Elite: Game talk

10 Mar 2016, 4:02am
I've been toying with the idea for a few nights now. Just to get a rest from trading and missions.

Looks like the next CG will be about mining so maybe we could make this one in a wing if it´s really happening.

I'm up for it. Will get in a bit of practice tomorrow night.
Just had a go at collecting minerals on planet surface. Not as easy as it looks. Need to practice that too.
10 Mar 2016, 5:08am
Rockin' The Antie Don't you think that the banksters have wrecked the real economy enough without having them wrecking our game as well?.

They can't wreck the game. It's an "in game" bank. It would be interesting if banks can put player factions into default though.

Furthermore, banks in the real world conduct fractional banking and carry out loans. We're not so ready to do that. We're more like banks in the middle ages (or game of thrones) where we have a vault full of "gold" in this case, the gold is credits.
10 Mar 2016, 7:05am
Rockin' The Antie Don't you think that the banksters have wrecked the real economy enough without having them wrecking our game as well?.

They can't wreck the game. It's an "in game" bank. It would be interesting if banks can put player factions into default though.

Furthermore, banks in the real world conduct fractional banking and carry out loans. We're not so ready to do that. We're more like banks in the middle ages (or game of thrones) where we have a vault full of "gold" in this case, the gold is credits.

That first bank that was entirely empty when the "Kaleesee" entered it was quite similar to our modern banks, printing notes of debt but having nothing concrete to back it. Amazing how much power is fuelled and sustained by fantasy. Occasionally there is a wake up call in the form of a mass default, but the addiction to the current system is so strong we just bail them out.
10 Mar 2016, 8:51am
Rockin' The Antie Don't you think that the banksters have wrecked the real economy enough without having them wrecking our game as well?.

They can't wreck the game. It's an "in game" bank. It would be interesting if banks can put player factions into default though.

Furthermore, banks in the real world conduct fractional banking and carry out loans. We're not so ready to do that. We're more like banks in the middle ages (or game of thrones) where we have a vault full of "gold" in this case, the gold is credits.

That first bank that was entirely empty when the "Kaleesee" entered it was quite similar to our modern banks, printing notes of debt but having nothing concrete to back it. Amazing how much power is fuelled and sustained by fantasy. Occasionally there is a wake up call in the form of a mass default, but the addiction to the current system is so strong we just bail them out.

You've just described our entire society. Laws, morals, social norms, property ownership are all fantasies. They only exist because we say they do. Even if you have a bar of gold, it's only yours because you say it is. If I kill you and take it, there are established rules that say it's wrong, but only because we all agree it's so. We all live in a kind of Matrix.
10 Mar 2016, 1:26pm
CmdrvalleysCMDR Valleys here singing on;

I've sort of given up trading in the corvette, kinda takes forever, but I have found a new money making activity.... I've rediscovered mining, I make around 8-10mil a trip and don't have to jump the long way around. if anyone is interested in winging up for a mining run 2 or 3 times a week let me know (profits go up by 100% for each additional member). I'm on UK time so EU time-zone would be preferable.

That's all, as you were

I have been enjoying mining, but it is a little bit of a frustration in a Cobra with a 6 bin Refinery. Hoping to upgrade to an ASP miner with 3X cargo capacity and 8 bin refinery soon.

I generally mine around the Pristine AB3 rings in Bhotho. I am in US, so probably won't work out, but I am intrigued by the 100% profit number you mention for wings. I was aware of the TRADE DIVIDEND, but is there another game mechanic for mining in wings that I don't realize? Thanks for any info. Might be the ticket to get some of my Bounty Hunter Wingmates into Mining
10 Mar 2016, 2:47pm
CmdrvalleysCMDR Valleys here singing on;

I've sort of given up trading in the corvette, kinda takes forever, but I have found a new money making activity.... I've rediscovered mining, I make around 8-10mil a trip and don't have to jump the long way around. if anyone is interested in winging up for a mining run 2 or 3 times a week let me know (profits go up by 100% for each additional member). I'm on UK time so EU time-zone would be preferable.

That's all, as you were

I have been enjoying mining, but it is a little bit of a frustration in a Cobra with a 6 bin Refinery. Hoping to upgrade to an ASP miner with 3X cargo capacity and 8 bin refinery soon.

I generally mine around the Pristine AB3 rings in Bhotho. I am in US, so probably won't work out, but I am intrigued by the 100% profit number you mention for wings. I was aware of the TRADE DIVIDEND, but is there another game mechanic for mining in wings that I don't realize? Thanks for any info. Might be the ticket to get some of my Bounty Hunter Wingmates into Mining

I'm curious about that mechanic as well. My guess is he meant: The miner gets 100% profit, so the trade dividend is 5% of this huge amount instead of the minor amount when you count profit of goods of simple A<>B trades.
10 Mar 2016, 4:14pm
Or he was referring to the fact that rocks are instanced so each player can mine the same amount from the same rock.
10 Mar 2016, 10:06pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Rockin' The Antie Don't you think that the banksters have wrecked the real economy enough without having them wrecking our game as well?.

