Elite: Game talk

24 Apr 2024, 8:55pm
Kasumi Goto...Will be curious to hear what people say on the details shared(and what those details are)…

ED players the game membership dues are up for payments. The new fiscal year started April 1st.
24 Apr 2024, 9:09pm
Bainsey7What would a Type-8 even be? A Type-7 with a ship kit and extra module space?
Somehow I doubt people are gonna queue up to pay 16250 ARX to get that one 3 months early...

To me, it's not so much about early access, it's about getting something a bit more interesting than different laser colors. I bought stuff then and when to support the game, seeing how much time I spend online, and that there's no monthly fee or such. I'd rather pay for something halfway useful than a new voice for my carrier - or something like that.

In my opinion a new ship doesn't always have to be better than something existing, even something with a little more character would be interesting. I'd love a more pirating orientated one, for example.
25 Apr 2024, 12:11am
I'd gladly donate my Arx to someone else if there was a way to do it lol, I've no idea what to do with them. Like, 6100 or something.
25 Apr 2024, 2:52am
Bainsey7What would a Type-8 even be? A Type-7 with a ship kit and extra module space?
Somehow I doubt people are gonna queue up to pay 16250 ARX to get that one 3 months early...

Something tells me we should not be taking that Type 8 comment too seriously. I think FDEV may be enjoying a little trolling. Alternatively a Type 8 could be a Type 7 "geared" for combat with a two class two hardpoints, because you know, that would make it wayyy more of a threat to small objects that refuse to get out of its way.
25 Apr 2024, 2:55am
They should totally make a Hauler Mk2.
25 Apr 2024, 3:00am
MeowersThey should totally make a Hauler Mk2.

Or King Cobra (aka Cobra mk.6)
25 Apr 2024, 5:46am
pre engineering ships? Most of em arent engineered properly. Scam, better make own one
25 Apr 2024, 7:58am
Rayman.pre engineering ships? Most of em arent engineered properly. Scam, better make own one

They just arent engnineered
<no, 1 engineered module isn't proper engineering, especially if it is wrong module for certain task. 2 days ago they said, that this chieftain will be able to handle titan threat.
With default plant, default beam, but with hot thrusters XD>

For me it looks like excellent noobtrap for people which think, that they can skip "grind" (so basically playing game and doing things, relogfarm isn't only way, I know, crazy) with their wallets.
So...if people are so "smart" that they will buy ship with 1 engineered module for $$$...I disliked idea, but now I like it.
Frontier, milk them all

t6 on another hand...it can be very slowly ship for mining, but it's enough to random jumping into ring, shooting roids and checking, how it works. I only don't understand PWA with just mining lasers and lack of surface scanner.
25 Apr 2024, 8:03am
Glen van Ross
UramakiI tell them if there is mass between the ship and our target point, it's best to stay away from that mass as much as possible, therefore "entering the minor orbit" (planet\station) from the outer and closes point from the station, in a sort of reverse fibonacci-shape.
This is obvious I think in the large scale = we need to travel 20k but there's a star in between us, say at 10k, we definitely "circumnavigate" it, staying away from its mass.

Both NASA and Canonn Science agree with you. Canonn's Cmdr Heisenberg6626 has literally done the math.

This is pure gold!! Thank you so much for sharing, I'm very glad I had it right.

And it's mindblowing as I had no idea that ship accelleration actually mattered in SC.
25 Apr 2024, 9:25am
please tell me how to look for missions for transporting passengers or cargo, where you don’t have to fly far. for example, here on the site there is a search for mass murders, it shows how many factional quest givers are in the system. Is there something similar with just transport missions?
25 Apr 2024, 4:36pm
Bainsey7What would a Type-8 even be? A Type-7 with a ship kit and extra module space?
Somehow I doubt people are gonna queue up to pay 16250 ARX to get that one 3 months early...

Yes, I don't see a need for another large hull that doesn't quite carry as much as a Type 9 or Cutter. The only way it makes sense (aside from being meme-ery or light trolling on FDev's part) is if it utilizes the as-yet-unnamed "new functionality"—whatever secret sauce the Python Mk II also carries. If that capability is something like limited stealth, then a purpose-built cargo boat that also isn't a paper-thin deathtrap might be what they are cooking up.

