Elite: Odyssey

03 Oct 2022, 6:18pm
I also test apps and programs for some of my friends.. This whole situation has left a bad taste in my mouth... I have warned off my friends and their friends. I told them not to waster there money. If something like this happens FDEV, will not correct it.
I am now thinking of trying EVE out. I have already checked out NMS...and it's good and you can actually mod it using scripts. And you don't have to worry about the developers finding ways to screw you out of your Credits. LOL
03 Oct 2022, 6:56pm
Check out X4 Foundations. It's ace.
03 Oct 2022, 6:59pm
Ok...will do.
03 Oct 2022, 7:31pm
Just watched a couple of trailers... It looks good. May have to delve into it just to see if its worth the time and money.
05 Oct 2022, 5:15am
After a two year break from ED and now transferred my CMDR from PS to PC I'm loving Odyssey. It has its bugs but overall impressed and getting it for a £10 too!
10 Oct 2022, 4:44pm
BadBogeyAfter a two year break from ED and now transferred my CMDR from PS to PC I'm loving Odyssey. It has its bugs but overall impressed and getting it for a £10 too!

I was very skeptical buying Odyssey because of a lot of the negative comments here and on the Steam page. Yes, it has bugs, and honestly I think it looks slightly less graphically sharp in VR than 3.8 did, however I'm really enjoying it. I think it can be a great starting point for new content. I'd like to see more on foot station content and such. For now, I'm very content.
11 Oct 2022, 6:23am
Lindy Ruhlzag
I was very skeptical buying Odyssey because of a lot of the negative comments here and on the Steam page. Yes, it has bugs, and honestly I think it looks slightly less graphically sharp in VR than 3.8 did, however I'm really enjoying it. I think it can be a great starting point for new content. I'd like to see more on foot station content and such. For now, I'm very content.

Totally agree, man. It's buggy, ugly, but I love it :-D
16 Oct 2022, 11:39pm
So, has anyone heard of a day when FDEV is going to put out Update 14?
17 Oct 2022, 8:01am
Talon AvexSo, has anyone heard of a day when FDEV is going to put out Update 14?

Apparently it's coming in November, which has 30 days.

So probably the 30th. If it doesn't slip into December.

(yes the cynicism is perhaps annoying, but is based on precedent)
17 Oct 2022, 8:22am
Cleaned up my friends list yesterday. Removed all the folks who haven't logged in for months. Then I decommissioned my fleet carrier. Got a feeling that update 14 will be make-or-break for ED.
17 Oct 2022, 8:46am
Yuna SakashiroCleaned up my friends list yesterday. Removed all the folks who haven't logged in for months. Then I decommissioned my fleet carrier. Got a feeling that update 14 will be make-or-break for ED.

I'm down to 2 pages now, and I could probably chuck 2/3 of players off that if I based it off 'last login' being more than a few weeks. Used to be exclusively playing in Open but now I see little point, especially how performance tanks even worse in busy instances (like the recent AX CG).
17 Oct 2022, 9:57am
Yuna SakashiroCleaned up my friends list yesterday. Removed all the folks who haven't logged in for months. Then I decommissioned my fleet carrier. Got a feeling that update 14 will be make-or-break for ED.

I done the opposite. Dumped most of my CRs to the FC. It will remain in Gato even if I do not log next 7 years.

... But then what is the chance the game runs for so long
19 Oct 2022, 6:37am
EDH i use for grinding materials on surface (easy, with so much signals) cause in odyssey it´s realy terrible to grind (find) some hotspots on surface, thats really f***** up
04 Nov 2022, 1:28am
Why are settlement security always so eager to scan me? It's not like I tend to clean out settlements and render them completely void of life and resources when I visit them. I swear they were already like that when I got there!

Last edit: 04 Nov 2022, 1:35am
04 Nov 2022, 3:44am
On a separate but possibly related note... I called in an Apex shuttle to a settlement and it was shot down before it could even land. I currently have no fines or bounties anywhere, I am allied with the settlement faction, and no alarms went off. Any ideas? I've had a shuttle get shot down before but at least then there were theoretical reasons (most likely a bounty), but this time I can't come up with anything.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.