Elite: Game talk

15 Jan 2016, 3:09pm
Hey CMDRs, is there a tool (probably not here on Inara that I'm aware of) that if I get a mission where I need to find a station that sells [COMMODITY] and deliver it somewhere, that I can tell the tool "I'm here, where can I buy [COMMODITY]?"
15 Jan 2016, 3:17pm
2.  Missions to hold data and meet with someone. What a waste of time!  Over and over and over, but will not update my panel and can not complete the mission.  At least I wasn't fined for this impossible mission.

I've experienced this too so I decided to drive to a nearby system and come back again. A few minutes later the contact person arrived and the mission continued.

I hope it will help you a bit.
15 Jan 2016, 3:20pm
BenjethHey CMDRs, is there a tool (probably not here on Inara that I'm aware of) that if I get a mission where I need to find a station that sells [COMMODITY] and deliver it somewhere, that I can tell the tool "I'm here, where can I buy [COMMODITY]?"

EDDB does

15 Jan 2016, 3:22pm
EDDB.io does, click on the Commodities tab

Aha! Thank you, CMDR! Salute and a wing-wag!
15 Jan 2016, 3:35pm
inara can do this too. I love this site for all it's features.


just choose your location and the good you seek
15 Jan 2016, 3:36pm
BenjethHey CMDRs, is there a tool (probably not here on Inara that I'm aware of) that if I get a mission where I need to find a station that sells [COMMODITY] and deliver it somewhere, that I can tell the tool "I'm here, where can I buy [COMMODITY]?"

You can click Goods in Market and then desired commodity name here. It will show you nearest stations where to buy/sell, you can also set your reference system there and it also shows highest/lowest prices all around. Eventually, you can click the commodity name directly in the market list in station view.

edit: ninja'd by AreZee
15 Jan 2016, 4:14pm
You can click Goods in Market ...

Oy, thanks Artie and AreZee I didn't even notice the big fat orange button staring me in the face haha!
15 Jan 2016, 5:25pm
BenjethHey CMDRs, is there a tool (probably not here on Inara that I'm aware of) that if I get a mission where I need to find a station that sells [COMMODITY] and deliver it somewhere, that I can tell the tool "I'm here, where can I buy [COMMODITY]?"

You can click Goods in Market and then desired commodity name here. It will show you nearest stations where to buy/sell, you can also set your reference system there and it also shows highest/lowest prices all around. Eventually, you can click the commodity name directly in the market list in station view.

edit: ninja'd by AreZee

Sorry to send people away from here. EDDB just came into my mind first
15 Jan 2016, 6:00pm
No problem, it's a nice site. It just point me to the possible problem that this feature here isn't as obvious as expected, so it eventually needs to be improved/emphasized somehow.
15 Jan 2016, 7:13pm
ArtieNo problem, it's a nice site. It just point me to the possible problem that this feature here isn't as obvious as expected, so it eventually needs to be improved/emphasized somehow.

I knew that
15 Jan 2016, 9:33pm
Ozram^^I think I read there was an 8 ton max as well, but with the dump and pickup trick they've been managing more. There was a group loading up anacondas in the gifts CG, but without using tricky methods (like going outside the infraction range, jettisoning the cargo and redocking to pick up more then scooping the previous lot) the stock limit for this CG is, I think, 8.

Max drop at any given time is 8 tons. every 12-15 min I pop back on and grab whatever has respawned. beats a 180LY RT 8T at a time. Plus I can run some IS trades to Phra Saman no ding for carrying OH or narcotics.
15 Jan 2016, 10:29pm
Jack Dekerdt
Ozram^^I think I read there was an 8 ton max as well, but with the dump and pickup trick they've been managing more. There was a group loading up anacondas in the gifts CG, but without using tricky methods (like going outside the infraction range, jettisoning the cargo and redocking to pick up more then scooping the previous lot) the stock limit for this CG is, I think, 8.

Max drop at any given time is 8 tons. every 12-15 min I pop back on and grab whatever has respawned. beats a 180LY RT 8T at a time. Plus I can run some IS trades to Phra Saman no ding for carrying OH or narcotics.

Nice. I did a few runs in my DBE until I realised sneaking imp slaves alongside the narcos was (grey area ethics) much more proffitable (imp slaves are just indentured servants anyway; I won't haul the other kind) so I've gone down to where I have my clipper stored (200 ton cargo) and will be bringing that in.
16 Jan 2016, 1:07am
WILD BILL CODYI would like to report multiple BUGS in this game.  I know Frontier must be aware of these problems, as I can not believe that these things are happening only to me.
1.  Missions to nonexistent stations and the gall to fine me for not completing the impossible mission to nowhere.  Stations are not even listed on the map.
2.  Missions to hold data and meet with someone. What a waste of time!  Over and over and over, but will not update my panel and can not complete the mission.  At least I wasn't fined for this impossible mission.

