Elite: Game talk

17 Mar 2016, 10:38am
Ronin Vakris
Ʀเภzlєг ๏7๏7๏7Anyone here had experience with the advanced plasma accelerators? I'm about to pick one up this thursday for my FAS, kinda wondering what it handles like in terms of capacitor and heat load.

I had a pair of PA's on my DB Scout and a large one on my Vulture. The PA likes to guzzle your weapon capacity so I treat it as a weapon of opportunity rather than looking to fire it off 2 or 3 times in a row like with Railguns. A single PA shot uses up slightly more of your weapon capacitor than a single Railgun shot but, in my experience, even the large PA doesn't create much of a heat problem - mainly because you won't be firing it as often as a Railgun.

Mrxels1488Imperial Capital Ship at 40 Ceti if anyone is interested.

Cool, thanks for sharing. I've never seen a capital ship in person. Do they hover close to stations or planets? Also, do they do anything when you fly up to them?

They generally rock up in war zones. As to whether they do anything or not, it depends whose side you're on.
17 Mar 2016, 12:26pm
dat feeling when you fight in a war of your wing and the minor faction you are dedicated to support... priceless when youl see it "owns" a Capital ship. Happened in a CZ some time ago.

it wasn't harmless at all!
17 Mar 2016, 12:38pm
AreZeedat feeling when you fight in a war of your wing and the minor faction you are dedicated to support... priceless when youl see it "owns" a Capital ship. Happened in a CZ some time ago.

We'll soon be able to fabricate our own weapons. Who says we won't be able to get our own Capital Ship done? Naturally the amount of resources and credits will be quite high, but still doable if you have enough dedicated people...
17 Mar 2016, 12:43pm
how do I get rid of a dormant bounty?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Mar 2016, 2:43pm
17 Mar 2016, 1:10pm
Bingey76how do I get rid of a dormant bounty?

My understanding is that you have to avoid being scanned by an authority until it times out and then you can pay the fine.  I have seen some things that indicate that if an authority scans you and then kills you (hopefully in a cheap Sidewinder), you can pay the fine directly.  

I currently have a Dormant Bounty resulting from ship destruction in a CZ where my Bounty was active. I guess the NPC who killed me never SCANNED me or the bounty would be gone according to the below.

Not sure if this is current or not:


Clearing/paying off Bounties

If you have an bounty there are several ways of resolving the situation and clearing it - it varies depending on if your bounty is detected or not.

   Bounty detected and you are destroyed
       If a commander (NPC or human, or a station) detects your bounty and destroys your ship, your bounty is cleared and you are given a legacy fine for the same amount.

   Ship destroyed without bounty being detected
       If your ship is destroyed without your bounty being detected (e.g. crashing your ship into an asteroid or the outside of a station) then the bounty becomes a dormant bounty.

       Dormant bounties can only be detected by authorities (stations or authority ships) in the jurisdiction that issued it. If they detect your dormant bounty, it returns to an active bounty state with a new 7 day timer.

       If the dormant bounty is not detected within 7 days, it is removed and you are given a legacy fine for the same amount.

   Bounty not detected and ship not destroyed
       If your active bounty is not claimed or made dormant within 7 days, it is removed and you are given a legacy fine for the same amount.

In all cases, when a bounty is removed a legacy fine is added in the same jurisdiction that issued your bounty.

The workaround/exploit to clearing an active bounty early instead of waiting 7 days is to buy a cheap ship (e.g. sidewinder) and get scanned by the authority. The authority will destroy your ship, and your bounty will be “claimed”, leaving you with a legacy fine instead of a bounty & wanted status.

You can then repay the resulting legacy fine after you respawn and carry on as if nothing happened.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 17 Mar 2016, 2:43pm
17 Mar 2016, 1:14pm
AreZeedat feeling when you fight in a war of your wing and the minor faction you are dedicated to support... priceless when youl see it "owns" a Capital ship. Happened in a CZ some time ago.

We'll soon be able to fabricate our own weapons. Who says we won't be able to get our own Capital Ship done? Naturally the amount of resources and credits will be quite high, but still doable if you have enough dedicated people...

Yes, like a Russian oligarch and a few other sundry multi-billionaires?
17 Mar 2016, 4:00pm
Ʀเภzlєг ๏7๏7๏7I meant the Advanced accelerators, Denton Patreus' power weapons. I have plenty of experience with normal PA's, and use them on most ships that I fly.

I meant them exactly in my post.

Ozmundo Vasqualez Yes, like a Russian oligarch and a few other sundry multi-billionaires?

17 Mar 2016, 8:22pm
Looking for a good FDL build anyone have any insight either pvp or pve??

Last edit: 17 Mar 2016, 10:46pm
17 Mar 2016, 11:03pm
GilderoyLooking for a good FDL build anyone have any insight either pvp or pve??

I don't remember the build exactly, but a buddy of mine goes with four med multi cannons and a huge plasma which seems to obliterate things quickly. I've heard say they make good shield tanks as well (as opposed to the FAS which makes for a stupendous stealth hull tank).
18 Mar 2016, 12:22am
I just want to give a giant kudos and a congratulatory job well done to whoever installed the radio feature to this website. I love you and everyone that helped you!!!!!! How much of a loser does it make me for falling asleep to wasp radio frequently? lol
18 Mar 2016, 1:44am
Thanks man will check it out
18 Mar 2016, 12:51pm
I'm currently A rated FDL. No shields just hull tanking. Rigged for silent. Got a large fixed beam on my huge hard point, 2 med rails and 2 med plasmas. Kicks the crap into other silent runners
18 Mar 2016, 2:36pm
That sounds deadly
18 Mar 2016, 3:04pm
BreakspearI'm currently A rated FDL. No shields just hull tanking. Rigged for silent. Got a large fixed beam on my huge hard point, 2 med rails and 2 med plasmas. Kicks the crap into other silent runners

Kicks the crap INTO them? Jeez, that's REALLY nasty.
18 Mar 2016, 3:51pm
If I knew how to fly it, I'm sure it would be!! I use the beam on the trigger with the rails. It acts as a laser pointer

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