Elite: Game talk

19 May 2024, 1:13pm
Kasumi Goto
Lambast MercyI changed a pre-engineered FSD on my Phantom with a SCO FSD, and lost 1 LY.
Did the same with a Mamba, with no change in jump range.

I put Jump Range and Mass Management on all of them.

Interesting. I can't reproduce these results on EDSY at all. Even the double-engineered "V1" FSD's jump range is slightly surpassed by the 5A SCO FSD. In fact it's like the A-class SCO drives are meant to supplant the double-engineered FSDs that were available only once or twice as CG rewards. Good news for explorers if true.

The SCO drives do have slightly more range than even the pre-engineered versions. Their ‘optimised mass’ stat goes to something like 1,894 as opposed to the V1’s 1,856(both with mass manager).

The increase in the range is negligible for the 5As though, my explorer Phantom gained something like .19 ly. The addition of the supercruise overcharge, on the other hand…

For other builds, there may be subtleties which make the V1 look favorable due to background stats or just having range and fast boot, but I don’t think any of mine have or require such considerations.

Interesting, I have a spare 5A...
19 May 2024, 4:13pm
SakashiroIs there any downside to replacing an A-rated FSD with an A-rated SCO FSD with the same engineering? I just popped one into my Adder (in EDSY, not in the game yet) and the only stats that I noticed had changed were jump range (+4 Ly) and rebuy. It seems there's no reason to still use pre-SCO drives at all. Am I missing something?

No, not really.

The only case I am aware of where a non-SCO FSD outperforms an SCO FSD is the pre-engineered 6A FSD from the Colonia Bridge CGs (which is unobtainium now). It gives a marginally better range than a 6A SCO FSD with the Increased Range blueprint & the Mass Manager effect. Whether it is worth the lack of SCO and a higher thermal load is a matter of personal choice, of course.

Lambast MercyI changed a pre-engineered FSD on my Phantom with a SCO FSD, and lost 1 LY.

Strange, I cannot reproduce it, either. Could you post a link to the pre-engineered build on EDSY?

Kasumi GotoThe SCO drives do have slightly more range than even the pre-engineered versions. Their ‘optimised mass’ stat goes to something like 1,894 as opposed to the V1’s 1,856(both with mass manager).

The hidden fuel usage multiplier is larger, though (0.013 for A-rated SCO FSD, versus 0.012 for non-SCO A-rated FSD), which is why the range increase is not as big as one might expect (and also why, as I said above, you get a better range with the pre-eng 6A even though both its optimised mass and max fuel per jump are lower).
19 May 2024, 4:16pm
Don't have any of the CG-exclusive FSDs anyway so there isn't much of a choice which poses itself in that regard.

My Conda has also been gathering dust for probably like a year now, so anything else that uses a 6A in my fleet doesn't really need those kinds of jump distance considerations. (Or will do with an SCO just fine anyway.)
19 May 2024, 4:47pm
Gonna have to engineer and test this 7A SCO FSD on my Krait Phantom, but perhaps also I will have to explore to collect the necessary Raw Materials first.
15mn from Colonia, it took me (with a break) <> 23h to come here.

NO SLOT. I park in EOL PROU LW-L C8-127.


I managed to honk more than a few systems, lost my passenger (didn't tell me he was out) and even if it takes longer than with a 70 LY jump range ship (if you don't stop jumping that is), I prefer to travel that far in my Carrier.

All my ships are onboard, I have the choice between multi-mission, combat, hauling, passenger transport and exploration...

Gonna try to unlock new engineers, test this 5A SCO FSD on my Phantom, do some passenger mission, but first of all... Coffee!

Last edit: 19 May 2024, 5:42pm
19 May 2024, 5:32pm
ThinderGonna have to engineer and test this 7A SCO FSD on my Krait Phantom

I think you mean 5A

Thinderlost my passenger (didn't tell me he was out)

I guess he’s learned the lesson now
19 May 2024, 5:39pm
I think its good that the Size 5's are essentially equal , given how many ships utilize that sized FSD and the amount of people that have bought multiple V1 premade FSD's from the brokers it means that its largely optional and you can still pass your old drives to other lesser used ships if you want to, or wait to see if scrapping comes out if you just want to sit them in storage.

How is everyone holding up in the black these day, Wars really slumping on huh.
19 May 2024, 6:12pm
I decided to give up on the war and am currently out in the Sanguineous Rim.
The exploring is more than paying for my FC weekly upkeep.

I also decided to go for the Python 2 Stellar - and thought I might have to go back to the bubble to collect it, but of course I've got a shipyard on board and it popped up.
So can get use to the SCO without bumping into folks.

