Elite: Game talk

26 Apr 2024, 7:54pm
No, it does not really matter how far away you are. I believe it matters more if you are the first person to turn in the data. When I am out gene stealing I tend to focus my attention on planets that have not had anyone obtain first footfall. If no one has been planetside, no one has gathered any bio data from the surface.
30 Apr 2024, 4:45am
I was going to fly back to my home system immediately after making this delivery, but I guess now I have no choice but to join this cult

30 Apr 2024, 7:34am
how long do conflicts last? is there a way to see how much time a conflict has left? i just found a system with a conflict and i want to play it but i also need to get some sleep. hoping it will still be here tomorrow morning?
30 Apr 2024, 8:07am
4 days minimum, iirc, 7 days at most. You can find a handy “system summary” function on the left-hand panel in the navigation tab, should be above galaxy and system map buttons. Although it is also subject to the delays of a BGS tick(or rather, its results showing up in the game).
30 Apr 2024, 8:34am
You could also land at a station in that system and check the message boards on the Station Services. Check both factions to see how many days they have "dominated" the conflict, the sum of both will be the duration of the conflict so far.
As posted before, they normally last 4 to 7 days depending on how hotly it is contested. If one faction reaches 4-0 that's game over in four. If they reach 3-3 then the final, seventh, day is the tie breaker.
Think of it as a 'best of seven' contest.
Hope that helps? 07
30 Apr 2024, 12:32pm
Faizahow long do conflicts last? is there a way to see how much time a conflict has left? i just found a system with a conflict and i want to play it but i also need to get some sleep. hoping it will still be here tomorrow morning?

They last four to seven days, depending on how long it takes to resolve. A faction must win four days (out of the potential seven) in order to win the war. If nobody wins (ie. there is no human player involvement), then things go back to their pre-war state.
30 Apr 2024, 4:22pm
thanks guys!

according to the system message board the conflict started two days ago, so i have plenty of time
30 Apr 2024, 4:29pm
Hm, if I remember correctly, if the conflict had begun and has been going for a few days already without any player influence, it may end before one of the sides scores 4 'points' a.k.a. days. A weekly 'tick' or something like that, maybe even the Thursday: the BGSing machine receives new scores and instructions, starts conflicts and ends old ones, regardless of the amount of player attention to them.
30 Apr 2024, 4:56pm
Generally the conflict is stalemated (neither minor faction accrues any wins/losses) unless a player intervenes; it stays at 0-0 and gets wiped after 4 days of zero movement. The PMF galaxy really isn't dynamic unless players put their thumbs on the scales.
30 Apr 2024, 4:58pm
Yeah, I was quite interested in that... Three years ago. So maybe something might've changed. It seems like it didn't, lol. The same 'football matches' (soccer for some, lol) etc.
30 Apr 2024, 5:28pm
Does anyone know if modules actually change Supercruise Acceleration?
Because many CMDRs don't know that Supercruise speed isn't the same for all the ships. Well, max speed is... "speed" is... but acceleration is not, so the time it takes to travel in SC definitely isn't the same for all ships (SCO exluded on this)
From what I know thanks to Canonn, every ship has a pre-determined acceleration, and that will influence SC acceleration (and deceleration... even more time saved)

What I'm asking though is... If through modules and engineering, I increase my ship acceleration, will it reflect into more SC acceleration\deceleration?

Maybe this is written in Canonn too but I seriously don't remember and can't find it!
01 May 2024, 3:55pm
Any long time players know what the typical announcement-to-release timeline is for FDev with Elite?

I've been grinding engineers a LOT recently, almost completely done, but I've lost motivation now knowing that a revamp is right around the corner. (For example, I don't want to keep grinding SDP or Coverts if I'm not going to need them.)
01 May 2024, 4:13pm
Indy I've been grinding engineers a LOT recently, almost completely done, but I've lost motivation now knowing that a revamp is right around the corner. (For example, I don't want to keep grinding SDP or Coverts if I'm not going to need them.)

I don't think there is a ton of value in holding off playing a game until the devs implement a feature you want . May as well not play the game at all because it will only be in its best, feature-complete state the day they turn the servers off.

We know that Update 19 containing PowerPlay 2.0 will release late summer this year. I would expect an engineering rework to follow in an update several months to half a year after that (it is two major updates a year, right?). I wouldn't expect it to be something they'd just cobble together and try to rush out the door in advance of Update 19.

Besides, worst-case scenario, it will only take you a couple weeks of playing 2-3 hours every couple of days to totally fill, trade down, and refiill your raw, manufactured and encoded materials. That's a lot quicker than waiting for a future update.

EDIT: Just realized you're talking about ground gear, which is a PITA. You're still likely to collect that before the update gets here. Took me a few months to upgrade msot of my store-bought G3s to G5s, with mods.

Last edit: 01 May 2024, 4:34pm
01 May 2024, 5:16pm
Glen van RossI don't think there is a ton of value in holding off playing a game until the devs implement a feature you want . May as well not play the game at all because it will only be in its best, feature-complete state the day they turn the servers off.
Besides, worst-case scenario, it will only take you a couple weeks of playing 2-3 hours every couple of days to totally fill, trade down, and refiill your raw, manufactured and encoded materials. That's a lot quicker than waiting for a future update.

Well said. Plus, I'm enjoying the game far too much not to play; I'd just do something else in-game anyway, if the change(s) were coming soon.

Glen van RossWe know that Update 19 containing PowerPlay 2.0 will release late summer this year. I would expect an engineering rework to follow in an update several months to half a year after that (it is two major updates a year, right?). I wouldn't expect it to be something they'd just cobble together and try to rush out the door in advance of Update 19.

Based on your estimates, I already feel motivated again to get back to the grind. I would imagine I'll finish the grind in a month or two at most. Certainly not something I'd want to sit on for half a year or more. Thanks for the estimates!

Glen van RossEDIT: Just realized you're talking about ground gear, which is a PITA. You're still likely to collect that before the update gets here. Took me a few months to upgrade msot of my store-bought G3s to G5s, with mods.

Yep, ground gear, BUT it's not been that bad. The Settlement Defence/Defense Plans and Covert missions are certainly tedious, but rather than seeking out the perfect farm or ideal location, I've just been playing them as I can when I feel like I want to do that. (I tried the irregular marker hunt, tried the Bootleg mission hunt, but found that more tedious than just "living" in game and finding SDP along the way.)

Thanks again for a quick reply. It certainly helps me feel better about grinding now.
01 May 2024, 6:01pm
Also, if it's not something you're doing now, check Inara's components trading, you can see whose carrier is selling Odyssey commodities through the bartender. That will cut down your time some.

If you have a carrier yourself, offer to buy materials at top dollar, and park it somewhere busy where lots of commanders pass through. Someone may opt to help fill your materials buckets for you.

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