Elite: Game talk

20 May 2024, 8:31am
Kasumi Goto
ThinderAgreed. Then we're lucky, Overcharge made the ship near uncontrollable when I first tested it...

... though I will admit it can be a bit irritating on the eyes when your camera gets shot all over the place because of the jet cone-like effect. Can't imagine how it has to be in VR.

It could have been part of the issue, but the ship was all over the place, so there was a bug there...

I'm preparing a Beluga for short range passenger trips, the FSD does exactly the same the ship is unstable...

I am using a 6C SCO FSD on my Anaconda (in VR). Engage the drive in bursts, i.e. turn it off after just two, maybe three seconds. The ship will still pick up a lot of speed. At the same time it stays under control, does not overheat much plus this saves fuel. You are sort of leaping ahead this way.
20 May 2024, 9:02am
I usually just shut it down right before it overheats, don’t really need more than that* and you can right the ship back on target quickly afterward.

For now the “stable” experience seems to be reserved to PMKII users… think of that what you will.

*I’ve done a few tests while out exploring the last week or two, heatsink will allow you to keep it running on a Phantom and drop the heat level to speeds around or exceeding 3,000c, within a single ‘trigger period’. Starting heat was around 15-20% iirc, and by the time the heatsink stopped acting it was getting to the limit of its duration anyway, but I’d covered a good 50-60k ls within that time.

Also ate through most of the fuel(was about… 20, 25% left maybe) I had but I wasn’t in the brown dwarf field anyway, so I just stopped by the secondary star I was headed to.
20 May 2024, 9:04am
Frontier: "Hm... I think Pee Mk2 needs more hidden bonuses while it's being sold for Arx. Just... Try not to break the balance absolutely, okay?"
20 May 2024, 9:09am
They haven’t made it a secret, to be fair. GalNet pretty much said “This ship (and other future ones) will be designed around the SCO drive”…

… not that I’m sure it’s such a great thing to have the other ships keep behaving like they’re in a giant tumbler or washing machine, if you like to not spend minutes in a dead fly-in-a-straight-line experience.
20 May 2024, 9:12am
Maybe they'll remove the tumbling from other ships after making Pee Mk2 available for credits. Covering it under a shitey made-up GalNet crap like "improving the SCO thanks to collected data blah blah blah"... :p
20 May 2024, 12:11pm
Kasumi GotoThey haven’t made it a secret, to be fair. GalNet pretty much said “This ship (and other future ones) will be designed around the SCO drive”…

… not that I’m sure it’s such a great thing to have the other ships keep behaving like they’re in a giant tumbler or washing machine, if you like to not spend minutes in a dead fly-in-a-straight-line experience.

Good description of the all-axis tumble a ship can take using this drive boost...

MeowersMaybe they'll remove the tumbling from other ships after making Pee Mk2 available for credits. Covering it under a shitey made-up GalNet crap like "improving the SCO thanks to collected data blah blah blah"... :p

Well, that have to say something
20 May 2024, 2:15pm
ThinderWell, that have to say something
Of course, they want to sell as many of these for Arx as possible. :p
20 May 2024, 2:28pm
It is all about ARX their pre-built ships don't allow to turn ARX into in game credits. Spend ARX you bought on candy wrappers which FD have plenty and wait when regular PMKII would be released.

Last edit: 21 May 2024, 9:46am
20 May 2024, 4:06pm
Kasumi GotoThey haven’t made it a secret, to be fair. GalNet pretty much said “This ship (and other future ones) will be designed around the SCO drive”…

… not that I’m sure it’s such a great thing to have the other ships keep behaving like they’re in a giant tumbler or washing machine, if you like to not spend minutes in a dead fly-in-a-straight-line experience.

Too much torque twisting the superstructure. I can see an opportunity for a new engineering - SCO Reinforced/double braced housing. Kinda like cross bracing on cars to reinforce the chassis (cost = extra mass).
20 May 2024, 5:54pm
Ralph Thum
I'm not a dedicated fighter either, I'm more of a trader and explorer, but in order to rise in Federation rank and unlock Sol and other systems, it's necessary to do some fighting, isn't it?

No not really, but always think a bit of armament is useful for when you get jumped.

You'll need a few Federation ranks to get SOL permit, so head towards system close to Sol, you get more Federation worlds round there and the picking get tastier. Barnards Star or Tau Ceti perhaps, Pick up transport missions that get a good reputation rating option, and ferry stuff around for a while. As you get friendlier reputation with the factions the jobs will get better so its can be good to run to and from the same station.
You'll rank up fairly quickly, when you get to Petty Officer they will issue the Sol Permit.

You might get bored with Sol, but you can rank up in federation quickly and build a good bank balance from short distance hops, even in system
(get Mine Cobalt/Silver/Gold missions from Li Qing Jao or M.Gorbachev, then buy the Materials for them from Daedelus).
21 May 2024, 3:55am
Shg56It is all about ARX their pre-built ships don't allow to turn ARX into in game credits. Spend your ARX your bought on candy wrappers which FD have plenty and wait when regular PMKII would be released.

From my PoV it's about time they introduce Premium ships in this game, instead of distributing ARX like it's Halloween and we're Trick-or-treating.

Six month ago the buzz was about how the game was gonna die because the developers were broke (and we were literally playing it for free for years), now it's how not to buy their ship and reward their efforts, about trying DCS modules or War Gaming Premiums to compare the price?

I have a Python MK II, next month it's gonna be a Python Mk II Stellar just for the stake of having one and supporting the game, I'm not asking people to do the same.

Last edit: 21 May 2024, 4:31am
21 May 2024, 6:45am
Counterpoint - Frontier are struggling due to their own misdirection and things like the complete and total disaster of the Odyssey launch which violently crashes without notice just because you dared to hit the ‘Disembark’ button(or god forbid, tried to get back in your ship/SRV), or gets you stuck in an eternal black screen in that same action, to this day.

Should players have to cover for that? I’m not so sure… but without a doubt that total failure and technical debacle still has effects today(plus the general issues in the game ‘industry’ which are becoming very apparent the last 2-3 years).
21 May 2024, 8:37am
I have a Python MK II, next month it's gonna be a Python Mk II Stellar just for the stake of having one and supporting the game, I'm not asking people to do the same.

I understand both views. However, I enjoy the game and got the Stellar to support. Will do so with the next new model as well.
21 May 2024, 9:02am
I'd spend more ARX if there was something to spend them on. I'd love to customize my suit, but Frontier keeps peddling suit cosmetics that just don't appeal to me. So I'm still using the Pioneer skins that came with the Odyssey pre-order. Paying ARX for a ship that's going to be available for free anyway doesn't make much sense to me.
21 May 2024, 10:02am
I have a Python MK II, next month it's gonna be a Python Mk II Stellar just for the stake of having one and supporting the game, I'm not asking people to do the same.

I understand both views. However, I enjoy the game and got the Stellar to support. Will do so with the next new model as well.

If only the Python mk II would be a better ship, I mean not having less optional internal slots. I would love to buy a better ship and don't mind in the mean time supporting further Elite development.

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