Elite: Odyssey

04 Aug 2022, 9:07am
MitxelTop ranks on empire and federation must bring us a new powerfull ship. Ships with docking system. These ship cant not landing at pads or surface. Ships equiped with a one médium or small landing pad. And the docking system for dock at stations.

a smaler version of the Farragut-Class Battle Cruiser or the Majestic-Class Interdictor for players could be very Interesting
would be nice to see a few more ships available.. like the phanter clipper. it was already developed but not implemented in the game, only spotted during alpha phase.

Last edit: 04 Aug 2022, 9:15am
04 Aug 2022, 9:34am
Alex Hoffmann
MitxelTop ranks on empire and federation must bring us a new powerfull ship. Ships with docking system. These ship cant not landing at pads or surface. Ships equiped with a one médium or small landing pad. And the docking system for dock at stations.

a smaler version of the Farragut-Class Battle Cruiser or the Majestic-Class Interdictor for players could be very Interesting
would be nice to see a few more ships available.. like the phanter clipper. it was already developed but not implemented in the game, only spotted during alpha phase.

You read my mind... XD
04 Aug 2022, 10:48am
If someone is interested in G3 maverick with extra backpack capacity -> Stebler Landing
04 Aug 2022, 6:29pm
Alex Hoffmann
MitxelTop ranks on empire and federation must bring us a new powerfull ship. Ships with docking system. These ship cant not landing at pads or surface. Ships equiped with a one médium or small landing pad. And the docking system for dock at stations.

a smaler version of the Farragut-Class Battle Cruiser or the Majestic-Class Interdictor for players could be very Interesting
would be nice to see a few more ships available.. like the phanter clipper. it was already developed but not implemented in the game, only spotted during alpha phase.

You read my mind... XD

Why make FDev go through the hassle of designing smaller versions of the Farragut or Majestic when they could just take the existing Farragut/Majestics, give them a flight model and cockpit and let us run with those?
04 Aug 2022, 7:55pm
Alex Hoffmann

a smaler version of the Farragut-Class Battle Cruiser or the Majestic-Class Interdictor for players could be very Interesting
would be nice to see a few more ships available.. like the phanter clipper. it was already developed but not implemented in the game, only spotted during alpha phase.

You read my mind... XD

Why make FDev go through the hassle of designing smaller versions of the Farragut or Majestic when they could just take the existing Farragut/Majestics, give them a flight model and cockpit and let us run with those?

Capital ships? Oh Yessss
04 Aug 2022, 8:29pm
MitxelCapital ships? Oh Yessss

I have been begging for them for a while now. I'd pay good money for a DLC that permits me to get my own Majestic.
04 Aug 2022, 8:44pm
MitxelCapital ships? Oh Yessss

I have been begging for them for a while now. I'd pay good money for a DLC that permits me to get my own Majestic.

In my game journals, becoming an Imperial Senator - I wrote that I sent my Capital ship was send to Kavanaugh Spaceframes for the same mods that Jaques Orbital had. Less than a week later, Rackham pops up buying Kavanaugh for the Federation.

Maybe you will have better luck becoming an Imperial Senator, if you don't send your Capital ship for modification?
04 Aug 2022, 9:13pm
BluecrashIn my game journals, becoming an Imperial Senator - I wrote that I sent my Capital ship was send to Kavanaugh Spaceframes for the same mods that Jaques Orbital had. Less than a week later, Rackham pops up buying Kavanaugh for the Federation.

Maybe you will have better luck becoming an Imperial Senator, if you don't send your Capital ship for modification?

I wonder if FDev ever takes player journals into account if they are interesting enough. Otherwise for now I own 4 fleet carriers just because I refuse to let Senator Torval be the only one with a private armada. But my carriers need a Majestic...... for protection of course..... I'll take a look at your journals for being an Imperial Senator though. Sounds fun.
05 Aug 2022, 12:39pm
Aunty Sledge
DanteUniversalIs there a good/best surface settlement to farm assets and data? Possibly in anarchy.

You can use this Inara tool nearest restore missions. You get a reward for doing the mission, get to kill some scavengers, and once the base's power has been restored you can loot the place.

It's not 100% accurate, but once you find a local system with restore missions you can grab 3-4 at a time, complete them, and then grab the next batch from the same station.

dont forget to turn the power off when you leave , and nick the power regulator
05 Aug 2022, 1:30pm
08 Aug 2022, 1:41pm
Yuna SakashiroThe big galaxy merge is coming.

TL;DR: Horizons players will be able to run the game on client 4.0 without purchasing the Odyssey DLC. Client 3.8 will remain installed as a fallback option.

So the console players don't get fun stuff I guess. Too bad, at least we don't get servers turned off... I still get the bad taste especially when it turned out killing console support had zero influence over PC version of the game. Frontier killed it, because barely anyone works on Elite: Dangerous while their main staff is busy with F1, Planet Coaster and whatsnot... and the fact "optimization" is an alien word, completely absent from Frontier's dictionary.

Last edit: 08 Aug 2022, 1:48pm
08 Aug 2022, 2:00pm
The dev team for Elite is still sizeable and they are even hiring more people directly to work on Elite. So not exactly "barely anyone works on Elite" and also you won't hire people for a game you have "killed" as you are saying. Frontier is constantly growing in size, so they can afford to make multiple games at once easily, it's nothing unusual...
08 Aug 2022, 2:20pm
ArtieThe dev team for Elite is still sizeable and they are even hiring more people directly to work on Elite. So not exactly "barely anyone works on Elite" and also you won't hire people for a game you have "killed" as you are saying. Frontier is constantly growing in size, so they can afford to make multiple games at once easily, it's nothing unusual...

That could just mean replacing the rats as they jump off the ship.
08 Aug 2022, 3:20pm
There is zero logical reasons to keep two or more code bases just because of a small market exposure to group that is limited by their hardware.

Honestly, Frontier done more than enough for progress transferring from console to PC. You either jump on or jump out.
Complaining, won't help. The boat left the port.
08 Aug 2022, 6:18pm
EpisparhThere is zero logical reasons to keep two or more code bases just because of a small market exposure to group that is limited by their hardware.

I do wonder though why FDev seems unable to port client 4.0 at least to next-gen consoles.

CDPR offers a next-gen version of Cyberpunk, and HelloGames even managed to port No Man's Sky to the Switch.

Pretty sure many people will now think twice about buying any Frontier game for consoles.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.