Elite: Game talk

16 Dec 2016, 1:22pm
Marra Morgan
tobiviper mk 3 or mk 4

Mk 3 has more paintjobs.

I use the black Friday on my mk 4
im talking about functionally best
16 Dec 2016, 1:24pm
im talking about functionally best

Oh, it would've been helpful to say so in the first place.
16 Dec 2016, 1:27pm
Fly or fly not, there is no best.
16 Dec 2016, 1:39pm
Marra Morgan
im talking about functionally best

Oh, it would've been helpful to say so in the first place.

sorry about that
16 Dec 2016, 1:51pm
The Viper Mk3 is lighter, faster and more agile.

The Mk4 is bigger and more tankier.

There isn't really a "best" without any context of what you intend to use it for, or what your style is.

For example, my FdL is a great ship for combat zones, but not much good for my style of piracy!
16 Dec 2016, 1:57pm
Marra MorganThe Viper Mk3 is lighter, faster and more agile.

The Mk4 is bigger and more tankier.

There isn't really a "best" without any context of what you intend to use it for, or what your style is.

For example, my FdL is a great ship for combat zones, but not much good for my style of piracy!


You also must consider the rest of your wing - what are they flying? What are their loadouts? Strengths, weaknesses? What are your goals? I find it helpful to think of strategy games (real time, turn based) when considering all these questions. That paradigm is helpful.
16 Dec 2016, 3:56pm
How is everyone doing?
Im coming over to xbox form almost a year of PC flying. Looking to wing up. GT is the same
16 Dec 2016, 8:20pm
For the FDL fans here, this is an engineered ship in the latest beta version that takes advantage of a couple of the buffed, fixed-aim weapons - Pasta Accumulators and cannons. It's one of the most fun variants I've flown, so I thought it's worth sharing. If you like big bangs, enjoy.

Weapon mods are :

  • L5 efficient PAs with phasing
  • L5 overcharged cannons with high yield shells

16 Dec 2016, 10:34pm
Ozmundo VasqualezFor the FDL fans here, this is an engineered ship in the latest beta version that takes advantage of a couple of the buffed, fixed-aim weapons - Pasta Accumulators and cannons.

Pasta Accumulators? Thanks for that - made me laugh out loud for the first time today!
16 Dec 2016, 10:53pm
Jonathan Nock
Ozmundo VasqualezFor the FDL fans here, this is an engineered ship in the latest beta version that takes advantage of a couple of the buffed, fixed-aim weapons - Pasta Accumulators and cannons.

Pasta Accumulators? Thanks for that - made me laugh out loud for the first time today!

That not the technical term for people who can't accurately measure out appropriately sized portions of Spaghetti?
16 Dec 2016, 10:58pm
16 Dec 2016, 11:27pm
Where are these stupid galactic travel guides?? it's been a minute since I've participated in a CG so I found a passenger mission half way to colonia do i figured I'd do a run for Exploration Data sake. Buut I'm not really getting the jist of it all. Is GL involved with this expansion or no?
17 Dec 2016, 5:47am
JLuke 801Where are these stupid galactic travel guides?? it's been a minute since I've participated in a CG so I found a passenger mission half way to colonia do i figured I'd do a run for Exploration Data sake. Buut I'm not really getting the jist of it all. Is GL involved with this expansion or no?

We're having a Expansion currently but it has nothing to do with any CG nor Colonia. For more detailed information please see to the respective forums on our Wing page ☺.
17 Dec 2016, 6:47pm
Hi all,

I have to found Methanol Monohydrate Crystal, but I don't know where I can found them.
Would you able to help me, I am currently in the Yimakuapa system.

I try to mine a planet ring but there were a lot of minerals and metal but not Methanol Monohydrate Crystal.

Thanks for your answers.

17 Dec 2016, 6:56pm
You can get them through mining in Ice rings ^^

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