They can't wreck the game. It's an "in game" bank. It would be interesting if banks can put player factions into default though.

Furthermore, banks in the real world conduct fractional banking and carry out loans. We're not so ready to do that. We're more like banks in the middle ages (or game of thrones) where we have a vault full of "gold" in this case, the gold is credits.

That first bank that was entirely empty when the "Kaleesee" entered it was quite similar to our modern banks, printing notes of debt but having nothing concrete to back it. Amazing how much power is fuelled and sustained by fantasy. Occasionally there is a wake up call in the form of a mass default, but the addiction to the current system is so strong we just bail them out.

You've just described our entire society. Laws, morals, social norms, property ownership are all fantasies. They only exist because we say they do. Even if you have a bar of gold, it's only yours because you say it is. If I kill you and take it, there are established rules that say it's wrong, but only because we all agree it's so. We all live in a kind of Matrix.

It's a bit like that, isn't it?
10 Mar 2016, 10:54pm
Lazar WrathOr he was referring to the fact that rocks are instanced so each player can mine the same amount from the same rock.

Good when you find a 45% Painite rock.
11 Mar 2016, 5:54am
I think there's a BH CG in Varati:

Canonn Miner Protection (Bounty Hunting)
Thompson Dock in Varati – Protect the mining operations supporting Canonn’s research outpost construction project. Hand in bounty Vouchers at Thompson Dock in Varati

Where to hunt.

Last edit: 11 Mar 2016, 7:25am
11 Mar 2016, 9:37am
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Rockin' The Antie Don't you think that the banksters have wrecked the real economy enough without having them wrecking our game as well?.

They can't wreck the game. It's an "in game" bank. It would be interesting if banks can put player factions into default though.

Furthermore, banks in the real world conduct fractional banking and carry out loans. We're not so ready to do that. We're more like banks in the middle ages (or game of thrones) where we have a vault full of "gold" in this case, the gold is credits.

That first bank that was entirely empty when the "Kaleesee" entered it was quite similar to our modern banks, printing notes of debt but having nothing concrete to back it. Amazing how much power is fuelled and sustained by fantasy. Occasionally there is a wake up call in the form of a mass default, but the addiction to the current system is so strong we just bail them out.

You've just described our entire society. Laws, morals, social norms, property ownership are all fantasies. They only exist because we say they do. Even if you have a bar of gold, it's only yours because you say it is. If I kill you and take it, there are established rules that say it's wrong, but only because we all agree it's so. We all live in a kind of Matrix.

It's a bit like that, isn't it?

I believe the term is fiat. It's fiat gold.

...No it's not.

It is if we say it is!
11 Mar 2016, 9:42am
^^ Lol. Perhaps we should ask Artie if it would be too difficult to implement a friendly + Rep system to comments here.
11 Mar 2016, 2:34pm
Is mining really worth the time invested vs those 1 jump slave runs or bounty hunting?
11 Mar 2016, 3:09pm
Eyes0fTheS0UTHIs mining really worth the time invested vs those 1 jump slave runs or bounty hunting?

Personally I tried mining twice so far, and couldn't bear sitting still and just letting the Limpets do their work. On the other hand there are quite some profitable Bulletin board missions sometimes for you to deliver Minerals. Guess it depends on how high your rank is to make Mining a profitable endeavour.
11 Mar 2016, 3:31pm
Eyes0fTheS0UTHIs mining really worth the time invested vs those 1 jump slave runs or bounty hunting?

Personally I tried mining twice so far, and couldn't bear sitting still and just letting the Limpets do their work. On the other hand there are quite some profitable Bulletin board missions sometimes for you to deliver Minerals. Guess it depends on how high your rank is to make Mining a profitable endeavour.

Concur. I don't do the Shadow/Slave Missions, but hour for hour Bounty Hunting seems far more lucrative than mining. I like the occasional change of pace, though, but I HATE micromanaging the refinery. Mining profits will increase with larger cargo holds, of course, and a bigger refinery would help the micromanagement issue as well. I have been doing it in a Cobra with 32 Ton cargo hold. As Coragon said, though, with stuff like Osmium, Platinum or Painite, you can often find Bulletin Board missions that pay vastly more than the commodities market price. Sometimes it is a grind going from station to station LOOKING for those missions once you have the stuff, so I usually take them FIRST and hope I can fulfill them in the time limit.

Sometimes I stack a bunch of those missions and JUST go to get a few tons of each to satisfy them and make more than if I filled my cargo hold with other stuff.

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