Elite: Odyssey

05 Apr 2021, 9:31am
Silver TafferIf it’s selling the regulator you want to do then why do the mission , what with all the taxi-time?
In any case the selling price for regulators seems to have been nerfed. I saw a YouTube video where the Cmdr got 100,000 Cr for each regulator, stack those puppies and you are minted! But I tried that yesterday and the selling price was 5,000 Cr, checked several stations and that was the going rate.

Typical FDev fix, instead of fixing ability to sell mission items they nerf the price making other means to obtain power regulators pointless.
05 Apr 2021, 8:11pm
No saying how that’ll work out beyond alpha but, as one main objective must be to test the mission mechanics, there’s no mileage in presenting folks with an easy credit-making opportunity which shortcuts that objective.
05 Apr 2021, 9:01pm
Yeah, I do not question the reason but the actual implementation of the fix. Players shouldn't be able to sell mission items at first place. Technically you can stack 20 mission and still make 100k.
05 Apr 2021, 9:02pm
EpisparhYeah, I do not question the reason but the actual implementation of the fix. Players shouldn't be able to sell mission items at first place. Technically you can stack 20 mission and still make 100k.

True dat, I get your point 07
05 Apr 2021, 9:52pm
Episparh. Players shouldn't be able to sell mission items at first place.


As a career criminal I consider your comment to be very narrow minded... Having sold entire wing delivery mission cargo items many times in the past I would, naturally, disagree with what you consider players should or should not be able to do, you are at liberty to be as strait-laced as you wish - but for me, crime literally does pay, and stealing mission items is my salary
05 Apr 2021, 10:12pm
Well, that is a cheat which is allowed by lame game design. Technically it is a crime. An effortless one, for which the game will punish you with just minor rep lost. Still a price nerf is even more lame than allowing this without serious penalties of some sort.

In normal world if you promise to transport something and you steal and sell it for profit, you will most likely get problems with authorities or even have a bounty on your head. But in Elite, meh 1% reputation lost.
05 Apr 2021, 10:34pm
Rat Catcher
Episparh. Players shouldn't be able to sell mission items at first place.


As a career criminal I consider your comment to be very narrow minded... Having sold entire wing delivery mission cargo items many times in the past I would, naturally, disagree with what you consider players should or should not be able to do, you are at liberty to be as strait-laced as you wish - but for me, crime literally does pay, and stealing mission items is my salary

Given that this is an Alpha build of game mechanics I think Epi has a valid point. That ability IN ALPHA means that the mission test is bypassed!
06 Apr 2021, 6:48am
I was able to upgrade tk aphelion or whatever that long laser rifle was called. I will test tonight if 25% DPS upgrade makes a difference against bullet sponges.
06 Apr 2021, 8:41am
Silver Taffer
Rat Catcher
Episparh. Players shouldn't be able to sell mission items at first place.


As a career criminal I consider your comment to be very narrow minded... Having sold entire wing delivery mission cargo items many times in the past I would, naturally, disagree with what you consider players should or should not be able to do, you are at liberty to be as strait-laced as you wish - but for me, crime literally does pay, and stealing mission items is my salary

Given that this is an Alpha build of game mechanics I think Epi has a valid point. That ability IN ALPHA means that the mission test is bypassed!

Surely, in an alpha, every possible outcome should be tested, to ensure it isn't 'broken'? That would also include mission goods going astray as it already happens in the base game.

Frontier's reaction in reducing the sell price was odd, but not unexpected. In a 'Blaze your own trail' galaxy, I often feel that as long as that trail is entirely lawful, it is fine, for those who wish to play in the shadows, the system is biased against these actions.
06 Apr 2021, 9:08am
I still do not get why the effort to actually steal the thing from guarded settlement should be equalized in reward to clicking on terminal and menus to take and abandon a mission.

Last edit: 06 Apr 2021, 9:22am
06 Apr 2021, 1:16pm
EpisparhI still do not get why the effort to actually steal the thing from guarded settlement should be equalized in reward to clicking on terminal and menus to take and abandon a mission.

In general it isn't: Stolen goods (pre-Fleet Carriers, of course) would normally be sold through a Black Market - taking a 25% hit on value. Which in itself is very odd as Black Market trade in illicit or rare goods should be paying well above galactic average if 'lip service' was paid to the nature of said markets.

The alpha has been an interesting week so far, although only Phase 4 is of particular interest to me as then we should be playing a virtually feature complete version and able to provide feedback for the expansion without stepping outside of the 'report on...' requirement.

As a personal observation, allowing for a lack of optimisation (we were told such) the alpha has been surprisingly stable with quite so many players 'trapped' in a single system. I'm also completely enjoying the diversity of missions and challenge so far - it has been frustratingly good!
06 Apr 2021, 2:18pm
Weapon upgrade is game changer, even just 25% boost from first upgrade. Apparently bullet sponges are balanced with grind.

Not if I advise this - for alpha 4 all progress will be void as we will get our live server data cloned.
06 Apr 2021, 5:35pm
Odyssey has turned my Holo-Me into a literal mouth-breather. No matter how I set the sliders, the mouth is always slightly open. Kudos to the modeling department for providing a row of teeth behind the lips, but I'm starting to wonder if this is a bug and not supposed to happen. Anyone else affected by this?
06 Apr 2021, 5:39pm
I am more concerned by seeing someone else mouth after I spawn on the start of open session
06 Apr 2021, 5:47pm
EpisparhI am more concerned by seeing someone else mouth after I spawn on the start of open session

Yeah, I wonder why we all spawn at the same spot, even if we previously logged out somewhere else in the station. And it seems there is no collision detection between players. You can just walk right through everyone except NPCs.

Edit: I guess we're still only holograms?

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.