Elite: Game talk

21 Dec 2023, 1:28pm
*rolls eyes at GalNet*

Can’t have the story moving at a reasonable pace now, so here’s Seo either just remaining silent for no evident reason or looking like she’s sulking, and Pranav plugging Utopia with a message about human unity that will get lost in the shouting of Feds and Imps in the same room.

Literal waste of text and storage space.
21 Dec 2023, 2:28pm
I am unable to purchase any Guardian unlocked items after unlocking. Anyone else seeing this same problem?
21 Dec 2023, 2:31pm
21 Dec 2023, 4:28pm
21 Dec 2023, 5:24pm
Kasumi Goto*rolls eyes at GalNet*

Can’t have the story moving at a reasonable pace now, so here’s Seo either just remaining silent for no evident reason or looking like she’s sulking, and Pranav plugging Utopia with a message about human unity that will get lost in the shouting of Feds and Imps in the same room.

Literal waste of text and storage space.

She either heard something that upset her, or scared her
either way she seems like shes getting ready to take things into her own hands again.
Watch out for her
21 Dec 2023, 5:41pm
Not much I can do about it. Not just because my character is technically unavailable from an RP standpoint in the timeline.
21 Dec 2023, 5:45pm
She's going to disappear into deep space for a couple of weeks, so we can get a few "Alba Tesreau doesn't know where Seo Jin-Ae is" articles, and then a message from a remote beacon will be discovered, leading to a half-dozen more beacons, which will point to a new Guardian site, and after following clues to a half dozen more new Guardian sites, we will eventually find the one with the evil disembodied Wycherley consciousness.
21 Dec 2023, 6:08pm
Glen van RossShe's going to disappear into deep space for a couple of weeks, so we can get a few "Alba Tesreau doesn't know where Seo Jin-Ae is" articles, and then a message from a remote beacon will be discovered, leading to a half-dozen more beacons, which will point to a new Guardian site, and after following clues to a half dozen more new Guardian sites, we will eventually find the one with the evil disembodied Wycherley consciousness.

I mean im fine with that, lets race to the finish line!
First on there gets to decide the fate of a galaxy
21 Dec 2023, 6:23pm
… could we not? I wouldn’t trust myself with the fate of the galaxy, let alone… well, almost anyone else. At least with Seo, I know she’s just interested in stabbing whatever Salvation is now to death.
21 Dec 2023, 6:59pm
You know that I have to go to my father's side if he returns , my RP demands it.
Im practically alight with anticipation of seeing where this goes though.

21 Dec 2023, 7:06pm
MiseriI mean im fine with that, lets race to the finish line!
First on there gets to decide the fate of a galaxy

Is there even a chance that evil disembodied Mecha-Salvation will let mere humans decide the fate of the galaxy? He's never been particularly good about taking direction, or observing niceties like civil liberties and bodily autonomy, or worrying about the impact of his actions on others...

Given that his schemes always work out and never fail catastrophically in unexpected ways, there's no chance we'll end up fighting both Thargoids and Guardian constructs, right?
21 Dec 2023, 7:08pm
I mean short answer

WE are totally gonna get caught between two forces fighting
The real question is Salvation coming in friendly at first or just skipping right to the prepare for assimilation
21 Dec 2023, 7:37pm
I mean, maybe that’s what the Thargoids have been doing to stop us from getting absolutely bushwhacked. A few million captives would certainly provide more than sufficient genetic diversity to let the species continue on, if something were to happen to the general population…
21 Dec 2023, 10:49pm
I mean im fine with that, lets race to the finish line!
First on there gets to decide the fate of a galaxy

The militant bastard in me wants to fight the Reapers and go down fighting, but I'd probably just join them. Oh, sorry. wrong game.
21 Dec 2023, 10:55pm
no problems beside the ones they keep creating.
That they mention the powerplay weapons is useful though
not being able to use many very very often
currently packhounds and really any missile is a waste of space
I have outfitted several ships in the past weeks with no problems unlocking or buying
without going to the ever so useful bug tracker, details are not abundant here.
unlocking anything that remains unlocked is no problem
unlocking pre-engineered or modified or anything that is unlock is buying, and has to be done for every one you want has many issues
mostly it does a bad job on the immediate display for your mats and if you think you can unlock more it might stop you because its not seeing what you are seeing.
so exit the tech trader after each unlock/buy and try again works as long as you have the room and the mats
if you are simply trying to buy unlocked items that are visible in outfitting, make sure you pay attention to the ax limitations that do not appear always.
if they are not visible, there is a reason, or maybe a bug.

sorry if that was condescending, not meant to be anything other than what I see when I unlock and buy.

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