Elite: Game talk

08 Dec 2023, 9:12pm
If I were to buy a second copy on Steam (using a second Steam account), I would probably do something like set up a second user account on the PC and then logout/login when I wanted to use the alt. Saves needing a second install of anything. You get the minor pain point of having to relog once in a while, but at least you're only downloading one set of patches, one time.
08 Dec 2023, 9:30pm
If you have two (or more) Steam accounts with Elite Dangerous in their libraries, the copy you have installed will automatically be shared; there won't be multiple installs. By the way, Steam recently added an account selector, so you don't need to re-enter passwords when switching between accounts.

Why have alts in ED? For example, to do missions in the bubble and explore the galaxy at the same time.
08 Dec 2023, 9:51pm
EDO is the perfect time waster, with multi(poly) accounts it compounds time wasted. Similar to polyamory in Dilbert's sense "It came to his mind instead of not having one girl friend, he could think that he doesn't have more than one and it sounded like a progress to him".

Last edit: 09 Dec 2023, 12:57am
08 Dec 2023, 10:11pm
I don't have a girlfriend currently so I'm free to waste my time on stupid stuff, lol.

(instead of wasting our time on stupid stuff together which is certainly way more amusing, but no success so far, pffff)
08 Dec 2023, 10:15pm
Primary reason for me to have an alt is, well, doing stuff in the Bubble that I wouldn't on my main(like fighting Thargoids), and I recently got an RP excuse for one. And it will stay in the Bubble if I do something like go exploring on the main, where I would rather do that activity, if I do.

Providing I either bother to pay the price of the game as it is now or wait for Frontier to stop being lazy and also give it a discount on their web store instead of Steam apparently having one but not the standalone version(what sense does that make, in what world?).

Some of us are also fine being single, by the way. And we need to waste our free time somehow. It could be spent playing that other space game which shall not be named.
09 Dec 2023, 1:06am
Glen van RossIf I were to buy a second copy on Steam (using a second Steam account), I would probably do something like set up a second user account on the PC and then logout/login when I wanted to use the alt. Saves needing a second install of anything. You get the minor pain point of having to relog once in a while, but at least you're only downloading one set of patches, one time.

You can, in fact, run a program as a different user without relogging. (Here’s how you do that in Windows.)

Creating another user account is hairy if you run Windows 10 Home, though. (It’s not a problem if you run Windows 10 Pro, and according to what I’ve read also Windows 11 both Home and Pro.)

SakashiroBy the way, Steam recently added an account selector, so you don't need to re-enter passwords when switching between accounts.

Good to know Thanks for the info.
09 Dec 2023, 1:14am
Hi All,

I've tried a search for this on Inara, but I am unable to locate a post or details on how the Carrier balances are explained. Feel free to provide me with the link.
In game I have +300mill as a carrier balance. I have 100% allocated to carrier upkeep. My Inara carrier balance show the same available carrier balance. But there are other numbers, Reserve and Market Reserve as well as weekly upkeep allocation. It appears "Reserve" on the graph and "weekly upkeep allocation" are the same metric. Then there is the an "available" balance. In my case this is a negative number which looks to be the the result of the carrier balance minus the weekly upkeep allocation. The weekly upkeep allocation is a number that I have no understanding of where this originates as it is not a number I can find in my carrier management in game.
Are there a list of definitions of what each metric, and what their formulas are on Inara? I just can't see the correlation to the in game information and to Inara. Seeing a negative available balance on my carrier is a bit disheartening even though I know its wrong.

09 Dec 2023, 2:53am
XeknosI'm curious - why are some of you buying multiple copies? What's the point of an alt as opposed to just doing everything on one character?

