Elite: Game talk

29 Jan 2016, 7:57pm
Acen ONYX.. and to close off that topic...


With a nod to Jack "Voigt-Kampff" Dekerdt, AGREED, there is no rule "requiring" anyone playing a Pirate to announce first.
I might suggest, firstly, we're arguing on the SAME SIDE, buddy, so quit biting me.

I'd just like to point out, however, that even though Pirates are seen in a negative light, you gotta admit they live by an Honour Code... Even the Highwayman, who used to call out "Stand and Deliver!" (where "stand" meant to halt, or stop moving), meant only to relieve the victim of possessions, not of their life...
So while it may be correct that "no rule exists" or announcement is "not required", it is implicit in the job description, in that sense.

Or as Adam Ant used to sing "Stand in ye dinner, your money or your wife" ;O) yep showing my age here lol
30 Jan 2016, 12:12am
cant get back in any one having problems now I see server off line crap frigged up a mission

Last edit: 30 Jan 2016, 12:20am
30 Jan 2016, 12:18am
Clubcant get back in any one having problem

I just started having issues.
30 Jan 2016, 12:21am
yep , looks like FD's central is off line so no logins (or staying loged and doing anythig) ...... thats a fail on at least 2 deliveries , guess i still get to blackmarket the cargo lol
30 Jan 2016, 12:21am
Clubcant get back in any one having problem

I just started having issues.

Same here. Transaction server connection and CMDR retrieval issues.
30 Jan 2016, 12:22am
Servers are offline.
30 Jan 2016, 12:23am
FrankfortServers are offline.

Boo Hiss!
30 Jan 2016, 12:28am
I played ED for one week, three weeks ago. Currently waiting for my PC to get shipped over from the UK. You'll forgive me if I envy your 'predicament' :p
30 Jan 2016, 12:28am
James Hussar
FrankfortServers are offline.

Boo Hiss!

Ghost snake?
30 Jan 2016, 12:36am
James Hussar
FrankfortServers are offline.

Boo Hiss!

Ghost snake?

Now THERE is a CMDR name worth getting...

Looks like the servers came back, for a minute, and down again. Time for din-din I guess.
30 Jan 2016, 12:37am
says servers ok still no luck oh well looks like tv for me
30 Jan 2016, 12:54am
Same cant even get to the menu, I really should get some more games
30 Jan 2016, 2:50am
I can't connect to Elite.

Returns a message with this text: LOGIN FAILURE - The game failed to communicate with the authentication server. Please check your internet conection and try again in a few minutes.

My internet conection is ok and I have been trying to log in 1 hr. now.

At the bottom of the screen I see...

Central Server Service:

Has anyone this problem?
30 Jan 2016, 3:12am
Yep, everyone currently. Keep monitoring the support knowledge base here. Until that top line says servers are ok, it'll likely continue.
30 Jan 2016, 3:49am
Shyn DarklyYep, everyone currently. Keep monitoring the support knowledge base here. Until that top line says servers are ok, it'll likely continue.

Uff. Thank you.

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