Elite: Game talk

09 Dec 2023, 12:40pm
SakashiroYesterday I flew my Courier from the carrier back to ShinDez for some reconfiguration, and right before reaching Jameson I was interdicted. I did my usual evasion combo, and then, just before I low-waked, I saw in local chat:

"no cargo, you're free to go"

And I thought, wow, you had to type fast for me to even see that message!

You were scanned ... I guess you forgot how to do , how did you said it, ah yes - "usual evasion combo"
09 Dec 2023, 1:34pm
EpisparhYou were scanned ... I guess you forgot how to do , how did you said it, ah yes - "usual evasion combo"

Yup, it seems I'm getting slow.
09 Dec 2023, 10:35pm
SakashiroMultiple Windows accounts make sense only if you want to play ED with different controller setups, since each Windows account gets its own AppData folder where ED stores its settings.

Or if you want to play with different graphics settings, for the same reason. (It may make sense, actually — an alt that does exploration and almost never visits settlements might use higher settings while still getting acceptable FPS.)
10 Dec 2023, 12:20am
I'm so glad they added the long requested switch for absolute/relative mouse. Now using the Courier to collect Vista Genomics data, flying across planets with flight assist off, close to the surface, nose pointing down, looking for life forms. Thrusters are off most of the time, so all you hear is the wind outside, or whatever is playing of Spotify.
11 Dec 2023, 2:35pm
RE latest GalNet -

Took Pranav long enough. The hell’s he been doing for those last six months(almost)?

And I’ll be damned if that prediction of the idiot himself(“Salvation”) returning when the Thargoids actually start swinging the hammer turns out to be true in the end.
11 Dec 2023, 2:46pm
So, Salvation is Elite's Johnny Silverhand?
11 Dec 2023, 2:49pm
That depends, if you can consider a megaship as the body. Azimuth’s supposed top of the line, newfangled AX megaship Eternal Vigilance magically vanished after getting commissioned in T Tauri some time last year, and nobody’s even heard a peep of it since. That sets my tinfoil alarm off quite badly.

(Maybe we should just park a Glaive or an Orthrus next to the megaship once it’s found, job done.)
11 Dec 2023, 3:05pm
Considering what they did to Seo Jin-ae, it's very likely Salvation will occupy someone else's body, Relic-style.
11 Dec 2023, 3:10pm
Zemina Torval!
11 Dec 2023, 3:11pm
It’s not implausible, but that would still leave him with the problem of ‘The body will eventually expire anyway’.

… you know, maybe he has been planning to take over Torben all along. It would be quite ironic if Seo got her hands on that chip, inserted it… and then proceeded to shoot a plasma round into the back of the head after wiping any backups. Job done and solved. Probably.

(Why do I feel like they’re gonna pull some stupid thing that Salvation is going to try taking over the mind of his most tortured test subject?)
11 Dec 2023, 3:26pm
He needs a giant Mecha-Streisand mech suit.

If Wycherley becomes just another Guardian asset (ground site, beacon thingy), or a new store to buy Modshards 2.0, that's not very exciting.

At the very least he needs to be a capital ship that jumps into AX CZs and spouts off nonsense dialogue.
11 Dec 2023, 3:36pm
Glen van RossIf Wycherley becomes just another Guardian asset (ground site, beacon thingy)
Thousands of pilots would peck and tickle him with SRV guns in a classic Elite Grind Extravaganza. It would be amazing to hear, or at least to read his reactions during such activities.
11 Dec 2023, 3:53pm
As I was saying, Azimuth’s totally legitimate AX megaship Eternal Vigilance never showed up for the service that it was said to.

And if Frontier makes Seo disappear again, I’m going to… write them a strongly-worded letter about it. Because I don’t want to be looked at as that guy.
11 Dec 2023, 4:16pm
Kasumi GotoAs I was saying, Azimuth’s totally legitimate AX megaship Eternal Vigilance never showed up for the service that it was said to.

My guess is Eternal Vigilance will become the landable storefront where we buy Modshards 2.0, once Azimuth figures out how to monetize their old mecha-boss. Or if he decides to go into business for himself.

But I don't think the landable megaship models ever really enter or leave instances, right? (Fleet carriers being the exception.) I've never seen one of the giant megaships arrive or depart, at any rate.

Whatever they do with it, though, I think it would be true to his character to have him directly engaged in 'Goid combat now that he is disembodied, Guardian-powered, and has no fucks to give about personal survival. From the beginning, he didn't give a crap about impact or harm to the rest of us. I just don't want him to be a storefront and nothing else.
11 Dec 2023, 4:22pm
But I don't think the landable megaship models ever really enter or leave instances, right? (Fleet carriers being the exception.) I've never seen one of the giant megaships arrive or depart, at any rate.

I don’t think any of the actual megaships enter or leave instances, well, not visibly, as they are always shuffled around during server maintenance on the infamously named “Thargsday”(whoever originally came up with that deserves some kind of small medal, because I still find it funny now).

And the Farragut/Majestic entrance/exit… well, it’s more likely just an animation to not have it poof into existence. Or out of it, as I’ve seen happen when Elite decided to be Elite and not have said animation work so the cap ship just disappeared without a trace.

And if he wants to somehow try dumping his fancy ship next to a Titan he’s free to try, as long as he keeps Seo out of it. And figures out a way to not have the Guardian tech melt in there pretty much as soon as it’s exposed.

(If there are suddenly AX NPCs with some form of Guardian weaponry when the Nemesis plot goes somewhere, though, because he’s sending those out/controlling them, I might not argue. So long as it’s not another miracle solution that fails horribly.)

Last edit: 11 Dec 2023, 4:35pm

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