The game cheats unlike previous versions, but I can deal with that, but the lies just cause me to wonder if I am playing the wrong game.  Just got Horizons and I am so disappointed in game play.  Should be called the game of INTERDICTION!  17 interdiction's in a row 5, one after the other, two at a time...give me a break.  One security guard kept pulling me over and fining me...that was it...now I have a bounty on my head for a few days, but he won't be pulling me over again.

Please fix your game Frontier...I certainly paid for a better experience than this.

As Merinid said, Inara is not Frontier. But, you do realize that the game is adaptive, right? The more valuable cargo, or cargo you're supposed to hold on to you carry, the more attention you draw and the more you will get interdicted.

I've seen some mission glitches, like NPCs show up as flagged as "mission target" for missions I've failed due to timeout or abandoned. But I haven't had any mission not complete - at least not complete after a short delay.

That said, you, like everyone else, paid for what the game is - not what we wish it were. Frontier is good people working hard to make what is into what we would like, but there it is, it's a work in progress. Have patience and moderate your expectations, or if it's really that intolerable, I hope you find what you're looking for in another game.
16 Jan 2016, 2:10am
James Hussar
WILD BILL CODYI would like to report multiple BUGS in this game.  I know Frontier must be aware of these problems, as I can not believe that these things are happening only to me.
1.  Missions to nonexistent stations and the gall to fine me for not completing the impossible mission to nowhere.  Stations are not even listed on the map.
2.  Missions to hold data and meet with someone. What a waste of time!  Over and over and over, but will not update my panel and can not complete the mission.  At least I wasn't fined for this impossible mission.

The game cheats unlike previous versions, but I can deal with that, but the lies just cause me to wonder if I am playing the wrong game.  Just got Horizons and I am so disappointed in game play.  Should be called the game of INTERDICTION!  17 interdiction's in a row 5, one after the other, two at a time...give me a break.  One security guard kept pulling me over and fining me...that was it...now I have a bounty on my head for a few days, but he won't be pulling me over again.

Please fix your game Frontier...I certainly paid for a better experience than this.

As Merinid said, Inara is not Frontier. But, you do realize that the game is adaptive, right? The more valuable cargo, or cargo you're supposed to hold on to you carry, the more attention you draw and the more you will get interdicted....

Just to add...the opposite is quite true. I've had countless NPCs interdict me for tasty cargo when, in fact, my hold is completely empty. I don't think it is out of the realm of Frontier's expertise to tighten up the AI rather laziness. Hiding behind the Horizons roleout is not really excusable since this has gone on at least since I joined at 1.3.
16 Jan 2016, 8:17am
Jack Dekerdt
James Hussar
WILD BILL CODYI would like to report multiple BUGS in this game.  I know Frontier must be aware of these problems, as I can not believe that these things are happening only to me.
1.  Missions to nonexistent stations and the gall to fine me for not completing the impossible mission to nowhere.  Stations are not even listed on the map.
2.  Missions to hold data and meet with someone. What a waste of time!  Over and over and over, but will not update my panel and can not complete the mission.  At least I wasn't fined for this impossible mission.

The game cheats unlike previous versions, but I can deal with that, but the lies just cause me to wonder if I am playing the wrong game.  Just got Horizons and I am so disappointed in game play.  Should be called the game of INTERDICTION!  17 interdiction's in a row 5, one after the other, two at a time...give me a break.  One security guard kept pulling me over and fining me...that was it...now I have a bounty on my head for a few days, but he won't be pulling me over again.

Please fix your game Frontier...I certainly paid for a better experience than this.

As Merinid said, Inara is not Frontier. But, you do realize that the game is adaptive, right? The more valuable cargo, or cargo you're supposed to hold on to you carry, the more attention you draw and the more you will get interdicted....

Just to add...the opposite is quite true. I've had countless NPCs interdict me for tasty cargo when, in fact, my hold is completely empty. I don't think it is out of the realm of Frontier's expertise to tighten up the AI rather laziness. Hiding behind the Horizons roleout is not really excusable since this has gone on at least since I joined at 1.3.

I had one of those just on my way back to Kappa Fornacis (empty hold). Not sure what tasty cargo they could have wanted (turned out to be a wing of five small fighters with three eagles and two Sidewinders). My Clipper even took a bit of hull damage before they went down.

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