Elite: Game talk

03 May 2024, 2:32am
I’m glad I can get advice from seasoned players. Despite playing the game for 4 years now I’m still finding out more and more about this game. I appreciate all the advice and help from y’all. I’m hoping to learn as much as I possibly can from you.
03 May 2024, 7:14am
Shg56Don't listen to the BS above. AXMC is the most universal weapons against goids from scout to medusa inclusively. I earned 4 star goids' badge with these weapons. MKII hull tank, AXMC 3X3C+1x2E plus long range Grade 5-2D Beam with vent. I hope that new PMKII with 6 hard points and 6 utility slots will allow to shred hydras, as well.
Show me your Hydra kill, if you're so four star cool. Ah, I forgot, you don't have one. And there are six dead Hydras casually packed in my last 5 minute long video.

Anyway, I'd like to hear more from the person on the receiving end of those 'advices'. Impartial opinion is the best opinion.

Last edit: 03 May 2024, 7:25am
03 May 2024, 11:24am
Kasumi Goto *All figures for the multicannons use gimballed variation. As I am under the impression they are the subject here.

I am glad that you found the answer with gimballs you are always on target...
03 May 2024, 11:32am
… obvious troll is obvious troll. You pretty much ignored the entire post, so allow me to not engage with you on a subject you never intended to have a genuine discussion on.
03 May 2024, 11:38am
MeowersAnyway, I'd like to hear more from the person on the receiving end of those 'advices'. Impartial opinion is the best opinion.

Herein is the impartial opinion. There are cmdrs who are fighting the real war with goids cleaning out them completely from the certain areas relying only on their own ability and ships, and there are cmdrs who are doing goids safari selectively killing high end interceptors by surface ports where instant repair and restocking facility present, there are no thargons and EMPS, and high end interceptors shows up without area being cleaned from lesser goids first.
03 May 2024, 12:34pm
Kasumi Goto… obvious troll is obvious troll. You pretty much ignored the entire post, so allow me to not engage with you on a subject you never intended to have a genuine discussion on.

I don't have to read your ''war and peace" all the time, and I don't have any idea where you are getting your numbers from so I could verify it. My experience fighting goids at AX zone draws somewhat different pictures . If I am troll then you are FD influencer
03 May 2024, 1:18pm
AXI, and I’m pretty sure that where those hard numbers on Thargoid stats are concerned, they are a credible source. The rest comes from EDSY, and applying the knowledge of “Armor pen divided by armor rating is the damage which a weapon does to a given target it is hitting”(until said armor rating is exceeded, then damage does not increase afaik).

But I fail to see how my RP has anything to do with this at all, and it just further discredits your claims about how AX multicannons are “the universal AX weapon”… which they are not, not even by a long margin. Because resulting to petty belittling of completely unrelated subject matters does in fact just make it seem like you actually have no point or are so insecure about it you resort to said belittling instead of actually engaging with an argument provided. Also, desperately trying to have the last word no matter what.

What you present as fact is actually just opinion. There is no shame in admitting or realizing that, or that opinions can be wrong.

… and I am also not a “Frontier influencer”. Whatever makes you get that idea, over me pointing out the not so obscure game design of the human AX weapons being a starting point to get into AX without the necessity to learn with the fixed Guardian weapons from the start. You also have not at all pointed out how taking minutes with perfect flying to get a heart exerted on a Medusa is somehow “shredding” it.
03 May 2024, 1:24pm
Shg56Herein is the impartial opinion. There are cmdrs who are fighting the real war with goids cleaning out them completely from the certain areas relying only on their own ability and ships, and there are cmdrs who are doing goids safari selectively killing high end interceptors by surface ports where instant repair and restocking facility present, there are no thargons and EMPS, and high end interceptors shows up without area being cleaned from lesser goids first.
Hm, I think now I have to go and tell Thargoids over surface settlements to stop releasing EMPs because a random guy on a forum said they shouldn't do so there. Anyway, all pathetic attempts to sting me aside, now I'm interested why are you so hurt. Go on, vent it out.
03 May 2024, 3:14pm
It has been always pleasure talking to both of you with beholding and admiration of your shapely avatars
03 May 2024, 3:42pm
So, I've made my avatar pic not 'slim'/'fit'/'athletic'/whatever and it triggered you so badly that now you're trying to attack me and tell people that I (a real player behind the fictional character) don't know shit about AX? Oops. Sorry not sorry.
03 May 2024, 3:56pm
04 May 2024, 2:46pm
Damn. FDev surprised even me with that python mk2, arx adjustment and pre-built ships fiasco.
04 May 2024, 5:13pm
EpisparhDamn. FDev surprised even me with that python mk2, arx adjustment and pre-built ships fiasco.

Why fiasco? Yes they could be kinda better optimalized but way how they implemented them is NOT game breaking. And that is what I love about ED- absence of Pay-2-Win mechanics
04 May 2024, 6:01pm
They are actually making bad choices since kickatarter. Life pass for example. They cut themselves from funding coming from most zealous players. Then that open paid alpha test of Odyssey, followed by 1 year beta testing for 10 patches....

And now inflating cosmetics, selling early access and skip the grind. I know it is a life service game but they should fund themselves with proper DLCs, not trying to milk the player base with free-to-play monetisation practices.

BTW, do you know they doubled the prices of cosmetics for Legacy? FFS, it is a dead game.

P. S. I guess, we'll see how well this will age.

Last edit: 04 May 2024, 6:10pm
04 May 2024, 6:11pm
I’m not sure I see it agi(e?)ng too well.

And I’d refrain from any P2W accusations myself at the very least until we know if the higher grade SCO drives are restricted to the [P] MKII or not(and even then, it’s arguable since it will be available for credits within three months). Would be a bit miffed though.

The prebuilts, so far, I don’t really see a huge issue with, personally.

… that said, I’m not exactly sure why cosmetics in Legacy needed to get a price increase. (Because they probably didn’t)

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