Elite: Odyssey

11 Jun 2022, 2:16am
Oh, now I can't ESC to the main menu in case of material trader window bugging up. Alt-Tab and an attempt to terminate the application helps though. Good job, FDev.
11 Jun 2022, 2:28am
MeowersOh, now I can't ESC to the main menu in case of material trader window bugging up. Alt-Tab and an attempt to terminate the application helps though. Good job, FDev.

I've also had to ctrl+alt+del most of the time just to exit the game since Odyssey release. I usually get an eternal black screen if I use the menu to exit.
11 Jun 2022, 12:00pm
SakashiroSo I unmapped the key. It's useless.

I thought that way too until I was interdicted by pro ganker and I was killed because I could not jettison the cargo in one shot and gain the escape speed... though I still have not mapped it back probably waiting for the second hindsight.
11 Jun 2022, 1:35pm
SakashiroSo I unmapped the key. It's useless.

I thought that way too until I was interdicted by pro ganker and I was killed because I could not jettison the cargo in one shot and gain the escape speed... though I still have not mapped it back probably waiting for the second hindsight.

This is BS for anyone that isn't sure. In almost all transport ships, the speed improvement wouldn't be enough to escape and, even if it was enough, the time it takes for the cargo to be jettisoned (something you should have been considering well before the interdiction completes) is long enough that the 5 seconds (assuming panicking noobs) it took you to go to the inventory panel to dump it, instead of just pushing the bind, is negligible.

The only cargo transport that can outrun pirates is maybe the Cutter. It doesn't need the bind because it can fly fast even fully loaded and has shields that last long enough for you to get away without dumping anything at all.

Last edit: 12 Jun 2022, 6:00am
11 Jun 2022, 9:24pm
Which is BS, that it's useless or that it can give you a speed edge when you need it?
11 Jun 2022, 9:40pm
ChallengeWhich is BS, that it's useless or that it can give you a speed edge when you need it?

The cargo load reduce your speed, when you jettison the load you gain speed, but if this is the case, and you have abandon your cargo for safe your life, you not have a correct (ideal) cargo ship.
11 Jun 2022, 9:59pm
I agree with that.

There be pirates who want your stuff, arrr? Having to toss it out an airlock to get away means you lose your stuff. If your max cargo load hits performance that hard, stop being so greedy.

The alternative to out racing pirates is out flying them. Learning to use the counter measures and maneuvering with and without flight assist is how you get to keep your stuff.
11 Jun 2022, 11:54pm
ChallengeI agree with that.

There be pirates who want your stuff, arrr? Having to toss it out an airlock to get away means you lose your stuff. If your max cargo load hits performance that hard, stop being so greedy.

The alternative to out racing pirates is out flying them. Learning to use the counter measures and maneuvering with and without flight assist is how you get to keep your stuff.

Remember Engineers, they will help you pimp your ship(s) to better days.
12 Jun 2022, 5:59am
ChallengeWhich is BS, that it's useless or that it can give you a speed edge when you need it?

That the button would save you the time needed to get away. Probably should have been clearer. Edited that post for clarity.
12 Jun 2022, 2:32pm
Nothing have you to worry about your BS immunity works fine...
12 Jun 2022, 7:55pm
Damn, does someone actually believes that a trading/mining ship can outrun or outmaneuver a combat ship?

How naive
12 Jun 2022, 8:14pm
Episparha trading/mining ship can outrun or outmaneuver a combat ship?
I have a cargo (tritium) loadout for my Marshmallow. Also I can install some mining gear.
12 Jun 2022, 8:36pm
I have a cargo (tritium) loadout for my Marshmallow. Also I can install some mining gear.

This is your own perversion ...

I can put PAs and rails on type-9 but that won't make it a combat ship.
12 Jun 2022, 9:04pm
EpisparhDamn, does someone actually believes that a trading/mining ship can outrun or outmaneuver a combat ship?

How naive

You make it sound like no trader can ever out run or out maneuver a combat ship. This is simply not true. Not, at least, according to some of the streamers I've watched and comments I've read here and among other places. Engineered bits, Sensor signature reduction, as well as a pilot's skill in evasive maneuvers all play a part.

And they really only have to do it long enough to enable a re-engagement of the FSD.
12 Jun 2022, 9:04pm
"...run Forrest run..." nothing if anything wrong in running away

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.