Elite: Game talk

16 Mar 2016, 2:07am
PikkuMikaHmm I have been getting wing offers from ghost squadron, but I dont know if there's anything for me. Do you guys have any experience in big fleets? is it worth to join one or does it make any difference? I have found it quite hard to co-op with this game since no you cant share missions with wingmates. I dont want to join any fleet just for resigning soon after joining. Pros? cons?

I'll pile on too - I'm a member of the Legion, and although I've not played directly with other members, I've contributed to the efforts of the group and I've enjoyed seeing how my contribution effected the "balance of power" in several systems. It's really gratifying to see that the game can be played on a level higher than of an individual player. This is new to me since I've always preferred solo games or team shooters like Halo or Doom. In ED, as part of a group as large and clear in ethos as GS, I'm enjoying myself in ways I didn't anticipate, and getting more out of my ED experience as a result.

The online community of Inara and the wing just makes it all the more compelling. And that's all without having yet played directly with GL so, there's much more there to be had.

Whether you join up or not, I look forward to meeting you "out there". It's nice to know there's good people behind those pixels.
16 Mar 2016, 5:09am
I'm having a repeat of an issue that happened to a bunch of us about 3 months ago, or so: during flight at near regular intervals, say, 20-30 minutes I get a behavior that is like an Alt-Tab, where the screen darkens and then I have to Alt-Tab a couple of times to get back to the desktop and go down to the task bar and select the game icon to get back in the game and restore control to my X-55 and keyboard. I forgot what the fix was for this...anyone remember? i am trying to avoid having to file a ticket because it takes 3 days now to get an answer on anything. Drivers are all current, updates are current. Win 7-64 bit, nVidia 970, AMD 8150, Sabertooth MB, yada yada... Oh, and, I am sure it is not anti-virus kicking in because I run it on silent mode before play.

Thanks in advance...
16 Mar 2016, 7:24am
Anyone here had experience with the advanced plasma accelerators? I'm about to pick one up this thursday for my FAS, kinda wondering what it handles like in terms of capacitor and heat load.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 16 Mar 2016, 11:46am
16 Mar 2016, 7:36am
They are very good in FAS. I had great fun with both!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 16 Mar 2016, 11:46am
16 Mar 2016, 12:00pm
Thanks for the answers. I decided to give it a try. There's nothing o lose by trying. so i joined the ranks. Now just trying to figure it out how this community works.Thanks for invite.
16 Mar 2016, 2:07pm
@ PikkuMika

As a fellow Ghost Legion member, unlike Skyfyre70 I would be trying to recruit you!

However, my point is: I was a simple trader... I had a Sidewinder for cargo runs, upgraded to a Hauler for cargo runs and was aiming for a T6, a T7, a T9... you know, for cargo runs Never intended on shooting anything or anybody, human or NPC, I even had my ships without weapons at all.

Was "nannyed" by Cmdr Mitch Gant who showed me all the different sides to this game and its communities and was also "drafted" to this wing. I now have a Cobra, a Hauler, a Vulture, a T6 and a T7 and working my way slowly but steadily up the ranks and the CR's, towards a Phyton and a T9. Wouldn't be going like that if it weren't for this community.

My point is: either with Ghost Legion or with any other wing, I strongly recommend joining one!
16 Mar 2016, 2:17pm
Jose C. Silva

As a fellow Ghost Legion member, unlike Skyfyre70 I would be trying to recruit you!

Psst. Hey....Hey...yea...YOU!....I just checked the Roster, PikkuMika is now a member! (Some may wonder if there was a bit of reverse psychology there on my part? I'll never tell!)
16 Mar 2016, 2:27pm
I had a smile on the end of my sentence
Was not criticising you
16 Mar 2016, 8:58pm
Jack DekerdtI'm having a repeat of an issue that happened to a bunch of us about 3 months ago, or so: during flight at near regular intervals, say, 20-30 minutes I get a behavior that is like an Alt-Tab, where the screen darkens and then I have to Alt-Tab a couple of times to get back to the desktop and go down to the task bar and select the game icon to get back in the game and restore control to my X-55 and keyboard. I forgot what the fix was for this...anyone remember? i am trying to avoid having to file a ticket because it takes 3 days now to get an answer on anything. Drivers are all current, updates are current. Win 7-64 bit, nVidia 970, AMD 8150, Sabertooth MB, yada yada... Oh, and, I am sure it is not anti-virus kicking in because I run it on silent mode before play.

Thanks in advance...

I've had similar behavior, and a few random switched of ED to "windowed" display mode, just recently. The latter might be some weird keybinding, but the ALT+TAB I have no clue. Just random...
16 Mar 2016, 10:38pm
James Hussar
Jack DekerdtI'm having a repeat of an issue that happened to a bunch of us about 3 months ago, or so: during flight at near regular intervals, say, 20-30 minutes I get a behavior that is like an Alt-Tab, where the screen darkens and then I have to Alt-Tab a couple of times to get back to the desktop and go down to the task bar and select the game icon to get back in the game and restore control to my X-55 and keyboard. I forgot what the fix was for this...anyone remember? i am trying to avoid having to file a ticket because it takes 3 days now to get an answer on anything. Drivers are all current, updates are current. Win 7-64 bit, nVidia 970, AMD 8150, Sabertooth MB, yada yada... Oh, and, I am sure it is not anti-virus kicking in because I run it on silent mode before play.

Thanks in advance...

I've had similar behavior, and a few random switched of ED to "windowed" display mode, just recently. The latter might be some weird keybinding, but the ALT+TAB I have no clue. Just random...

Thanks for the response, yeah, I dunno why it is doing it 'all of a sudden'. last time, it was when they were pumping out updates but this been playing 2.0.06 without issues.
16 Mar 2016, 10:54pm
Imperial Capital Ship at 40 Ceti if anyone is interested.
16 Mar 2016, 11:08pm
Ʀเภzlєг ๏7๏7๏7Anyone here had experience with the advanced plasma accelerators? I'm about to pick one up this thursday for my FAS, kinda wondering what it handles like in terms of capacitor and heat load.

I do. Used pair of them on my Vulture some time ago, but finally had to refuse that idea through power consumption issues and problems small ship targeting. But if your ship can afford such kind of energy guzzler weapon and have couple of idle large hardpoints - it's definitely worth it.
17 Mar 2016, 2:57am
Ʀเภzlєг ๏7๏7๏7Anyone here had experience with the advanced plasma accelerators? I'm about to pick one up this thursday for my FAS, kinda wondering what it handles like in terms of capacitor and heat load.

I had a pair of PA's on my DB Scout and a large one on my Vulture. The PA likes to guzzle your weapon capacity so I treat it as a weapon of opportunity rather than looking to fire it off 2 or 3 times in a row like with Railguns. A single PA shot uses up slightly more of your weapon capacitor than a single Railgun shot but, in my experience, even the large PA doesn't create much of a heat problem - mainly because you won't be firing it as often as a Railgun.

Mrxels1488Imperial Capital Ship at 40 Ceti if anyone is interested.

Cool, thanks for sharing. I've never seen a capital ship in person. Do they hover close to stations or planets? Also, do they do anything when you fly up to them?
17 Mar 2016, 8:15am
I meant the Advanced accelerators, Denton Patreus' power weapons. I have plenty of experience with normal PA's, and use them on most ships that I fly.
17 Mar 2016, 9:46am
Nevermind, I just got one and tested it out. It is stupidly good, and is probably going to star in ganking builds with max DPS.

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