Elite: Game talk

22 Dec 2023, 7:15am
Vasil Vasilescu
I mean im fine with that, lets race to the finish line!
First on there gets to decide the fate of a galaxy

The militant bastard in me wants to fight the Reapers and go down fighting, but I'd probably just join them. Oh, sorry. wrong game.

Why, what they were thought? How they were thought? Some peoples really should get back down to earth, before they were brought down in a not so gentle manners...
22 Dec 2023, 7:24am
Vasil VasilescuThe militant bastard in me wants to fight the Reapers and go down fighting, but I'd probably just join them. Oh, sorry. wrong game.
Don't forget Alduin! That prick has been annoying peasants for quite a long time.
22 Dec 2023, 7:47am
Just jumped the carrier after quite a break. It is so nice now being able to do this from the bridge command chair!

22 Dec 2023, 8:17am
Vasil VasilescuThe militant bastard in me wants to fight the Reapers and go down fighting, but I'd probably just join them. Oh, sorry. wrong game.

Don't forget Alduin! That prick has been annoying peasants for quite a long time.

You should have acted, hes already here, Seo warned of his return, his defeat merely a delay, for a time after the Titans arrived
22 Dec 2023, 9:05am
It’s a shame the peasants were all up in arms about it because their sorry rusty brains can’t imagine that the idiot who built a system-wide weapon couldn’t figure out some Guardian gizmo to make his brain digital.

And the politicians trotted along because they don’t much care to upset the idiots and instead leave a threat to go by unchecked. Or maybe it was those Azimuth pamphlets some of them held upside down.
29 Dec 2023, 10:30am
Met a PvPer in Colonia today, he shot the hull to 1% and let me go. This might be a way for me to accept PvP. I was already tapping towards the selfdestruct button on my staggering hud (really nice to get 10 fps when instancing). Now considering leaving Colonia sooner than planned because there's *no difference between Colonia region and the Bubble*. I can try to learn some of the Odyssey gameplay just as well in the Bubble as in here. Making sure to visit Open only in the best fighters/battleships I have.
29 Dec 2023, 11:07am
Spiraling to death...
29 Dec 2023, 11:37am

(ID: Two screenshots from the Legacy Pilots Coalition Discord server. The first screenshot depicts PS4 CMDR ScurvyCharlie of ONLK sharing a screenshot that reads, "RAXXLA SIGNAL FOUND / CODE: 7*78cbd635," with ScurvyCharlie commenting, "The Order of Omphalos made a discovery 6 hours ago. HIP 20577," and, "Confirmed not found on console."

The second screenshot depicts a conversation between PS4 CMDR ScurvyCharlie of ONLK and PS4 CMDR madamepestilence of RPIU, which reads as follows:

madamepestilence: have other people double checked?
according to raxxla lore they would specifically only directly reach out to the best of the best
you'd have to send someone at least triple elite or something to test
if it is genuine, the question would then be is it an event or an easter egg
im also curious about the supposed code
is 7*78cbd635 a password or a cipher

ScurvyCharlie: It was a triple elite that saw it first. Many have reproduced since.
Just to be sure, we're submitting customer service tickets.
Just in case of hacks.

madamepestilence: good call


Just thought I'd share this potential discovery
29 Dec 2023, 12:14pm
That works only if you get free Anaconda from Hutton Orbital and fly it there.
29 Dec 2023, 12:24pm
It's a hacker screwing with people, 99% certainty. They can throw messages out through system chat like that.

(And Korani Renkar is... how can I put this mildly... not the sharpest knife.)
29 Dec 2023, 12:27pm
Kasumi GotoKorani Renkar
Who's that? Or what's that?
29 Dec 2023, 12:31pm
An Elite player. Not very interesting Elite player who made it their goal to try being Azimuth's number 1 supporters with their player group, and laughably failing at it. Also made that "Order of Omphalos discovery" message discussed above.

They are behind such statements as "Seo willingly committed to Project Seraph and so any harm done was not inflicted without consent". Which tells you all you need to know.

(And apparently doesn't actually care about lore but just to get "recognized by Frontier". Which is also all I'm gonna say publicly to not get a slap on the wrist by Artie.)
29 Dec 2023, 12:40pm
EpisparhThat works only if you get free Anaconda from Hutton Orbital and fly it there.

Kasumi GotoIt's a hacker screwing with people, 99% certainty. They can throw messages out through system chat like that.

Yeah, I'm not really sold on it either. Especially if it's only working on PC - there may be a Live/Legacy split, but that doesn't seem like the kind of thing Frontier would segregate. Something's off
29 Dec 2023, 12:48pm
I got the message as well, some people didn't. I figured it was a clue to opening R_xxla, since we found it about three years ago this coming March. Seems more like a memory code error number.

And we also checked checked if it was 3 digit Milky Way location:

(PS4) madamepestilence (RPIU)

(ID: Two screenshots from the Legacy Pilots Coalition Discord server. The first screenshot depicts PS4 CMDR ScurvyCharlie of ONLK sharing a screenshot that reads, "RAXXLA SIGNAL FOUND / CODE: 7*78cbd635," with ScurvyCharlie commenting, "The Order of Omphalos made a discovery 6 hours ago. HIP 20577," and, "Confirmed not found on console."

The second screenshot depicts a conversation between PS4 CMDR ScurvyCharlie of ONLK and PS4 CMDR madamepestilence of RPIU, which reads as follows:

madamepestilence: have other people double checked?
according to raxxla lore they would specifically only directly reach out to the best of the best
you'd have to send someone at least triple elite or something to test
if it is genuine, the question would then be is it an event or an easter egg
im also curious about the supposed code
is 7*78cbd635 a password or a cipher

ScurvyCharlie: It was a triple elite that saw it first. Many have reproduced since.
Just to be sure, we're submitting customer service tickets.
Just in case of hacks.

madamepestilence: good call


Just thought I'd share this potential discovery

Last edit: 29 Dec 2023, 12:53pm
29 Dec 2023, 12:57pm
(PS4) madamepestilence (RPIU)
Yeah, I'm not really sold on it either. Especially if it's only working on PC - there may be a Live/Legacy split, but that doesn't seem like the kind of thing Frontier would segregate. Something's off

If it’s of any more use, that message randomly appeared in a system around a Titan that is currently undergoing Thargoid invasion [in the ‘Live’ galaxy], so it’s even less likely to mean anything, and even more likely that a hacker decided to have some fun in a popular system.

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