Elite: Odyssey

15 Aug 2022, 8:46am
Wow, I really happy for you that you have your facts from armchair coders and self-appointed YouTube experts to negate the normally good experience us regular Odyssey players have.

And it really warms my heart that out of the 4 Billion stars in the galaxy and how ever many hundreds of billions of landable planets, you have those handful of coordinates that don't work for you that you can return to time and time again to validate your opinion.

None of which negates the sad reality that for most people, Odyssey is a pleasant experience, playable and fun.

Thanks for sharing!
15 Aug 2022, 9:19am
And thank you for having really low standards :lul:

Most people's experience is sub-par. Braben apologized and eventually stepped down FFS. FDev's shareprice halved. The Steam reviews bombed. 'Majority' find this pleasant and fun is easily disproved. Some people find it pleasant and fun, but this naive view that the game is perfectly fine does nothing but reward incompetence.

As a game it lacks in many categories: performance, and quality being the two important ones. Is it improving? Yes. Is it where it should be for a 'ready for release over a year ago' game? Most people say no. You do realize that this is a game and not a collection of screen shots, of which you couldn't tell one planet apart from another save for the different sky shading.

The screenshot can have its resolution enhanced fourfold, does not reveal the flickering shadows unacceptable framerates and other bugs, and conceals the hundreds of hours required to find that view out of a plethora of mundane, repeating planets surfaces. Squeeze coal hard enough you can get a diamond. Like coal, the number of people willing to squeeze this game hard enough to get a diamond out of it is very low and it is supposed to appeal to the masses.
15 Aug 2022, 9:50am
Burstar, good effort but then you try to reason with someone who says "Back to having fun" and posting a screenshot of laser mining type-10
15 Aug 2022, 9:56am
Having fun with something is always an individual thing. Everybody's preference is different and what somebody may consider as boring may be utter fun for somebody else and vice versa. Similar it's for the technical standards, for example - although I acknowledge the Elite's game engine has its flaws and problems, it still runs on my rig sufficiently so it doesn't ruin the game experience. So, no shaming of other commanders here because they enjoy the game "as is", please.
15 Aug 2022, 10:01am
Thank you.

Yes, the DLC was a mess when it was released. I have been playing it since the Beta, I should know. I have worked around issues from time to time. However, the additional content way outweighed the issues. Coordinated steam review bombing is hardly an indication of real player satisfaction, it's more an aspect of social bullying that's indicative of the times we live in.

It was implied that I enhance my images or otherwise attempt to deceive people. My standards are my standards, thank you very much. I have never set out to deceive anyone. My screen shots are NEVER enhanced and represent 100% what I see on the screen. (I play in Open so I don't get the option to do hi-res photos!)

Tuning Forks
15 Aug 2022, 10:05am
EpisparhBurstar, good effort but then you try to reason with someone who says "Back to having fun" and posting a screenshot of laser mining type-10

I love my T10! (I actually have two!!) And yes, I know, I'm nuts. I love mining!

Bringing Home the Bacon

I would have built that fleet carrier almost out of pure Platinum over two months, that is, If it weren't for the Golconda incident!
15 Aug 2022, 10:12am
Personally I think your screenshots are just fine. They do highlight nice things about the game. I never said Odyssey isn't fun. I never said you shouldn't enjoy Odyssey. I'm just stated a technical example of what sort of things were causing the frustration many players experienced. Yes, extremely poor optimization was a serious problem on day one. It was extremely apparent in settlements and concourses. So I avoided those until it got better. It's a lot better now but some of the mistakes that were made are very questionable. The smoke shader being a simple example of it. That's all. No reason to go attack people for literally pointing out what some of the technical issues were in the past. No the early experience was not good for the overwhelming majority of players at that time. Again, it's a lot better now.
15 Aug 2022, 10:21am
SheehyIt was implied that I enhance my images or otherwise attempt to deceive people. My standards are my standards, thank you very much. I have never set out to deceive anyone. My screen shots are NEVER enhanced and represent 100% what I see on the screen. (I play in Open so I don't get the option to do hi-res photos!)

Tuning Forks

Are you even aware that you just posted a screenshot of the pixelated terrain I was talking about?
15 Aug 2022, 10:23am
i do mining in my be loved annaconda, there are better (more suitable) ships for mining but i like to mine with it everbody has one preferences, and that is good so. if we all have same prefers / opinions we would live in a boring world..
15 Aug 2022, 10:24am
It is interesting how a remark about someone laser mining in type-10 is considered shaming... Just saying
15 Aug 2022, 10:35am
tried type 10 for mining long time ago.. but than fallback to annaconda.. for me it is to heavy, but have nice cargo capacities.. phyton is also a candidat, but at the end it depends on how much tons i would like to grind in a session..
15 Aug 2022, 10:49am
Yuna Sakashiro
SheehyIt was implied that I enhance my images or otherwise attempt to deceive people. My standards are my standards, thank you very much. I have never set out to deceive anyone. My screen shots are NEVER enhanced and represent 100% what I see on the screen. (I play in Open so I don't get the option to do hi-res photos!)

Tuning Forks

Are you even aware that you just posted a screenshot of the pixelated terrain I was talking about?

It's not pixilation that's the problem in this screenshot - it's antialiasing of fine details. The ground is mixed rock colours. It's shows better in the foreground of the shot. A bit like the grating on Carriers. At 1080p there's only so much that can be done to stop it. If you watch on approach, the pixalation occurs for maybe half a second, so you have to be really attentive to catch it. Usually, I'm too busy spotting the best landing spot to reach my desired target to notice or care.


I did actually improve the antialiasing situation by disabling the AMD whatchmacallit and turning on super sampling (which my system could not handle 12 months ago) which has remarkably improved the situation.
15 Aug 2022, 10:55am
Alex Hoffmanntried type 10 for mining long time ago.. but than fallback to annaconda.. for me it is to heavy, but have nice cargo capacities.. phyton is also a candidat, but at the end it depends on how much tons i would like to grind in a session..

Most people go for the grind to get the Cutter as the absolute Meta for mining. I can't be bothered with grind and I love the character of the T10 - plus the view is fantastic. I can fill up a full 256t plus 10t in the refinery in around a relaxing hour or so.

I do think about the Python. It was one of my favourite smaller ships. I might see if I can grab one the next time I'm back in the bubble.
15 Aug 2022, 10:58am
EpisparhIt is interesting how a remark about someone laser mining in type-10 is considered shaming... Just saying


I think it's highly likely it was not your post that drew that particular remark! You just caught caught in the crossfire.

(Ugh - these emoticons don't work?)
15 Aug 2022, 11:11am
I personally find it pointless to argue with anyone flying type-10 for whatever reason.


Anyway, Odyssey is just "space leg" stuff.

Everything else, new engine, new UI, new lighting, new ship models and textures, etc., will be given to Horizons players for good or bad. If you waited so long, you better wait few more weeks to find if your rig will handle client 4.0.

P. S. You can always go with the refund option as well.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.