Elite: Game talk

18 Dec 2016, 6:06pm

Looking for other people who like to do cargo transport missions or smuggling runs for income. For a long while Sothis runs were the way to go, but I can't help but feel like the quality and quantity of missions from there of this type have severely diminished. Has anyone else had this experience? Is it due to a local system state of events or did it get nerfed?

Any info or other places these kinds of missions have recently been bountiful at would be appreciated!
18 Dec 2016, 8:13pm
Does the random destruction of planetary base structures (skimmers,defense turrets, generators, etc.) inflict negatively upon that controlling factions influence in the system? Do the actions have the possibility to lead to states such as lockdown, civil unrest, etc.? Specifically when the acts are not in conjunction with a "Horizons" mission.
19 Dec 2016, 7:11pm
Well just ran into my 2nd griefer. CMDR Kuzsan. Guys like that make people like me stay in solo play. And he's here on Inara - listed role TERRORIST / PIRATE. Boy oh boy does he live up to THAT.
19 Dec 2016, 7:24pm
I play in open much more than I used to, and I can say that only times that people have ever tried to grief me were at CGs, and even there it was pretty rare. I've had far more good experienced than bad in open- I'm sorry that you've had such rotten luck! And yeah, the sealclubbing playstyle is pretty pathetic.
19 Dec 2016, 7:41pm
Seems like you had some bad luck.

I mostly play in open, and have seen a few people. I did some pirating in a CG a while back. But I only target a person once, and leave 'em be after I made my demands. Pirating is walking a fine line. Have a good time, but not push it so much that others aren't having fun. Sorry it turned into griefing for you.
19 Dec 2016, 7:44pm
Logan DarklighterWell just ran into my 2nd griefer. CMDR Kuzsan. Guys like that make people like me stay in solo play. And he's here on Inara - listed role TERRORIST / PIRATE. Boy oh boy does he live up to THAT.

I've played for 2 years in Open without ever getting griefed. Unlucky fella
19 Dec 2016, 8:02pm
Oh he wasn't PIRATING. He just destroyed me without saying a word. Probably didn't even bother with scooping my cargo. He was in an Imperial Cutter to my Asp as well. I probably never had a chance even if I was a PVPer.

I went back to the CG system in solo mode, then switched back to open when I was safely docked and started broadcasting in Local every couple of minutes that the Community Goal was being griefed by him. I stuck around for about 10-15 minutes and didn't see anybody in open near the station. So I hope I denied him his soft targets and saved some others from being griefed.

His wing is called Interstellar Basterds. Gotta give em credit - truth in advertising and just what it says on the tin.
19 Dec 2016, 8:58pm
Places where people congregate, like CGs, are prime targets for all sorts of griefers and I've seen them everywhere from the bubble to Colonia. One of the most irritating types are the morons that use suicide winders, or now ship launched fighters, to take out players as they enter or leave stations. Any player who is speeding is in danger of being instantly destroyed and I've been a victim when I've not been paying attention.

It's been very rare that I've been attacked away from busy areas, but it has happened. I've also had players virtually panic when seeing me appear because they didn't realise they were in open.
19 Dec 2016, 9:16pm
Yep. And it will continue to suck until there are actual consequences - though this type will just find a way to abuse those, too.
20 Dec 2016, 4:06am
I started keeping a list of anyone who ends up on a "Top X Bounties List." If I see their name pop up in the contacts lists I bail.

Typical rule of thumb for griefers is that they won't engage a fight they don't think they can win, so unless you're in a wing of your own and a strong ship your best bet is to run.

Personally I think its funny (if not depressing) that even a griefer haven like GTA online had a better punishment system than Elite does.
20 Dec 2016, 8:09am
I'm not that angry. (Heh... almost typed "pissed", but then I remembered this is a British game, and that means something ENTIRELY different! )

It's just game money. And in the larger scheme of things it's an annoyance. Got MUCH better things to worry myself over. But I agree - I think the meta should punish griefers more. Doesn't have to be me "reporting" the dude to a GM for some kind of Pyrrhic ban. The game environment itself should ramp up the difficulty of operating within civilized areas.

If you want to operate as a pirate/terrorist with impunity, you can do it in and near Archon Delaine's territory or out on the edges of the bubble. Anything closer in than that and Feds or Empire should make operating in medium or High security systems a pain in the ass in direct proportion to how much of a pain the ass you are to other players. How that's achieved exactly is left to the reader of my post as an exercise. Frankly I'm not going to bother myself thinking about it more deeply than that.
20 Dec 2016, 8:15am
(Imitating John Cleese "Announcer" character)

"And now for something completely different!"

I am amusing myself by playing some classic rock while doing some interstellar trucking finishing off the CG, and I was reminded that there's actually a "B" sci-fi movie called Space Truckers that my friend Lee turned me on to several years back.

It's a comedy Sci-Fi. With Dennis Hopper as the lead "trucker" character. And yes - they do the whole "space trucker" thing almost literally. Cab-over designs. Towing trailer modules behind the main ship etc.

One of the early gags in the movie is that his cargo in the opening scene is a bunch of genetic engineered pigs. How are they engineered?

To fit the box.

No really. TO. FIT. THE. BOX.

"A square pig for a square meal!" Is the slogan.

Did I mention they were live pigs? Living box shaped pigs.

So think about THAT the next time you're hauling some "Food Cartridges" if you want to either amuse yourself. Or give yourself nightmares. Or both.

Last edit: 20 Dec 2016, 8:29am
20 Dec 2016, 9:23am
O.K.  Newb here:

My new goal is to get to Felicity Farseer and mod up an Eagle to get into racing.  I only have about 80K and am still only a few hops away from Erivite, though I have been jumping aroung those systems quite a bit.

Before I decided on that goal, I had read some advice about getting started, mod up the sidewinder a little, go to beacons, get some creds bounty hunting to start.  That worked at first.  I read further that bounty hunting is the best way to get creds for quite a while so I went ahead and got a Viper Mk III, good power distributor, couple of gimbaled burst laser and now am ready to do a little more scum hunting.

The problem is, that the viper does not really have the range I would need to get over to Farseer without basically getting a 1A FSD and stripping everything else including all my guns.  Viper was probably the wrong choice unless I want to get more creds.

So I need a bit of advice, if you were just starting out with the goal of getting to Farseer's system, how would you start off?

Last edit: 20 Dec 2016, 9:38am
20 Dec 2016, 9:32am
Just my own personal bias - but I would see if you can switch over to a Cobra III. Longer Range FSD in a Grade 4 slot will get you further per jump even with 4D-C drives. If you can get a 4A FSD - even better.

It's also not a bad combat ship at all, if it comes to it. The Cobra III is the "Jack of All Trades" of the smaller ships in the game. If there's something this ship can't do, I've yet to see it. It all depends on how you outfit it.
20 Dec 2016, 9:47am
Logan DarklighterJust my own personal bias - but I would see if you can switch over to a Cobra III. Longer Range FSD in a Grade 4 slot will get you further per jump even with 4D-C drives. If you can get a 4A FSD - even better.

Sounds like good advice.  Cobra is more Cred than I have so look out scumbags, I'm going out hunting again!  Actually it should be quick to get the 1/2 mil I'll need to buy and mod up the cobra for long haul.

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