Kasumi GotoSakashiroLambast MercyI changed a pre-engineered FSD on my Phantom with a SCO FSD, and lost 1 LY.
Did the same with a Mamba, with no change in jump range.
I put Jump Range and Mass Management on all of them.
Interesting. I can't reproduce these results on EDSY at all. Even the double-engineered "V1" FSD's jump range is slightly surpassed by the 5A SCO FSD. In fact it's like the A-class SCO drives are meant to supplant the double-engineered FSDs that were available only once or twice as CG rewards. Good news for explorers if true.
The SCO drives do have slightly more range than even the pre-engineered versions. Their ‘optimised mass’ stat goes to something like 1,894 as opposed to the V1’s 1,856(both with mass manager).
The increase in the range is negligible for the 5As though, my explorer Phantom gained something like .19 ly. The addition of the supercruise overcharge, on the other hand…
For other builds, there may be subtleties which make the V1 look favorable due to background stats or just having range and fast boot, but I don’t think any of mine have or require such considerations.
Interesting, I have a spare 5A...