Elite: Odyssey

16 Aug 2022, 12:07pm
EpisparhSince you quote mostly me I will give you one last reference.

Screenshots to gameplay is as making photos to vacation.

You can make a stunning photos out of a crapy vacation, while you can have awesome vacation which leave you no time for making photos.

If that is your thing - enjoy making wallpapers.

Highlighted: Implies intent to deceive?

Taking screenshots is important to me, but I don't use them as wallpapers. I like to remember some of the places I have been and share that with other people. Most people tend to do the same, looking at Instagram and Facebook. It seems that a lot people appreciate it. There are even competitions #stellarscreenshots and there's a PG that lives to do just that. So it seems to be validated gameplay. I even have an Asp paintjob to prove it (I just need the Asp to put it on!)

Same with vacations. Some people take photos to tell a story of the journey they are on. I don't go out of my way coming back from a vacation to deceive people. I take interesting photos of the rain and then tell people "There weather was rubbish, it did nothing but rain, but look at these photos..."

There's no ulterior motive to taking screenshots. (Although there is much deception going on when it comes to influencers and touchups, etc. - none of my screenshots have ever been adjusted or touched up except where I have occasionally made cartoons of them.)

If you are interested, my latest can be found here: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-great-big-odyssey-screenshots-thread.568114/post-9880062 There are also links on each post to the earliest screenshots of gameplay on Odyssey when I had only my trusty Exploraconda and headed out to Sag A*. That's here: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/the-great-big-odyssey-screenshots-thread.568114/post-9184442

You will notice in that very first post the issue of star/atmosphere versus distant mountain shades. You can see the very stark difference between the sky and the mountains. It was an issue that was not sorted until many updates later. Just like the first link I posted has issues with AntiAliasing that I didn't sort until last week or so.

Last edit: 16 Aug 2022, 12:14pm
16 Aug 2022, 12:18pm
As I said, you have a valid point but it is applicable for you.

My initial comment, which I think is quite objective still stands:


Oddysey is the on-foot content, station, megaships and fleet carrier concourses. Everything else Horizons players will get soon with client 4.0.

For now on-foot progression have zero relations with ship stuff.

To answer your question:
It might worth for you if you do like walking around and first person shooting. Having low expectations for quality and performance can only help.
16 Aug 2022, 12:33pm
Still think it's dumb that Horizon's 4.0 and Odyssey will be in separate instances. Elite is already not the most popular game. Lots of players prefer to fly in solo and private group, so this just narrows down the amount of players in Open. Now there's 3 separate instances (3.8, 4.0, Ody) further dividing the players who do enjoy Open.
16 Aug 2022, 12:39pm
Light-HawkStill think it's dumb that Horizon's 4.0 and Odyssey will be in separate instances. Elite is already not the most popular game. Lots of players prefer to fly in solo and private group, so this just narrows down the amount of players in Open. Now there's 3 separate instances (3.8, 4.0, Ody) further dividing the players who do enjoy Open.

Absolutely agree. Defragmentation of player base further is very bad move.
16 Aug 2022, 12:55pm
Light-HawkStill think it's dumb that Horizon's 4.0 and Odyssey will be in separate instances. Elite is already not the most popular game. Lots of players prefer to fly in solo and private group, so this just narrows down the amount of players in Open. Now there's 3 separate instances (3.8, 4.0, Ody) further dividing the players who do enjoy Open.

Absolutely agree. Defragmentation of player base further is very bad move.

I agree with you.

Still wondering though if Bruce got it mixed up considering the original plan involved instancing Horizons and Odyssey in space as a minium. It caused an uproar on the forums and poor Sally promised a separate post explaining the matter - but it's taking a long time to materialise. I wonder if they are changing their minds. If Bruce simply got it wrong, the updated thread would have appeared by now, surely.
16 Aug 2022, 1:50pm
Light-HawkStill think it's dumb that Horizon's 4.0 and Odyssey will be in separate instances. Elite is already not the most popular game. Lots of players prefer to fly in solo and private group, so this just narrows down the amount of players in Open. Now there's 3 separate instances (3.8, 4.0, Ody) further dividing the players who do enjoy Open.

Absolutely agree. Defragmentation of player base further is very bad move.

I agree with you.

Still wondering though if Bruce got it mixed up considering the original plan involved instancing Horizons and Odyssey in space as a minium. It caused an uproar on the forums and poor Sally promised a separate post explaining the matter - but it's taking a long time to materialise. I wonder if they are changing their minds. If Bruce simply got it wrong, the updated thread would have appeared by now, surely.

Glad there is something we ALL agree on here.
16 Aug 2022, 1:52pm
I can only speculate but there are not many options:

1. There is technical difficulty related to how instance abstraction is defined. So, there is no easy way to determine if instances are Horizons friendly. Most of the multi-player issues are related to the "glorious" p2p networking model.

2. Marketing. A carrot to sell more DLC copies.

IMO, it is the former which is far more likely.

Last edit: 16 Aug 2022, 2:34pm
16 Aug 2022, 3:08pm
Probably a technical limitation with ensuring 4.0 players don't have access to the foot settlements Ody players have access to. Perhaps wing'ing or multi-crewing causing issues?
16 Aug 2022, 3:14pm

Final proof that you never played Horizons.
16 Aug 2022, 4:58pm
Yuna Sakashiro

Final proof that you never played Horizons.

16 Aug 2022, 5:03pm
16 Aug 2022, 5:21pm
In horizons we get largely mono-color textures. In Odyssey we get textures that look like digital military uniform camo patterns. Pick which ever one you dislike the least I guess.
16 Aug 2022, 5:27pm
I don't get out much. Still under 7000 LY from start, after more than 70k hrs. Still run low res graphics and shoot for good frame rates. Of course I also still like to play FarCry2 so Sepia tone's are fine with me. -
16 Aug 2022, 7:16pm
odyssey screenshot at low / medium settings taken from Scrithworld (one of the hottest landable planets) - Dryio Flyuae AL-X e1-480 - 20000 ly from the bubble

Last edit: 16 Aug 2022, 8:20pm

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.