Elite: Game talk

16 Dec 2023, 10:04pm
Good suggestions.
I watched one guy on YouTube, who built a ship for ground assault. He w ou d go t OK these outposts and just kill all the skimmers, gun emplacement and these other bigger tank like vehicles. The places he attacked didn't seem to have any actual security system ships, just automated stuff and he wouldn't get notoriety. I wonder what would happen if I tried That?
16 Dec 2023, 10:22pm
Amedievalman... just kill all the skimmers, gun emplacement and these other bigger tank like vehicles. The places he attacked didn't seem to have any actual security system ships, just automated stuff and he wouldn't get notoriety. I wonder what would happen if I tried That?

You won't get notoriety for nuking automated defences (skimmers, turrets, generators), but you will accrue bounties. Notoriety only comes into play if you start murdering "Clean" NPCs or players.

Exception being an anarchy system where you can shoot all the clean people, all the time.

I try to stay away from notoriety because it frequently impacts the ability to do Powerplay-related things, and that is about 80% of what I do.
16 Dec 2023, 10:57pm
Ya I always avoid notoriety. I don't have a squadron so I'd have to find some random fleet carrier to hide in for 2+ hours. Bounties are fine, I play solo so no players hunting me for Bounties, just random NPCs
17 Dec 2023, 6:23pm
Kasumi GotoI blame it more on Frontier for making the war a cheesy game of box ticking and tissue sampling with real jokes of system strength, because they never bothered to balance it.

Well, until now, as they decided to up those difficulties again just last Friday(24th November) and those tissue samplers immediately went up in arms about being incapable of farming the Thargoids to death across every alert state.

The precise changes as they appear to be yet -
+150% strength for unpopulated alerts
+60% for populated alerts
+30% for uninhabited controls
(No change to inhabited controls)
Plus, maybe, some kinda nerf to sampling? Maybe being the key word.

o7 Kasumi,

Where did you get these? Thanks
17 Dec 2023, 11:29pm
o7 Kasumi,

Where did you get these? Thanks

This thread (specific post) here.


For specific context to those numbers, you need to go back a page or three to find the respective tests and discussions.

A slight addendum, also - a test performed a few weeks later shows that inhabited controls at the inner Maelstrom core(control sphere) have also increased to match the uninhabited controls at the ~5 ly and below range.
18 Dec 2023, 2:41pm
Well, there you go, Kira. Titan returnees are finally on the way home to Alliance territory, and we'll see if this storyline leads to mass calamity.
18 Dec 2023, 2:42pm
As far as I understand Frontier, it will. We will get another bunch of poorly scripted NPCs with a bit altered textures and that would be our on-foot AX. :p
18 Dec 2023, 3:07pm
MeowersAs far as I understand Frontier, it will. We will get another bunch of poorly scripted NPCs with a bit altered textures and that would be our on-foot AX. :p

We saw that coming last year, didn't we?
18 Dec 2023, 3:18pm
MeowersAs far as I understand Frontier, it will. We will get another bunch of poorly scripted NPCs with a bit altered textures and that would be our on-foot AX. :p

That's the best-case scenario. I kind of doubt FDev's in any position to deliver that now.
18 Dec 2023, 3:34pm
I'd like to think such development work would have been started well before the update it is in is set to come out, so it should be done anyway.

Whether this will have consequences (or not) for a potential update 19, that is another matter.

(And I'm relatively convinced it won't just be "fine", regarding the Titan abducted. I'd be surprised if they made an abduction arc just to... have everything be roses and dandy. Then again, I kind of want to see the hair pulling of the hardcore AX crowd being incapable of getting their rusty brain gears to turn enough to comprehend that the Thargoids didn't mess with those people in any way.)
18 Dec 2023, 5:00pm
Everything is going to be just FINE Ms Goto... Its the holidays , let us help people spend it with their families.
Im just saying that the war is going in our favor, we might even be celebrating victory this new years eve.
18 Dec 2023, 6:20pm
I’m going to press that funny button which allows me to express doubt on any - premature - declarations of victory.

But maybe the Thargoids will let us celebrate holidays mostly care-free. Just ignore that… probably more than half a dozen systems that will likely be invaded on this week’s Thursday.

And what might happen around the time of January or February.
18 Dec 2023, 6:59pm
There is no doubt. I am certain Frontier won't do anything until late January.

This is usually how it goes after they start free daily arx and give that gift delivery mistery... No ship this year though.

Last edit: 18 Dec 2023, 7:05pm
18 Dec 2023, 7:42pm
The former captives will cause a pandemic because of their exposure to Thargoid pathogens. There will be a community goal to gather materials for a vaccine against Thargy-19. The vaccine will eradicate Thargy-19 as soon as the CG is completed because that is just how things work.
18 Dec 2023, 8:22pm
Kind of funny but also not. The latter, mostly, because the CG part is far too true.

(Will it be Thargoid plagues... maybe, but also possibly not in the traditional form [that ends up killing people].)

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