero tiling visible from orbit because all terrain is procedurally generated. No mountain, no valley ever repeats. And no matter where you land, frame rates are three times higher than Odyssey's. Instead of augmenting this near-perfect terrain system with atmospheric shaders, FDev threw it all out.

Pixelated terrain has occurred in Odyssey since FDev rolled out the first alpha version. It was reported early by testers, along with the terrain tiling bug, and FDev did nothing about it. They just released it two weeks later. This btw is one of the reasons why I refunded my Odyssey deluxe edition. The whole "alpha test" was nothing but BS, because most of the feedback was simply ignored. It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
15 Aug 2022, 10:17pm
SheehyWow, I really happy for you that you have your facts from armchair coders and self-appointed YouTube experts to negate the normally good experience us regular Odyssey players have.

Not sure where you got that idea. I'm using personal experience, documented facts, and official statements. Where does your information come from? Having a good experience does not mean the game is not buggy and has no issues. I still get some enjoyment out of the game but I also fully acknowledge the myriad of problems it has. My most favorite games ever have bugs but I don't pretend like they aren't there. There is no shame in admitting the game is not flawless regardless of how much you enjoy playing it.
16 Aug 2022, 4:37am
Disco, Disco, Disco!

Courtesy of BL1P
16 Aug 2022, 7:01am
SheehyWow, I really happy for you that you have your facts from armchair coders and self-appointed YouTube experts to negate the normally good experience us regular Odyssey players have.

Not sure where you got that idea. I'm using personal experience, documented facts, and official statements. Where does your information come from? Having a good experience does not mean the game is not buggy and has no issues. I still get some enjoyment out of the game but I also fully acknowledge the myriad of problems it has. My most favorite games ever have bugs but I don't pretend like they aren't there. There is no shame in admitting the game is not flawless regardless of how much you enjoy playing it.

Perhaps it might do to reread my posts with a different filter if you think I do not see the faults or think it has no issues. It's just not the shit show you seem to be intent on making it out to be - that it cannot possibly be enjoyable or playable.

Some people love the mono-colour, unrealistic fractal surfaces Horizons put out. Good for them. In Frontier's opinion, and mine too, there's no way that would have ever worked with on-foot gameplay where you get really close to the surface. After opening Odyssey, there's no way in a million years I'd go back to it. I don't even keep that version up to date.

I love what it is, faults and all. It has improved (cue rolling eyes and frothing at the mouth) and there are still bugs, but it is far-far from unplayable. That's my opinion and my enjoyment. You and others bringing the bulldozers in and trying to bully me into agreeing with you will never change that, and you are not going to shut me up! I didn't join this conversation to counter your opinion, I joined it to answer a question about Odyssey and you all started piling in on me for voicing an opinion that was different to yours.
16 Aug 2022, 10:17am
A question was asked concerning whether or not Odyssey was "worth it yet", which clearly means any answer will be an opinion. You gave your response and others gave theirs. I then referenced a fan art I remembered seeing and the associated perspective. You then said my perspective was wrong and yours was right. Then others shared their experiences. You then started lashing out saying they are wrong and have continued to do so. Then there were points made by several people about the bugs of the game and evidence showing them or explanations describing them, which you were intent on downplaying or outright denying, seeming to think that none of us know what we are talking about.

That is a summary of the posts.

You either misinterpret/misunderstand what we are saying or intentionally do not want to understand. Based on your posts/responses, I have to assume that you do not want to understand what we are saying and for whatever reason you seem to take our posts as personal attacks. We only tried to show/explain the reality of the game for most players, nothing more. Concerning bugs/glitches and whatnot, our posts are fact/evidence/game-experience based, but your responses to them seem to be primarily emotion based with some game-experience on the side. The reality is most people are on fairly high on the bug/glitch spectrum and very few are on the low end. All the information we are sharing is acknowledged by FDev and publicly available through official channels if you care to search for it.

Nobody said it is not possible to enjoy the game or that you can't play it. Nobody said you are not allowed to have fun playing the game. Nobody is saying you have to have the same perspective we do. Nobody is trying to shut you up. Nobody is emptying their bowels on the game as you seem to think. Many people enjoy Odyssey, but you take offence when someone says anything bad about it. If you go back and read all the posts, you were the one to inject hostilities. None of ours gave reason to incur a hostile response from what I can see. None of mine were written as hostile, but it seems you have been reading them that way. You attacked everyone who said anything that was different than your personal perspective/experience. You seem to be in the group you describe in your own post:
SheehyThere are some noisy minorities out there trying to bully and troll their way into having their views validated, but they are not representative.

We can only put things so plainly so if you still don't see it then there is no point in continuing because it just seems to rile you up. I know you will stay with your current perspective and that's fine, I am not trying to change it. I am also ending my part in this mess so I can save Artie from having to move/delete more posts, since I would rather he spent that time working on the new Inara instead. I will watch from the sidelines should others decide to continue whatever this has turned into.

XeknosSo... Odyssey worth it yet?

Clearly there are many differing opinions on this matter so it's up to you if it is worth it or not. Hopefully you found some useful information over the last 4 pages of posts or so if you managed to sift through it all. If you are okay with the bugs and performance, and the on-foot aspects intrigue you then sure, go for it.
16 Aug 2022, 10:54am
XeknosSo... Odyssey worth it yet?

I picked it up for £20 and I've spent hundreds of hours playing it.

If I was the developer would I brag about pleasing my customers with this DLC? no. As a customer did I get £20 of fun out of it? Yes.

People tend to associate spending money as an approval of a developers efforts. It is not a AAA DLC, but it's content, and god knows we don't get much of that in Elite. So yes, I'd recommend the DLC to any Elite player who is heavily invested in the game.
16 Aug 2022, 11:05am
Aunty SledgePeople tend to associate spending money as an approval of a developers efforts. It is not a AAA DLC, but it's content, and god knows we don't get much of that in Elite. So yes, I'd recommend the DLC to any Elite player who is heavily invested in the game.

This. If you are invested in Elite and love the game and want the additional content (or just want to support the game) and you have the money, go for it. If you are not interested in the space legs stuff and are not invested in Elite, I'm not going to recommend it. Especially with Horizon's getting the 4.0 graphical upgrade soon.
16 Aug 2022, 11:28am
KurakilA question was asked concerning whether or not Odyssey was "worth it yet", which clearly means any answer will be an opinion. You gave your response and others gave theirs. I then referenced a fan art I remembered seeing and the associated perspective. You then said my perspective was wrong and yours was right. /snip/

For what it's worth, I never responded to that specific quote of yours, however, my post was quoted directly and demeaned, and dismissed ("But it's a cool screenshot posing simulator, lol." "The "breath taking" stuff is not a game but another options to the screenshot generator." "Those photos are nice, but they don't represent what the game actually looks like most of the time.") by a number of contributors, trying to prove my experience invalid with "facts!" Your summary is therefore inaccurate at best. I guess we see what we want to see.

Why don't people like to post positive things about Odyssey on this forum when people clearly do have positive things to say about it?
16 Aug 2022, 11:42am
Since you quote mostly me I will give you one last reference.

Screenshots to gameplay is as making photos to vacation.

You can make a stunning photos out of a crapy vacation, while you can have awesome vacation which leave you no time for making photos.

If that is your thing - enjoy making wallpapers.

P. S. If the game was as good as you try to describe it, I guess there wouldn't be a need for you to defend it from objective opinions.

Last edit: 16 Aug 2022, 11:50am

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.