Elite: Odyssey

08 Aug 2022, 6:21pm
Yuna SakashiroPretty sure many people will now think twice about buying any Frontier game for consoles.
Pretty sure many people will now think twice about buying any Frontier game.
08 Aug 2022, 6:34pm
Yuna Sakashiro

I do wonder though why FDev seems unable to port client 4.0 at least to next-gen consoles.

CDPR offers a next-gen version of Cyberpunk, and HelloGames even managed to port No Man's Sky to the Switch.

Pretty sure many people will now think twice about buying any Frontier game for consoles.

Because the code is crap and the game will look like a slide show perhaps

08 Aug 2022, 7:29pm
EpisparhThere is zero logical reasons to keep two or more code bases just because of a small market exposure to group that is limited by their hardware.

Honestly, Frontier done more than enough for progress transferring from console to PC. You either jump on or jump out.
Complaining, won't help. The boat left the port.

They've done more than enough, huh?

Did I miss the date when they said this transfer will take place or is this still in their annual backlog of things to do alongside 1001 PC optimizations that was sure to happen immediately when console got kicked to the curb?
08 Aug 2022, 7:43pm
As far as I know there is still not actual date. I would assume they will do it close after this week update.

And don't get high hope on the optimisation. 16 month later the game performance is still garbage on PC.
12 Aug 2022, 2:12pm
So... Odyssey worth it yet?
12 Aug 2022, 2:41pm
XeknosSo... Odyssey worth it yet?

Oddysey is the on-foot content, station, megaships and fleet carrier concourses. Everything else Horizons players will get soon with client 4.0.

For now on-foot progression have zero relations with ship stuff.

To answer your question:
It might worth for you if you do like walking around and first person shooting. Having low expectations for quality and performance can only help.
12 Aug 2022, 3:15pm
XeknosSo... Odyssey worth it yet?

In my opinion that’s a conditional yes. Conditional, primarily, on whether your PC has mid to upper range specs.

It’s not a popular opinion here, I know, but I think Frontier have put a great deal of effort into optimising Odyssey, and it shows. They have expressed a commitment to continue improvements.

The Engineer grind is the biggest challenge, and can be frustrating at times, but even that gets easier with practice.

Even with 4.0, Horizons players won’t be able to experience the atmospheric views at Settlements, which can be extraordinary.

My two credits worth, for what it’s worth .......... *looks around for air raid bunker*
12 Aug 2022, 3:21pm
As an Odyssey only person (haven't updated Horizons since May last year) I can't go back to the fractal hairball planets. I'm an explorer and miner. I love turning the Galaxy blue, one star at a time.

The on-foot part of that is so in-grained now into exploration I can't imagine being without it. To jump your carrier and watch from the bridge. To stand on a world and watch the sunrise or sunset, to get toasted by Lava, and hunting Frutexa up mountains, then to get out and look back over how far you've come. To see mountains in the distance clouded by haze, realistic looking landscapes and terrains, ice caps, mesas, mountains with debris fields that you can transition on foot, in vehicle. Footsteps in the sand/ice/mud. Oh, and those skies... those skies are gorgeous.

Yes, there's the settlements and concourses on stations, but they're just the small part. The on-foot combat... meh. It the out there that's breath taking.

Familiar desert scene by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr

Admiring the view by CMDR Sheehy, on Flickr

Is it worth it? Only if you're not interest in grind and progression.
12 Aug 2022, 3:57pm
My understanding is that planetary vistas like Cmdr Sheehy’s will be viewable in 4.0 Horizons, but I readily agree that being able to disembark and explore on foot is even more atmospheric. Especially when you get the weird sounds from biological species. One thing that Frontier has always excelled at is sound effects.
12 Aug 2022, 4:04pm
Silver TafferMy understanding is that planetary vistas like Cmdr Sheehy’s will be viewable in 4.0 Horizons, but I readily agree that being able to disembark and explore on foot is even more atmospheric. Especially when you get the weird sounds from biological species. One thing that Frontier has always excelled at is sound effects.

So here was the plan: https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us/articles/4405348381714-Odyssey-and-Horizons-compatibility-

Landing on planets with tenuous atmospheres is ONLY available to Odyssey owners.

So my impression is those vistas will not be available to 4.0 Horizons players, or at least that was not the plan a year ago.

And yes - they do love to sing!
12 Aug 2022, 4:27pm
Views are cool, grind is awful.
I've done that Elite Mercenary rank just because of OCD reasons, lol, and I'll never ever return to E:D on-foot 'human' combat. Maybe exobiology one day. Or on-foot AX. But it's a cool screenshot posing simulator, lol.
12 Aug 2022, 4:56pm
SheehyAs an Odyssey only person (haven't updated Horizons since May last year) I can't go back to the fractal hairball planets. I'm an explorer and miner. I love turning the Galaxy blue, one star at a time.

Not sure what you call fractal hairball planets but Odyssey rendering, bad or good, will be given to Horizons players anyway with client 4.0.

The only difference between Horizons and Odyssey will be on-foot stuff, atmosferic planets and Odyssey settlements.

The "breath taking" stuff is not a game but another options to the screenshot generator.
12 Aug 2022, 5:07pm
12 Aug 2022, 9:36pm
Last year I remember seeing a fan art where Horizons players were pounding on their ship window from the inside yelling "Let us out!", while Odyssey players were pounding on the doors from the outside yelling "Let us back in!". Horizons players want the new gameplay and Odyssey players want to go back to Horizons. It's not a universal sentiment but it does capture the general feeling on the matter.
14 Aug 2022, 6:56am
How a person wants to play their game is down to them. Taking pictures of this beautiful Galaxy simulation while exploring (photoexplorer) is a valid game role. Some of the biggest Elite names on Social Media (Picard) do that exclusively. But imagine if someone derided grind and murdering as a pointless waste of time and "not a game," I would expect some angry responses to that. You can do what you like without tearing down someone else's gameplay styles. It is possible!

There are some noisy minorities out there trying to bully and troll their way into having their views validated, but they are not representative. I mean - why even visit Odyssey forums and threads when you have no interest in Ody at all other than to try and validate bias? Doesn't make sense except to a shrink, I suppose.

In any case, for this player, there's no way I would ever in a million years want to go back to Horizons. I know there are many others too. So that 'general feeling' does not apply to many I am aware of.

Instead, I'm enjoying the game my way in a way I never could possibly enjoy it in Horizons.

I'll leave you with a few more screenshots to enjoy.

Taking off into dawn

Sun moon and stars

Quite a view

I know why you won't talk to me. You're a Horizons player right?

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.