Elite: Game talk

08 Dec 2023, 2:15am
I personally primarily bought it for… well, being able to play with players, can’t for the life of me remember if it was on a discount at that time, though(just over a year ago).

The content that came with it was an added bonus. I wouldn’t call any of it the great miracle of Elite though.
08 Dec 2023, 2:43am
I bought it on steep discount on Steam over the summer. $10 seems like a reasonable price for it, but I wouldn't have paid any more.
08 Dec 2023, 3:56am
Kasumi GotoI personally primarily bought it for… well, being able to play with players.

Yeah, I thought it would be more conducive to in-game RP. To some extent it allows for that but not on the level of a full MMORPG.
08 Dec 2023, 7:05am
The odyssee DLC costs 12,25 in steam right now. It adds to the game. If you spend more than a little time in elite why would you not buy it?
That doesn't make sense to me.
08 Dec 2023, 8:25am
Meanwhile - possible rant material - Odyssey in the dedicated Frontier store is still priced at 30£(or 34€, the price I’d have to pay for it). So for an alt with all the gizmos, as the base version of the game is required too, I would currently pay the same as I could for (nearly) a new high-profile game coming out this year…

(Not that it would be a guarantee of anything. I’m still not sure that price is what I want to pay to make an alt that does stuff differently to my main.)
08 Dec 2023, 10:40am
As some of you may remember, I was very vocal about the many flaws of Odyssey (to the point that Frontier banned me from their forums), but I have to hand it to them, they did improve performance of client 4. I'm now getting pretty good frame rates even on my aged Nvidia 1070 when walking through settlements and stations.
08 Dec 2023, 11:18am
Glen van Ross
Lee RossI have some spare Spire Refined Compounds I'm looking to sell. Where can I do this?

Sell it to the barman at Baird Gateway, Arque system. Not sure if they can also be offloaded through your own carrier's bartender, like other Odyssey materials; I haven't collected any yet.

I can't seem to sell through my own bartender. Or set up buy orders for it, but I see other CMDRs have buy orders set.
08 Dec 2023, 2:43pm
SakashiroAs some of you may remember, I was very vocal about the many flaws of Odyssey (to the point that Frontier banned me from their forums), but I have to hand it to them, they did improve performance of client 4. I'm now getting pretty good frame rates even on my aged Nvidia 1070 when walking through settlements and stations.

Yeah, I own a full price (launch) and a second half-price version of EDO and, while some aspects make me tear my hair out, I've definitely had my moneys-worth from them. Quite happily pay full price again. 6,000 hrs for £60 is 100 hrs per UKP. Better value than any other game in my library.

As for mining tritium. I had to do once after miscalculating amounts and was 900t short to get back to bubble. Jeezus, it was painful and slow. I ended up flying a cutter back, buying up 500t and flying back to the carrier.
08 Dec 2023, 4:46pm
I'm curious - why are some of you buying multiple copies? What's the point of an alt as opposed to just doing everything on one character?
08 Dec 2023, 5:06pm
Roleplaying mostly, I guess. I, kind of, want to have a 'legitimate' alt for one of my significant story characters, and back it up with a real in-game character, but the grindiness of this game puts me off, and, as a not only a player, but also a software developer myself, I don't want to pay for a copy of that half-arsed hackjob.

Also, I play with Steam, direct-Frontier versions are beyond expensive for the 'quality' the give, and buying another one would require creating another Steam account and all that login-password fuss and doubling them on my PC and I don't want it too.
08 Dec 2023, 5:46pm
XeknosI'm curious - why are some of you buying multiple copies? What's the point of an alt as opposed to just doing everything on one character?

If you do a lot of Powerplay and BGS work, particularly with a squadron, it can be useful to have an alt for:
  • Being able to execute missions/actions that would garner a ton of notoriety and hostile faction rep, without crippling your main
  • Not being shot up immediately in a contested system for having the wrong PP allegiance/squadron... a.k.a. thin veneer of plausible deniability
  • Having characters in different places for a variety of activities; one can be your explorer 50,000LY from the bubble, and one can be your weekly PP/BGS mule that never ever leaves the bubble. You don't have to miss out on either, or waste time transiting.
I should note it is very much frowned upon to carry out "fifth column" activities where you pledge an alt to an enemy, and carry out supposedly helpful actions that are actually harmful to that same enemy... Many squadrons that have a Powerplay/BGS focus prohibit that.

But there are plenty of reasons why one might want an alt. I don't have one, as it would split my time and retard my progress toward certain goals, but there are folks I know of who use them routinely.
08 Dec 2023, 8:04pm
Meowers Also, I play with Steam, direct-Frontier versions are beyond expensive for the 'quality' the give, and buying another one would require creating another Steam account and all that login-password fuss and doubling them on my PC and I don't want it too.

For many Steam games (and other things) that do not really need SSD performance, I just use external drives, particularly if it is an alt. That way, several accounts can be active at the same time. Of course, I am an old guy and also prefer to keep my OS on one dedicated drive and everything else on separate drives.

But yeah, keeping track of alt logins and such can be a pain in the ass.
08 Dec 2023, 8:22pm
Vasil VasilescuFor many Steam games (and other things) that do not really need SSD performance, I just use external drives, particularly if it is an alt. That way, several accounts can be active at the same time. Of course, I am an old guy and also prefer to keep my OS on one dedicated drive and everything else on separate drives.
Yeah, I kept my software on the separate partition too, though more and more stuff now puts its junk into program files or user data and at some point that started to annoy me. But, hm. An external drive idea sounds nice, I have one and it's free enough. But that also means a separate Steam installation onto that drive and I'm not sure. I don't want more junk in program files and user data, lol.
08 Dec 2023, 8:28pm
Meowers... But that also means a separate Steam installation onto that drive and I'm not sure. I don't want more junk in program files and user data, lol.

You shouldn't need to do a whole Steam install to an external drive. Just create a folder on it, and tell Steam that it's an additional library (Steam > Settings > Storage).
08 Dec 2023, 9:08pm
Glen van RossYou shouldn't need to do a whole Steam install to an external drive. Just create a folder on it, and tell Steam that it's an additional library (Steam > Settings > Storage).
I already have Steam installed and I play my games using it, switching back and forth could be super annoying... Though, it seems like Elite is on sale now so I may probably take a look. The alt I want to do doesn't need much, just an AX-outfitted Chieftain and some lower Thargoid kills scored, Cyclopes and Basilisks.

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