I do tend to lean toward some kind of stealth being the new function, since the Python II is nearly a dead ringer for the 1980s imaginary F-19 stealth fighter, and FDev did say they took design cues from modern low-observable fighters.

The prebuilts they have published so far are kind of amazing (not in a good way). They are lot closer to pay-to-lose than pay-to-win. That moral panic should have died out on the day it was announced, but lots of folks wanted to "read in" the worst case scenario, and not read what Crowther actually wrote.

The prebuilt Chieftain with pre-engineered thrusters could get to the Titan, but without powerplant engineering it would run hot and be a beacon attracting the attention of every Goid within the instance. Unless it comes with the coolest paint job FDev's ever created, it's hard to imagine ponying up for one, even if one didn't have the time to spend on materials gathering and proper engineering. But then I have more free time than free money, and not everyone is in the same boat.
25 Apr 2024, 4:49pm
Shouldn't all participants be getting their "I helped to destroy 3 Titans" decals and paint jobs/ship kits today?
Does anybody else see theirs? I don't...
25 Apr 2024, 5:29pm
Glen van Ross
Bainsey7What would a Type-8 even be? A Type-7 with a ship kit and extra module space?
Somehow I doubt people are gonna queue up to pay 16250 ARX to get that one 3 months early...

Yes, I don't see a need for another large hull that doesn't quite carry as much as a Type 9 or Cutter. The only way it makes sense (aside from being meme-ery or light trolling on FDev's part) is if it utilizes the as-yet-unnamed "new functionality"—whatever secret sauce the Python Mk II also carries. If that capability is something like limited stealth, then a purpose-built cargo boat that also isn't a paper-thin deathtrap might be what they are cooking up.

I do tend to lean toward some kind of stealth being the new function, since the Python II is nearly a dead ringer for the 1980s imaginary F-19 stealth fighter, and FDev did say they took design cues from modern low-observable fighters.

The prebuilts they have published so far are kind of amazing (not in a good way). They are lot closer to pay-to-lose than pay-to-win. That moral panic should have died out on the day it was announced, but lots of folks wanted to "read in" the worst case scenario, and not read what Crowther actually wrote.

The prebuilt Chieftain with pre-engineered thrusters could get to the Titan, but without powerplant engineering it would run hot and be a beacon attracting the attention of every Goid within the instance. Unless it comes with the coolest paint job FDev's ever created, it's hard to imagine ponying up for one, even if one didn't have the time to spend on materials gathering and proper engineering. But then I have more free time than free money, and not everyone is in the same boat.

I'd be inclined to agree. Perhaps the pre-engineered Chieftain shown would make a good AX starter ship but, like you say, it wouldn't last in a maelstrom as it is.
Maybe that's the point: point new players in the right direction. And it is A-graded I suppose but I assume the cost will make that advantage redundant.
25 Apr 2024, 6:18pm
Decided to run through an AXCZ in Nu Guang around Raijin, and it currently feels both like the best and worst decision in Elite I’ve made for a few days.

Why, because it was total chaos. In the good way that you’d expect a conflict zone to play out like, but sheesh. Glaive trios dropped in three times total, Cyclops were hopping into the meatgrinder as quickly as they could be killed, and the Hydras, well, let’s just say the first one resurrected halfway through the second one, with five hearts to it, and it had a personal vendetta because it decided to try hitting me as its first thing. But I survived with 19% hull on my FDL so I can’t say it’s let me down yet. And Hydra °1 coming back to life also resurrected my framerate during that scenario(for some reason it always tanks around those surface ports when one of the two Hydras is down).

… definitely had my share of Thargoid excitement for a day. Or two. Maybe a few. And it was just one conflict zone.
26 Apr 2024, 7:32pm
I've been away living life outside of elite for the past four or five years.. it's not always beennice.

as it is though, I've found time to come back and do some exo biology.

does a system.. say.. acheron, pay more for exo data the further out someone is?

note: I used acheron as an variable but as I'm 2k lightyears from Sol, thought it decent enough to use as such. I'm finally wanting that carrier.... and only have 1 bil

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