Keeping an eye on the chatter regarding it though, very useful comments all
19 May 2024, 6:14pm
Sampi Ogonek
ThinderGonna have to engineer and test this 7A SCO FSD on my Krait Phantom

I think you mean 5A

Thinderlost my passenger (didn't tell me he was out)

I guess he’s learned the lesson now

Yeah. Just tested it same engineering, Increased range + MASS MANAGER. Gain is 0.17 from 70.31 to 70.48.

Boost is a lot more stable than when I first tested it in this ship, I think the weight of the ship makes a difference, a slightly heavier Krait Phantom might not notice as much gain...
19 May 2024, 7:09pm
Sampi Ogonek
ThinderGonna have to engineer and test this 7A SCO FSD on my Krait Phantom

I think you mean 5A

Thinderlost my passenger (didn't tell me he was out)

I guess he’s learned the lesson now

Im still jumping.
19 May 2024, 7:49pm
Gain is 0.17 from 70.31 to 70.48.

I think the weight of the ship makes a difference, a slightly heavier Krait Phantom might not notice as much gain...

Seems to be the case, my Bubble runner Phantom with some weapons(to fend off pirates/would-be PvE assassins) and a C6 powerplant/distributor plus the other stuff gets around 42 ly with a 5A V1 FSD + C3 FSD booster, only sees a .1 ly range increase with a fully engineered 5A SCO.

I still think the main benefit here is the overcharge. Really cuts down on the travel times by a lot, especially for the medium-distance trips between planets (or stars).
19 May 2024, 10:07pm
Kasumi Goto
Gain is 0.17 from 70.31 to 70.48.

I think the weight of the ship makes a difference, a slightly heavier Krait Phantom might not notice as much gain...

Seems to be the case, my Bubble runner Phantom with some weapons(to fend off pirates/would-be PvE assassins) and a C6 powerplant/distributor plus the other stuff gets around 42 ly with a 5A V1 FSD + C3 FSD booster, only sees a .1 ly range increase with a fully engineered 5A SCO.

I still think the main benefit here is the overcharge. Really cuts down on the travel times by a lot, especially for the medium-distance trips between planets (or stars).

Agreed. Then we're lucky, Overcharge made the ship near uncontrollable when I first tested it...
19 May 2024, 10:09pm
Sampi Ogonek
ThinderGonna have to engineer and test this 7A SCO FSD on my Krait Phantom

I think you mean 5A

Thinderlost my passenger (didn't tell me he was out)

I guess he’s learned the lesson now

Im still jumping.

You should have told me of your intention to leave the Carrier...

Last edit: 19 May 2024, 10:33pm
19 May 2024, 11:44pm
ThinderAgreed. Then we're lucky, Overcharge made the ship near uncontrollable when I first tested it...

I never really had that much of an issue with it. Due to the excessive speed, with us not having the deceleration capabilities of the Thargoid equivalent, being pointed off target isn't too terrible of a thing and even somewhat beneficial.

That said, A rated SCO does reduce control interference a little compared to the others. Yet, I find myself turning it off before the flinging of the ship around really can become an issue(or there is plenty of time to realign properly).

... though I will admit it can be a bit irritating on the eyes when your camera gets shot all over the place because of the jet cone-like effect. Can't imagine how it has to be in VR.
20 May 2024, 12:53am
Kasumi Goto
ThinderAgreed. Then we're lucky, Overcharge made the ship near uncontrollable when I first tested it...

... though I will admit it can be a bit irritating on the eyes when your camera gets shot all over the place because of the jet cone-like effect. Can't imagine how it has to be in VR.

It could have been part of the issue, but the ship was all over the place, so there was a bug there...

I'm preparing a Beluga for short range passenger trips, the FSD does exactly the same the ship is unstable...

Last edit: 20 May 2024, 1:09am
20 May 2024, 12:54am
Kasumi Goto
ThinderAgreed. Then we're lucky, Overcharge made the ship near uncontrollable when I first tested it...

... though I will admit it can be a bit irritating on the eyes when your camera gets shot all over the place because of the jet cone-like effect. Can't imagine how it has to be in VR.

Sampi Ogonek
ThinderGonna have to engineer and test this 7A SCO FSD on my Krait Phantom

It could have been part of the issue, but the ship was all over the place, so there was a bug there...

I think you mean 5A

Thinderlost my passenger (didn't tell me he was out)

I guess he’s learned the lesson now

Im still jumping.

When you're in Colonia, please transfer your ship to a station, I'm gonna have to move the Carrier sooner than later.

Last edit: 20 May 2024, 7:49am

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