I have it because the original ED Horizon alt account was a free give-away. My main account is now at Elite V in explo and I decided that was enough, so back in January this year I reset my alt, bought EDO and sent it out into the black with only a Cobra 3 and engineered FSD. Now, whenever I get the urge to be out in the black, I log into my alt and enjoy the zen, but I am always ready to wing up and do more sociable stuff with my main.
JagsjHi All,
I've tried a search for this on Inara, but I am unable to locate a post or details on how the Carrier balances are explained. Feel free to provide me with the link.
In game I have +300mill as a carrier balance. I have 100% allocated to carrier upkeep. My Inara carrier balance show the same available carrier balance. But there are other numbers, Reserve and Market Reserve as well as weekly upkeep allocation. It appears "Reserve" on the graph and "weekly upkeep allocation" are the same metric.

There are 2 types of reserve. The main one is set by percentage of the carrier balance and you have set this to 100% which ringfences the whole of your balance to upkeep.
The Market Reserve is how much money you have put aside for any buy orders on commodities on your carrier's trading screen. If you have set a buy order this will be deducted first, whether anyone sells you the product or not.
Then there is the an "available" balance. In my case this is a negative number which looks to be the the result of the carrier balance minus the weekly upkeep allocation. The weekly upkeep allocation is a number that I have no understanding of where this originates as it is not a number I can find in my carrier management in game.

The weekly upkeep allocation is the reserve percent in actual money and is how much you are squirelling away for upkeep. My reserve is set to 1% of my balance, which works out to be 47 million cr. The actual upkeep (a combination of all the modules you are paying for plus the number of jumps you take at 100,000cr / jump, only comes to 33 million, so is entirely covered.
Try setting your reserve to maybe around 10% of the 300 million and seeing if that makes a difference.
Even then, Id' say it is unlikely to account for your negative cash balance as the upkeep is never going to account for more than 50 million. If the available cash is in negative, I'd suggest it is because you have already allocated the money - most likely in a buy order on your commodity trading. 300 mill is not hard to spend if you're buying tritium for instance.

I can't see the market info on your carrier so I may be wrong, but either way, if you want to buy stuff off other commanders, it's a good idea to allow them to land on your carrier. Yours is currently set for no access.

Last edit: 09 Dec 2023, 3:02am
09 Dec 2023, 10:43am
Multiple Windows accounts make sense only if you want to play ED with different controller setups, since each Windows account gets its own AppData folder where ED stores its settings.
09 Dec 2023, 10:47am
MeowersI don't have a girlfriend currently so I'm free to waste my time on stupid stuff, lol.

(instead of wasting our time on stupid stuff together which is certainly way more amusing, but no success so far, pffff)

ED is certainly the most singleplayered multiplayer game I've ever seen.
09 Dec 2023, 10:52am
My ED alt account is one that my husband no longer uses since he felt the game was too grindy for him.
09 Dec 2023, 10:54am
SakashiroED is certainly the most singleplayered multiplayer game I've ever seen.
I'd totally return to the game if there was anyone (female, about my age, blah blah blah lol) to wing up with me and go shred Thargoids to bits together and then do funny human things after an evening of virtual battles. But that's a common far-fetched dream, lol.
09 Dec 2023, 11:12am
SakashiroED is certainly the most singleplayered multiplayer game I've ever seen.

I'd totally return to the game if there was anyone (female, about my age, blah blah blah lol) to wing up with me and go shred Thargoids to bits together and then do funny human things after an evening of virtual battles. But that's a common far-fetched dream, lol.

The engineer grind prevents such spontaneous things from happening. If I wanted to shred Thargoids with you, I'd have to build an AX ship first, and that would take me a month.
09 Dec 2023, 11:18am
SakashiroThe engineer grind prevents such spontaneous things from happening. If I wanted to shred Thargoids with you, I'd have to build an AX ship first, and that would take me a month.
Yup. And that's a lot of shit. Why did they even made it that way?.. Rhetorical. Floppy game design.
No AX-girlfriend dreams for me. Ah. That's no different from the rest of the life, in general.
09 Dec 2023, 11:32am
Yesterday I flew my Courier from the carrier back to ShinDez for some reconfiguration, and right before reaching Jameson I was interdicted. I did my usual evasion combo, and then, just before I low-waked, I saw in local chat:

"no cargo, you're free to go"

And I thought, wow, you had to type fast for me to even see that message!

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