Elite: Game talk

19 Dec 2023, 4:51am
It's... Ironically funny. In a way that makes you want to laugh while also facepalming. And... They're getting paid for that crap.
19 Dec 2023, 10:34am
Truthfully, I don’t think they’re gonna let this one be handled via just a CG. But that also depends on where it goes.

Chaos within the Bubble is unlikely unless the affected turn(a “traditional” plague seems a little boring, narratively speaking) and can turn others, if there’s only a few thousand. The millions supposedly stuck on the Titans? Dunno. I guess they’ll plonk them down at the stupid Odyssey settlements that you would expect at frontier colonies, not the well-built core systems, and spires, if they’re angry.

But I get the feeling their purpose might - at least partially - end up being some other than to be more cannon fodder for the trigger happy idiots, or something else to get annoyed at for those who can’t accept them back into society while angrily shouting about aliens in their lawn and sky, with a shotgun in their hands.
19 Dec 2023, 1:57pm
Why do system authority vessels keep attacking my ship without provocation lately?
19 Dec 2023, 11:09pm
Kasumi GotoI'd like to think such development work would have been started well before the update it is in is set to come out, so it should be done anyway.

I don't think they ever had any intention of delivering Thargoid zombie combat, before layoffs or after.

It would just invalidate all of the Titan extraction activities and modules, and that game play would drop to zero precipitously.

Whatever their endgame is here for returnees, ending one particular game play loop seems like ... a long shot.

19 Dec 2023, 11:30pm
Not all of the captives need to be ‘affected’. And voilà, you’ve also got a(nother) moral dilemma on your hands.

(Or those that have turned already just are not in the pods any longer.)

Do am beginning to think their purpose in the story might be another than acting as cannon fodder for trigger happy people… or it won’t be just that at least. As I’ve seen other people say, there’d be better experiences than dealing with Odyssey’s kind of braindead trooper AI in a reskinned enemy, though an addition of Revenants and/or a Banshee could make that interesting anyway.

Last edit: 20 Dec 2023, 5:13am
20 Dec 2023, 2:22am
CupcoWhy do system authority vessels keep attacking my ship without provocation lately?

FDEV state its a "bug' left over from the halloween event most likely, but i dont think its a bug at all
I think we failed and the Shamash signal is in the comms of the system defense forces now
20 Dec 2023, 5:42am
MiseriIm just saying that the war is going in our favor, we might even be celebrating victory this new years eve.

Not sure, 300 lost system, already starts to raising, and the titans are still there.
20 Dec 2023, 8:53am
zombies? fdev is small indie company. Give em decades for that.
20 Dec 2023, 5:29pm
Traveling with a fleet carrier is less grindy than I expected! The key is to laser-focus on maximum yield: scanning only planets that haven't been landed on before, and mining only rocks with at least 20% tritium content.
20 Dec 2023, 5:30pm
SakashiroTraveling with a fleet carrier is less grindy than I expected! The key is to laser-focus on maximum yield: scanning only planets that haven't been landed on before, and mining only rocks with at least 20% tritium content.

... but Why?
20 Dec 2023, 5:35pm
Episparh... but Why?

To explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before!
20 Dec 2023, 6:43pm
Is it just me or did they break Jameson memorial in the last update. I have FSD booster unlocked but can't buy them. They do not show in the available optional modules list. Does anyone else have this problem? What should I do? It seems that submitting reports and tickets does no good and I've already tried twitter(ehrm excuse me X. LOL)

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 20 Dec 2023, 10:42pm
20 Dec 2023, 7:35pm
SakashiroTraveling with a fleet carrier is less grindy than I expected! The key is to laser-focus on maximum yield: scanning only planets that haven't been landed on before, and mining only rocks with at least 20% tritium content.

Hope you are getting bacterium and fonticulua on every planet...
20 Dec 2023, 10:39pm
SakashiroTraveling with a fleet carrier is less grindy than I expected! The key is to laser-focus on maximum yield: scanning only planets that haven't been landed on before, and mining only rocks with at least 20% tritium content.

It seems like only one or two systems worth of biologics would be necessary to pay weekly maintenance on a carrier. As for fuel, I'd probably just buy a full cargo hold of it in the bubble and top off as necessary while exploring. I kind of like mining, but I don't know if I'd like it as much if it became a requirement. Still, the convenience of having a nearby carrier would take the pressure off of getting to a repair bay after accidentally smacking into a high-g planet, or being dropped from supercruise after entering a system right between two kissing blue giants.

One of my many exploration pucker moments
20 Dec 2023, 11:15pm
Got an 82 million payout for scanning two systems yesterday. That's five weeks of upkeep. Vista pays so much more for first discoveries that landing on planets that already have a first footfall tag is a waste of time. Regarding tritium, I only mine the double digit amount to replace the fuel spent on the previous jump. That's about as much mining as I can handle without getting bored.

My next destination is Colonia. There are still a few engineers I haven't unlocked since I wiped my previous save.

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